Hi everyone,
Well done Stacy on the 2lb weight loss,
fingers crossed that you lose the 2lb this week as well. You sound as though you have been a very busy bee with all your work and studies.
Diva the scales went in the right direction which is the main thing so don't get to disheartened. Lucky you lovely hot summer weather.
Wow Katierose another 3lb off that is fantastic
. Look forward to seeing your new cardi and hat
Glad all went well with the move Bella are you settled in now? How was the walk? Look forward to hearing all your news
Dad is out of hospital now which is great, it is lovely to see him home
the medication has certainly helped but he still gets confused and struggles to make himself understood at times. Could not remember my name earlier today. Have had appointments with lung cancer nurse just waiting for oncology appointment to discuss what treatment they suggest.
Have been busy at work am catching up as I was not in for over a week as spent most of my time at the hospital.
Hope you all have a good week. Take care x
Well done Stacy on the 2lb weight loss,
Diva the scales went in the right direction which is the main thing so don't get to disheartened. Lucky you lovely hot summer weather.
Wow Katierose another 3lb off that is fantastic
Glad all went well with the move Bella are you settled in now? How was the walk? Look forward to hearing all your news
Dad is out of hospital now which is great, it is lovely to see him home
Have been busy at work am catching up as I was not in for over a week as spent most of my time at the hospital.
Hope you all have a good week. Take care x