Good evening everyone, how are we all?
Bella thank goodness you are ok, your car skidding must have been really scary. it was nice that your brother lived nearby. Have you got your halloween party this weekend?
Hope you are ok Stacy, I am sure sometimes men think we actually enjoy cleaning, washing up, ironing etc! I am lucky as Mr Bin is quite happy to cook and wash up, very rarely puts things away though and then gets annoyed when he cant find things!! Did you watch X factor this week really wanted Frankie to go cant believe he was not in bottom two, hopefully this week
Hi Kassy, like you I have fallen off track eating all the naughty but nice stuff had a large bit of carrot cake today it was lovely

must get back into healthy eating mode soon!
Dad saw specialist last week not good news, were told Dad could have radiotherapy to the brain but it would not cure him just give him some extra time, so we have decided as he is 81, for him not to have treatment as the side effects are horrible and it would make him feel awful. The specialist did say he thought we had made the right decision.
Had Health and Safety inspection at work on Monday

they seemed happy with what they saw just a couple of recommendations. But I was on edge the whole time they were around although I must admit they were quite nice.
Hello Katieose, Diva and Flutterby hope you are all well.
Am of to Portland Bill tomorrow for the day, got football in Southampton on Saturday then on Sunday going to Portsmouth to cheer my son and his mate on in the Great South Run, so a busy weekend ahead.
Take care, have a good Thursday xx