Hi girls
Here I am!

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, haven't been feeling too good and spent most of the time feeling sorry for myself for no other reason than just plain misery!
Basically, the story is this, I started Slimming world in January weighing in at home at 15st 9lbs. According to my scales, I lost 3 stone but a visit to the nurse showed I was only 1 stone lighter. Plus my blood pressure was taken and it was far too high. I couldn't work out why as my scales were definitely saying 3 stone so it didnt make any sense. So I weighed myself at the gym, and yep, the scales there showed I was the same as the docs. I couldn't understand how my scales could be so wrong because they're digital so it's not like I could cheat my weigh-in each week! After a lot of tears and talks with my family, I put it down to weighing myself on dodgy floor surfacing! Sounds stupid doesn't it, but my scales are in my bedroom on carpet flooring so I took them to the bathroom and again, the same thing happened. So basically, I've spent the last few weeks feeling really sorry for myself and if I'm honest, like a liar and a cheat, because I've been telling everyone how much I have lost and it's all been a big joke!
Anyway, I decided two weeks ago that there's not much I can do except get back on my bike and start peddling and I managed to lose 5lbs last saturday (now weighing in at the gym before my spin class). Obviously, I was really happy, but come Sunday, I was ready to sabotage myself again and I don't even know why. Since then it's been chocolate every day!

I'm dredding the scales this week because I think it might be a gain, but I'm hoping if I go easy on my food intake between now and then and make sure I do lots of exercise, I may be ok.
I went back to see the nurse on monday, a different one this time (not my choice!), and the first thing she noticed was my weight loss (I've seen her a few times in the past) and she checked my BP and it was perfect! I had to give blood to check for gloucouse etc (although she didn't see the point - it was down to the previous nurse who saw me) and I'm going to get these results today, so hopefully they will be ok too.
So as you can see, it's all been a bit stressful and emotional for me, so I decided to have a few days off to get myself back to "normal" which I hope I am now, despite my few days blip. I'm going to South Africa on 27th Dec (26 weeks time) and really want to get to 10st 4lbs (ignore the stats on my profile, I need to change them). I'm not sure how much I'll be able to lose in that time but i'm aiming for 2lbs a week which is just under 4 stone so if I can push myself, I might just do it.
I've just been reading through the SW magazine and have lots of meal ideas etc, so now I just need to get my refocus head back on and be the loser I know I can be!
No doubt you'll be seeing a lot more of me on here now!
Hope you're all ok and having a great day xxXXxx