Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Bella30.....thank you for sharing your story.......

If anyone finds MY motivation wandering around can someone please send it back to meeeeee !!!!!
Struggling too this week....had a drinky poo.....found Cherry Jack Rum, ye gads it's delish, it's 115 cals for a big double measure, which I eek out with a can of diet coke...but 3 of those in an evening ??? My cals have been way up too..... Not crazy snacking but I'm on the last painting project and I think I am going to write a big old list of house chores and make myself do 2 of those before I sit down and think about either a little drink or a snackety snack !!!
When I get a chance I will share some of my horror stories......

Diva x
Bella, what a grea idea to share our stories. Some of what I was reading in yours felt like I could actually be reading about myself. Especially the lonley binging. It sounds like you felt the pressure to be slim ad beautiful at a really young age, and anything learnt that long ago stays with you I think. You must have programmed yourself to believe that to be attractive/popular/sucessful we have to be thin. Which is what most women do believe. I know I do. The pressure of society and peers these days is unreal. I bet the break up of your mam and dad didnt help too. Then it sound like you do what I do - When you get stressed or down or feel lacking in self esteem - you hit the grub then that makes you wose, then you eat more, then you feel worse still and before you know it it's been months and then your left really down. You are stunning and YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT. You have done it before and you can do it again! Even on the curvier side I bet you are more beautiful that skinny people. School is the beginning of most girls weight issues I think. I bet its even harder these days as there is even more pressure to look good. Now, 13 years olds could pass for 16. Its unbelivable. Fake tans, hair extensions, mini skirts. The world has went beauty obesessed.

Well, heres my story...

I never had an issue with weight or anything really until I hit 16. I did get some attention off boys but thats probally because I 'put it about a bit' as I was such a walk over and thought if I done that people would want me. Bad I know. Annyway, when I went to college I started to compare mywelf to other people and wanted to look like the girls on the TV or the music videos. What started out a little diet soon turned into an obsession and I ended up with full blown bulimia and annorexic epesodes by the time I was 17.

Now I never looked painfully thin or anything but I was a size 8 and had a figure to dye for (looking back I see that now but I thought I was fat at the time). I struggled with this for years. But I maintained a low weight and starsted getting loads of attention and even ended up modelling for 2 years, but it wasnt enough - I still wanted to be thinner. I was obsessed with the gym and what I was putting into my mouth. When I look back at myelf now I get jealous as I would love to have that figure again (even plus a stone) but nooooo, I thoght I was fat and spent he ages of 17 to 26 with a majo eating disorder and depression and all sorts, rather than just enjoying life.

I got the eating disorder prety much under control through medication and counselling, etc then 3 yaers ago, when I came back from a holiday in Ibiza (that wa the last time I was thin at a size 8-10) I just went in the oppisate direction. I turned into a compulsive over eater and started drinking heavily. Then I would not leave the house hardly, onlyto go to work and back (altough I lost so many jobs for phoning in sick) and then when I was 28-29 I was up to alost a size 20, having put on almost 7 stone in 2 years. Thats when I knew I had to do something about it so in September last year I went on my first ever healthy diet (no fads or shoving my fingers down my throat or laxatives), so here I am now 3 stone lighter. But I think food will always be an issue with me. I am obsessed with it.

I think this week has been a bit of a relapse and I have been freaking out as I never want to end up a size 20 again.

I am retty hard on myself too as now I will always compare myself to how slim I was. I spoilt it for myself by having no control. Now, even if I get down to a size 10, my stomach is left with a hanging pouch, and its not exatly small. If only I didnt pile it on in the first place. So that thought tourments me everyday. And it dosent help when people like the fact that you have piu weight on "oooooh, remember her, she used to be a model, look now she is fat hahaha". The whole of the town (practically) where I live have commented to other people about my weight gain. Well, I'll give them summit else to talk about - the weight loss, when I lose it all again. CAUSE I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that felt good :eek:) I'm ready to go again. Hey Bella you are magic.

Rite, who is next????.......

I have attached some pics so you can see what I am on about above.

Me back when I was modelling in 2005 (cant believe i thought i was fat) and me last summer (i ended up baing a size bigger than this but I have no photos).

What I wouldt give to be that slim again!



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I find I can relate to so many people on this site also, and I take a lot of comfort in that. I think you’re right about the pressure on me to be slim at such a young age. There are so many times where I wish I could rewind my life and do it again because I’m sure I would be so much happier and confident if I could change the areas which have affected me. Then again, I guess for every correction there’s another mistake and they are what make us into the people we are today.

My mum and dad’s break up was hard, but didn’t really come as a surprise, however, it affected me a lot more when I went home after uni because I could hide away from it while I wasn’t at home. However, I wasn’t really doing that because I was binging to numb the pain.

Self esteem has a lot to answer for and I think your right with it starting at school. It’s scary that so many young children have these issues too. I don’t think it will ever change.

I’m so sorry to hear you’ve suffered with an eating disorder. It must have been awful dealing with it. I’ve been through phases where I’ve made myself sick after binging but never to the extent that you suffered. Do you still see a counsellor now? I’ve contemplated seeing one and actually went to see a lady where I had a free session and cried my eyes out throughout the whole thing. She was lovely and wanted to see me again, but I never went back. Think I was too scared and embarrassed. It sounds like you went through a really hard time with but like you said, you’ve got through it and you’re now 3 stone lighter, which is so fantastic and that’s something you need to keep reminding yourself everytime you feel the need to binge. I do believe once you have issues with food, however big or small, it will always stay with you so you need to find a way to deal with it. My mum was bulimic when she was a teenager and even now she’s so fussy with food and panics when we go out for dinner and see loads of food on the table, or if we go to hers for a bbq/dinner, we always have to take the uneaten food with us because she hates having it in her house!

You must stop comparing yourself to when you were younger. You are gorgeous and the pictures show it. Concentrate on you now and take each day at a time, and like you said you will show everyone you can lose the weight. Just make sure you’re doing it for you, not everyone around you. People can be so small minded and will always make others feel bad to make themselves feel good so ignore the petty comments. You can do this, infact we all can! :)
I'm a bit late with my response, but it has been a busy day today!

Thanks to you girls for sharing your stories - a great idea by the way Bella! Here is my story.

In highschool I never worried about my weight, even though I was bullied for being "fat" which I wasn't. Then I met my ex-fiance. I was so head over heels for him, and we got into a very very bad habit of eating lots of junk food, because we were teens and didn't have money to go out. Towards the end of our relationship my self-esteem became worse as I started to gain weight, and I couldn't understand why he found he attractive. I just couldn't believe that any man would want to see me the way I was. He would have posters of cars with girls who had the most amazing figures and I knew I couldn't live up to them. I found myself crying quite a lot because looking at them made me feel so disgusting and we would have arguments over it.

For the last year of our relationship (the year we were engaged), he joined the army and was located down south, so I only seen him 3 times a year, which was very hard for me. And I turned to food as a comfort then too. When he broke off the relationship, I was convinced he stopped loving me because of how I looked and again I fell into comfort eating/binge eating. I would eat to try and fill the void that he left.

That was 6 years ago :cry: And I still feel like there's a void, still feel like I am missing that something that I had with him, and I still binge/comfort eat when I feel bored/down, which is far too often!

I have to change now! I can feel my health is not at it's best - sore knees, joints, back pain, thighs chafing etc. It's just not how I should be! I have to stop being lazy and just start getting of my fat ass and moving more! I hate exercise, have always hated exercise - I used to forge notes from my mum when I was in highschool to get out of gym!

So things need to change for me. If they don't, I'll just keep gaining and gaining weight and I can't handle that. I don't want to be this way, and only I can change it. I just wish my mind would hurry up and join my way of thinking so that I can stop myself reaching for that chocolate bar (or 3!) or packet of crisps (or 4!).

Hi Stacy

I know that feeling of eating junk because you don’t have much money – it happened to me at uni and ended up on a pasta and cider diet! Not good! It’s terrible when you start questioning why people would find you attractive, isn’t it. I do it all the time. My friends and family compliment me all the time, and it’s almost like I’m too scared to accept it so brush it off and turn it into a negative straight away.

It seems that being lonely is a common trait amongst us for why we binge. It’s a big reason why I over eat. I try and put myself in situations where I’m around people so I’m not tempted to binge, but I find myself going into a dream where I plan what I’m going to buy at the shop on the way home! Not good!

You can definitely make the changes you need to get out of the binge cycle. I also have health issues: high blood pressure, creaky knees, back pain and suffer with chafing thighs too. I hate it but hopefully my marathon training will help tone my legs and get rid of that problem! I hated sports at school too and was always in the last 2 to get picked and got to a point where I used to have “stomach ache” so couldn’t exercise!

You must remember, you’re not on your own with this journey and you will get there. Your mind will soon realise what to do because your heart is already there. You can definitely do it and we’re all here to help you! xxXXxx

Thanks Bella :)

Being lonely I think is a big part of it for a lot of people. I only have a couple of friends really-and they are not the best friends! It's alright for them to rant and rave to me about their problems but not the other way round :( so that makes it quite tough and again makes me turn to food!

I just saved a pic of Emma Watson onto my computer for inspiration. She has a fantastic figure!! Have u seen the pic of her out jogging recently?? That's what I want to look like! Maybe a bit of inspiration will spur me on a bit better.

It's just a relief to know there are people who feel very similar to me. To know I'm not alone! Xxxx

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Ah, Stacy, that makes me feel really sad to think your friends are not supporting you. You always have us though, don't forget! I've seen that pic of Emma Watson - she has a stunning figure! My inspiration is Holly Willoughby - I think she has a gorgeous figure! xx
Yeah I'm glad I have this place! It really sucks sometimes not being able to talk to them about things because I get judged-one friend in particular is very opinionated and has to be right all the time!

I think Holly Willoughby has a great figure too-very natural and curvy :) xxx

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I know people like that too and it makes it so difficult to have any conversation with them, even if it's about something stupid like Eastenders, because whatever you say, it's going to be wrong! lol

Yeah Holly W is a great role model. I love her style and have got the Very catalogue and want all the clothes she models! lol Maybe when I'm slim.....
lol I know it is very frustrating!!! You just want to tell them to shut up sometimes!!

You WILL have those clothes when you're slim, and you will look FAB in them!!! Xxx

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Yeah and the more you want them to be quiet, the louder they get! Lol
I have found another dress I'm aiming for but still have a couple I've already bought which I want to get in still!

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That's good to have something to aim to fit in-good motivation! I don't have that! I used to have a pair of diesel jeans and was determined that I would fit into but that was so long ago and I got fed up and gave them to charity :( maybe I should buy something! Xxx

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Ooooooh, yes you must buy something nice and that will keep u motivated for sure! Xx

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Yes I will buy something fab to wear when I am slim!

I had my first day at work today. Working in a kilt hire shop! There's a lot to take in! It was quite busy until around 3pm, then it was veeeeeeeery quiet - like so quiet we all just stood watching the very heavy rain outside! lol I'm only supposed to work 15 hours a week, but already have quite a bit of overtime sorted for the next 3 weeks which is great - money-wise! Although my supervisor did kind of hunt that she may want the position to become full time - which I can't do because I'm starting 2 college courses in September and volunteer one day a week! :( I need to do college and volunteering because I am applying to do Midwifery next year. So there's no other option for me! I'll wait and see how long this part-time stuff lasts though, which will hopefully be a while!

Now, I am absolutely knackered, sitting in my bed after a little binge :)cry:), bored stiff, but may watch a movie soon.

How's everyone elses weekends shaping up? xxx
Glad your first day went well. Ooooh kilt shop...bet that was interesting. You'll have to keep us posted if any nice young men come in!!! Lol

Your college course sounds exciting, I bet you can't wait to start it. One of my friends is studying midwify too and she loves it.

Are u watching a movie? I'm watching its a boy girl thing...so cheesy but love it!!

Hope you're ok, dont get upset about the binge. I've had a Chinese tonight! Naughty, ay! Xx

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hehe yeah it looks like it will be quite good! We had a couple in today :D What better way to hit on a guy than telling him you need his measurements!! haha! :D

Yeah I am so excited! It's just biology and English at college, but if they can help me get into uni next year then can't wait! :D That's great! What year is your friend in? I volunteer on a Friday morning on the postnatal ward at my local hospital and really enjoy it there :)

Can't find a movie that I want to watch so I've been sitting watching The Big Bang Theory, How I Met your Mother and now Friends! lol

hehe! I don't feel really bad about it, I think it's down to me being tired! Had a slice of chocolate birthday cake after dinner and 2 packets of crisps - oh and a Flake :( We had chinese lastnight! :eek: was so yummy though!! lol xxx
hahaha, I want your job!!! ;) lol

I think my mate is in her second year now, but could be wrong! She loves it though.

You've got to love E4 for saturday night TV. Infact, you just got to love E4 everyday! I'm always watching friends, how I met your mother, Glee, Gok's fashion roadshow...you name it, I watch it! Also love Sky 1 for Simpsons and living TV for Biggest Loser...I watch all the quality TV shows!

I stuffed my face with chinese and chocolate (not at the same time though!) and it was lush! Have to say though, I'm feeling the urge to go to the gym now...might go in the morning! xxx
lol you never know - maybe I'll find my Mr Right with this job!! lol :D

You have very good taste in TV programmes!! :D Exactly the same programmes I watch - especially Glee - I loooooove it!

I NEVER get the urge to go to the gym!! lol Although sometimes after a binge I do get the urge to go out for a walk/run, so I can relate in a way!

I think reality has hit me again tonight - like properly this time! I just seen a before & after picture and I thought to myself, there's no reason why I can't look like that, so I now really, really, really want to do this!!! At work, I will start going out for a walk at my lunch, and exercising more and eating healthier! There's no reason why I can't do it. xxx