Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Lol, it was a long time ago Nichola !! Plus, it was Winter, it was dark when I left to walk to the pool, no one saw me, hehe !! Where are you going on holiday ? I love All Inclusive, but it doesn't love meeeee !!! Grrr !!! I'm planning a fairly healthy break, food wise, but there will alcohol, we're only human !!

Diva x
Morning Ladies,

Bella Have been on the binge bus a while just wish it would stop and let me off! Your new gym sounds ideal especially just being a short walk away, have you decided what you are wearing for the wedding?

Nichola Ooo exciting what job are you starting, I would like a new job bit fed up with the one I have at the mo, I always look in the local paper and on line but nothing yet. Everything crossed for your WI am sure that pound will have come off, why is it that last little bit never wants to go it clings on to us not letting go pesky little things! Where are you going on hol?

Diva I have been hitting my treadmill too it has been a coat rack for too long! Bet you are looking forward to your break it sounds lovely and peaceful.

Kassy hope you had a good weekend.

Had a good weekend, had a good laugh at the party and was pretty good with the food until the puds came out everything I love all chocolate and cream, so I did have a small chocolate pot it was lush and I savoured every last mouthful:)
Was good at the barbi ate meat and salad and refused pudding felt very pleased with myself.

Sunday evening I went and saw Stevie Wonder at the Bestival, he was brilliant, I met up with some mates and we had a great time singing along to all his hits. Brilliant way to end the weekend:D

Hope you all have a good Tuesday take care xxx
Hiya all

Crikey, its been a while since I have had to do so much reading n here hehe. Love it. Nice to see everyone milling around again.

Fisrt off, I apologise if this post has loads of mistakes and sounds a bit gobbildy good, but I swar down, I am STILL recovering from the weekend, even though its now Teusday!!!!!!

Kids woke us up at 6.20 Saturday morning so got up, done loads of housework then met my friend for a catch up who was up from London, then had a look round shops (got some lush skinny jeans) thn realised it was 2pm and had to be home and ready by 3.45 so grabbed a auick sarni, got home and got ready then went out o the drink. Got back in at 3am (hammered) then the next day (as it was a lovley day) spent the day in a beer garden and drank all day again. Has to take a holiday yesterday as I was soooo ill. Its coz I have barely ate tho, just drank alcahol. Its been ages since I have went on a bender like that but I am paying the proce now. I have no appetite and feel so dizzy. trying to force food down me and plenty water. Back at work today and its gonna be a long day!!!!!! Think it ill e a while before I go that crazy again. But it was a bloody good weekend.

Oh, weigh in on Saturday morning - lost 2lb so down to 11.1 (but did have cheeky weigh in on Monday morning and was 10.12 but that will be dehydration!!!!!

Bella - Wel all have weeks on that binge bus but once you off it and back on track you will fly again. I swear by calorie counting and find if I aim for 1200 - 1500 a day and do a little exercise I lose say 2lb a week. The Adonis has stuck to 1400 - 1700 for 4 weeks (apart from a treat day on a weekend) and he has lost 1st 2lb in 4 weeks. Keep thinking of that stunning dress and you will fit into it oerfect and feel amazing and look amazing. I can't get apps on my phone, its very old school haha. I'm not really into technology.

Bin - You proper love your concerts and festivals dont ya. You always make me think I must go to some.

Diva - When is your little trip away? Wow, that is true dedication, I could never get up that early toexercise. You are quite an early bird anyway though aint you? Well done on the 1lb loss yeye!

Nichola - Hahaha, yuo know me so well - knew I would be suffering but you right - always the sign of a good night. Closer still to your holidays and you will shift that last 1lb and you will have hit your stone woop woop.

Well, better go and try do some work. Wish I was in office on my own so I could just have a nana nap on the desk haha. Speak to you all tomorow when I am a bit more copusmentus haha xxx
Morning :)

Kassy You certainly seemed to have a really good weekend hehe, sounds great I can not drink like that now used to when I was younger but now I just get tired and fall asleep!! Hope you feel better now and managed to get through the day at work yesterday.
Well done on the 2lb off, not long till your hol now:)

Yes love live music it's a good job I live on the Island otherwise I would go to a lot more, the ferries make it a bit more difficult especially if you have work next day. Have got tickets to go and see Adam Ant in Portsmouth in Nov, one of my friends has always wanted to see him so I said I would go should be a good laugh!

Day off today not sure what to do yet weather does not look brilliant.
Have a good Wednesday xxx

Bin - Did the weather get out okay yesterday? Did you do much on your day off? I have only been to see a few people (The Darkness, Christina Agulera, Basement Jaxx and Rooster) and only been to twop festivals (Creamfields and Radio One). I really must go to more. I also love going to see comedians. Do you like them?

Feel more human today thank goodness. Was still soooo tierd this morning tho. Pretty much stuck to diet yesterday though and even done a 40 min walk last night as I am starting to feel anxious if I dont do a bit exercise but think thats coz hadn't done any walking or anything since last Thursday.

Eeeee, I have a dead funny strory for you all - forgot to tell yous yesterday........

The Adonis and I popped into the Aldi supermarket on Sunday to get a few bits and he picked me up and I thought he was being sweet and just giving me a little carry. The next thing I know I am sat in a HUGE box (you know those huge boxes you sometimes see in supermarkets that they use to put all the other little empty boxes in). Wey, it was full of boxes so when I tried to get up I just kept sinking so I tried to tip it a bit and ended up on the floor with about 30 boxes on me. He walked off as he was laughung so hard, I was crying with laughter and had to ask this woman to help me. It was hillarious but now I owe him one so if you have any funny ideas let me know wooo ha ha haaaaaa (evil laugh).

Hope everyone is okay and motivation kicking in or staying with you. Spak to you all tomorow xxx
Morning gals!! I USED to be that dedicated, haven't been really like that for years and years though, apart from the normal walking, that is.

LOL Kassy.... you KNOW you've had a good weekend when you are still suffering a day or two later !!! I used to be a social butterfly ( translates as being out four or five times a week and drinking like a fish...lol !!) Can't believe I spent so much money, on my social life, eeeek !! Now I'm old and boring,hehe !!

OMG Bin !! Adam Ant, wowza, is he still going ?? i know he's had a load of problems over the years, but who remembers him in his heyday ??? Early 80's ?? Just us old dearies Bin, eh ??? His outfits were soo outrageous, all that make-up, his super fun videos,hehe !!! Diva is back in her New Romantics phase..... help !!!!!

Diva x
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, how cold is it today gals. I am gonna need a winter coat soon. So glad I have my holiday still to come. Its keeping me going otherwise I would have dived head first into a huge bar of chocky by now. I hate the cold and autumn and winter. I wish those seasons away, ready for spring summer again haha.

Diva - Yeah, I know you said you used to be a proper boozy bird like me. I wonder when I will grow up haha. Saying that, in my 20's I used to be out all the time. Now its once a week (twice at the most) but I suffer for days after. I wasnted a quiet one this weekend but the Adonis feels cheated if he has a whole weekend off the drink so we having a few in the house on Friday night but even they turn into full on drinking sesh and its just the pair of us dancing round the living room haha.

Another good day yday dietwise and a little walk so i'm happy with that.

Have a good Thurdday everyone xx
Hello Ladies,

Grrrrr put on a lb today half expected it as I had a party, barbi and then the Bestival last weekend! So it's back to being ultra good again, well that is the plan:).

Kassy Glad you are feeling better than you did on Monday after your fun weekend. I am like Diva old and boring now!! Used to work on a cruise liner and quite often would party all night then have a shower and go straight to work how I managed that God knows! You should do a festival am sure you would love it a chance to see so many different bands, and if the weather is good cant beat it, lazing about in the sun with a few drinks and live music bliss.

Diva Yes old Adam is still going apparently he puts on a good show, quite looking forward to it singing along to Prince Charming, Stand and Deliver etc, oh the memories!!

Have had two days off the weather has been lovely bright sunshine, yesterday did a 5 mile jog along cycle track longest one yet. Today the sun was out so Mr Bin and I went to the south of the Island and went for a long walk along the beach then came home along the coast road it was lovely felt as though I was on holiday. Back to work tomorrow unfortunatly.

Hope you all have a good Friday xxx
Morning all and hope you have all had a great weekend.

Bin - Wow, 5 miles is awsome. Wish I could run that far. I am pooped after 3 mins haha. I am enjoying swimming at the mo tho. Dont worry about that tinly little gain. Its nothing and will come right back off again.

I dropped another 2lb woooohoooo. So am down into the 10's now hehe. Just hope I can keep at it.

Hope everyone else is well. I'm really busy today so its just a quick one from me xxx
Woohoo !!! In the tens Kassy !!! YAY !!!!! Well done !!! That's brill !!

I had a quiet weekend with Mr D, he wasn't feeling too well, so we took things easy.... Didn't manage any walks, so fingers crossed for my WI which I'm doing very soon....eeek !!!

Diva x
Morning Girls! :)
just a quick wee update...

I lost 1.5lb last Wednesday and was super happy as I got my STONE!! woohoo! :)
but I've been eating bad this week cos i havent really been in the house much as im really busy tryna get things organised as I'm off on holiday tomorrow! :)
Hope you all have a good week & I'll be sure to pop on next week when I get back!
enjoy your weekend girls!

Nichola.. :)
Have a great holiday Nichola - want to hear all about it when you get back. And well done on reaching your stone. I told you you would.

Bin - Your hubby not well too? My Adonis has sciatica and is in terrible pain, so I dont think we will be doing much exercise this week. Bless him. I did got for a swim with my friend last night tho.

Diet still going canny, next weigh in not till Saturday tho.

Those Xenical working and keep having the orange oil. Its a bugger to flush away too. Nightmare at work hahahahah.

Hi Gals

Diva - Ive heard it kills, Ive never experienced it myself so don't understand his pain. he's taking ibuprofien and paracetemol and has some cream and an electric pen thing we use that gives electruc shock and all eases it a bit. Woop woop, well done on a pound loss. You must be doing something right.

Have any of you seen the film 21 Jump Street? I just watched it and its hillarious. And I have to admit, I never got the whole Channum Tating crush thing until now. Swoooooooon. haha.

I'm still powering through my diet but no exercise last night. We had a bit chocky yday which took my calories up to 1600 but still good.

Work is gonna test me at the mo - in the kitchen currently we have 2 packs of eccles cakes, 2 packs of ginger snaps, 2 tins of biscuits, a box of toblerone minis, some quality street, a pack of snowballs and a 3kg bag of jelly babies (yes, you heard me tright - 3kg!!!!!!!). Its gonna be so hard to resist things but so far I have managed apart from the cheecky jelly baby here and there. Those little gits get me everytime.

Hope evertyone else is well and hope to hear from you all with a catch up soon xxx
OMG Kassy !! All those naughties !!! Funny, you calling Jelly Babies little gits !!! If I have it in the house I WILL eat it !! I've been having those little tubs of ice cream this week ( not the super mini ones, the next size up) just had a fancy for them !! I love sorbet too, which isn't a bad juice if you can find a good one which isn't just sugar and fake flavour, you know one with actual FRUIT in it !! LOL !! As for the Quality Street, I would be in those, nom, nom !!

Can I ask, is this normal at work ?? Or is it for people's Birthdays, etc ?? That's a lot of temptation ?? Are there other ladies there or is it blokes noshing all this stuff !! Years ago when I was still working weekends, I worked with a lot of younger peeps ( read late teens ) and OMG the Staffroom used to look like an explosion in a Sweet Shop !! They would eat whole slabs of choccy, giant baguettes and family bags of crisps, pic n mix, etc, gahhhhh !!!

Diva x

Hey Diva, there are only 7 of us work here and only 1 man. As its a team of social workers, the people they go out to visit always give sweets and biscuits presents to say thank you so we end up with loads. There is temptation all of the time but bot usually that much haha. I'm staying strong tho and allow myself 5 'little gits' a day which is 100 calories. So far have resisted the biccies and chocky. I dunno how I am doing it. I seem to be so motivated at the mo, but am so pleased. Think its coz I know holiday is just around the corner! Mmmmmmm, I love sorbet to. Its got no fat in. Those tubs of ice cream handy for whehn you fancy sumit sweet and not too farry. Try frozen yoghurt too. I love ice lollies.

Well yesterday came in at 1350 calories and I even had a crunchie in bed while watched a film hehe. We went for a swim last night and trying to up my lengths each time I go. I done 22 lengths in 35 min last night which is canny considering I aint the best swimmer but hope to get better and better. I really enjoy it.

I am out trying wedding dresses on again tomorow - my main one which I was 100% sure I wanted but another dress I like has now gone into sale (was already in sale but even further reducsed) so I am just trying the 2 on and deciding there and then which one I want. The one in the sale is a size 12 and didnt fit last time but I have lost quite a bit ince so fingers crossed. Then its FINAL DECISION TIME!!!!! hehe. I am sooooo indecisive haha.

Then tomorow night thr Adonis brother having a family BBQ so that will be a great laugh. Hope to fit some swimming or walking in over weekend too.

Weigh in again tomorow so keen to see what I am as people are really commenting again that I have lost more weight. I must be close to target now. The Adonis dosent want me to lose any more but I want to get to goal of 10.5, then I will just maintain and focus on toning.

Hope everyone else doing okay and hope you all have a great weekend xxx
Hiya all, hope you have all had a great weekend. Want to hear all about it.

Loads of great news - last week droppes 3lb so down to 10.10. I did get weighed Saturday morning and it said STS but I felt dead bloated and knew it must have been water retention coz I was 100% good last week so Sunday morning tried again and was down to 10.10 woooohoo.

Also, I GOT MY DRESS!!!!!!!!! The one in the sale, the size 12 one, fit like a glove and looked outstanding so my mam baught if for me there and then. Its the first dress she has seen me in and actually cried hehe. The dress was £499 and she gave me a free vail which was supposed to be £55 and I got my shoes half price and a hoop for my dress so the whole thing only came to £565. Its the best dress I have tried on anywhere and my absoloute fave, even better than the £1500 ones I was trying on in the city. I have attached pic below for you all. Cant wait to wear it. My mam has it suspended from the ceiling in its own room at her house hahahaha.

benjamin-roberts-5157-large01.jpg xxx
Hiya people

Well what a nightmare of a morning I had today. Rain so bad there were floods all over and my usual 1 hour journey to work took 2 and a half hours. It better not take that long to get home!!!!!!

Dark morning and nights are setting in and I dont like it one little bit - means one thing - comfort food. Atleast now I just have to maintain so can up calories a little bit and continue with exercising. Had 1600 yesterday and even had a nice tea of a bit pie, WW chips, gravy and mushy peas which came in at 650 so not bad at all.

Hope you all well and hope someone pops on soon for a bit crack on xxx

Wow Kassy you are doing so well 10.10 you must be well chuffed. Your dress is lovely and what a bargain, just proves that you do not have to spend a fortune to look a million dollars. Love the way your Mum has given it a room of its own!!
We have had really bad weather over the last couple of days but I think we are luckier than other parts of the country from what I have seen on the news. We have had some flooding but nothing compared to other places. Your journey to work sounded awful hope getting home was quicker, do you drive or public transport? I am lucky my journey to work is about 5 mins walking!

Not doing too good on the diet front at the moment my motivation has gone I am sure part of it because I was being 100% and maybe losing 1/2lb if I was lucky just got me down a bit. Also 2 weeks ago I hurt my leg whilst doing one of my runs have a stress fracture which means have had to put jogging on hold for a while. Still never mind I will bounce back soon am sure:)

Been over to a couple of footie matches got our first win of the season on Sat 4 - 1 so at last we have some points on the table. Last night we went to a cup game and won which was nice to see.

Day off today but looks like I shall be catching up with house work as the weather looks dark and dismal out there again.

Have a good Wednesday and take care xxx
Hi everyone

Bin - I know, a bargian and a half, it looks much more expensive. I'll tell people it was a grand and a half hahahaha. The flooding has been terrible here but its been okay for the last 2 days where I live but some partys are really bad and being evacuated. I rely on public transport. Am thinking about learning to drive after the wedding though. It was just something i never really needed or was bothered about doing. Wish I did do it when I was younger now though. Great way to start the footy season with a few wins - bet you buzzing. Is it not freezing stood there watching or are you all wrapped up in ya foory scarf? Hey, dont be hard on yaself for going off the rails a little bit, we all need weeks off. Sometimes a bit time off does you good and re-sets your matabolims (I was reading something about it the other day) and then you will start to lose again. Your losses will be small coz you dont have an awful lot of weight to lose. Why not try a bit of a diffrent diet? The Adonis mam started calorie countinga nd I gave her meal ideas and she lost 8lb in 5 days. I will post my little diet plan up here for you after this link (I will just copy and paste it). Works for me.

Hope everyone else okay and hope to speak to yous soon. Cant wait for you all to see my dress hehe xxx