Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Hi Girls

I have ordered some St Johns Wort and a light box (more money we dont have to spend but tough) so I will give myself 2 weeks and if that dosent 'lift' me I have promised to go to the docs. I'm just in floods or tears all the time and feel empty and all my self confidence has diminished. I get scared when I get like this incase I lose complete control and end up fat again. The scales are already shooting up. Were gonna try eating more sensible for the next weeks leading up to Xmas and start going on a 30min walk a night (as I cant face the gym or swimming when I feel like this). Hopefully the old bubbly kassy you all know and love will return soon with a big bag of motivation to share around.

Diva - Thanks for your kind words. The binging cycle is the worst, thats how I ended up big and am terrified I end up back there. Are you all sorted for Xmas? You have many parties to attend this year?

Bin - We tried a new hobnob last night - hobnob cookies - they are okay but nowhere near as nice as the other ones. How did your weigh in go?

Speak to yous again soon xxx
Your plan sounds very sensible Kassy. I think that if you have ever been as big as some of us have been, there is always that little bit of panic left inside you.... Panic about getting fat again, about not being able to control ANY thing in your life and feeling like a big fat failure... Write down some positives about yourself, even get the Adonis to write down say five things he loves about you ( sometimes it's quite interesting to see what others think... )

I had forgotten how dark and dismal the UK was in Winter until I had moved, I too, need a lot of daylight and outdoors time to " recharge " my batteries, as they say..... As for the walking, well you know my thoughts on that, I know it makes me feel better, happier,more positive, but it was a bugger getting to this stage and making it a habit,lol !!!

Diva x

Weighed in this evening lost 1lb which I am ok with as I have come to accept that this last bit is going to take time to shift, it has been with me for so long it does not want to leave me!!!

Kassy Hope you are ok, your plan sounds a good one, take one day at a time and keep talking to the Adonis so he knows how you feel. Are you still watching the X Factor could not believe those two were in the sing off thought they would be finalists.

Diva you are right dark, dismal and really depressing weather at the moment, I spent a lot of my childhood abroad and I still remember those lovely long warm evenings. It sounds lovely where you live.

Have got football on Sunday, Kassy we are playing Newcastle should be a good game.

All have a good Friday and weekend
Take care Bin xxxx
Hi gals

Diva - Yes, thats totally what it is like, i live in fear everytime my diet goes down the pan that I am gonna end up big again and that leads to anxiety and depression and that leads me to overeat and so the cycle continues but Monday is a new start for me (again haha). I need to get into a routine like yuo for the walking but we will only be able to do it when its not lashing down. Its freezing here on a night but even 30 mins should lift me up until I feel ready to hit the gym and swim again. I so wiah I lived where you are. Do you get dark mornings and nights in Americs for such a long time or not as much? Hows the lovley kittycat? Mine are my little rocks at the mo, I swear they can sense when you down and they wont leave my side, love cuddiling into them. Yes, I'll get the adonis to do that, although he does compliment me almost everyday, he is really good like that. Have you much planned for this weekend?

Bin - Woop woop a pound loss is great, esoecially as you have so little to lose. Keep chipping away at it. I will make sure I keep talking to the Adonis as I know its good to get it all out there. Yes, I'm still watching xfactor, i was totally shocked. I thought they would be in the finals - James 1st and Ella 2nd. I do love Rylan tho, I think he's so canny and I cant wait to her what hes gonna come out with next but really him and Christopher should have been in the botton 2 with Christpher getting the boot - I dont like him much. Cant wait to see what this week brings! Have you been watching I'm A Celebrity to? I love that. Eeeee yeah, its the newcastle match isnt it. Let me know how we do haha. Enjoy!

I'm gonna get a new battery for the scales this weekend ready for monday but I am guessing I will be up to around 11.10 which means I have put on a stone since I tried on, and baught, my size 12 wedding dress. So come Monday i'm gonna try my hardest to stop over eating coz its making me worse, then come Xmas I will try not go OTT then come January its countdown to the wedding and time to tone tone tone!!!! Thats my plan.

The St Johns Wort should come today and I have to pick light box up on Monday. Let kick this SAD in the butt. I am in charge! Not it!!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and i'll pop in for a chat Monday xxx
Morning All !! Gah !! The weekend ended up being a bit hit and miss with the ol' diet !!! I guess a four day Holiday will do that to you !!!
Mr D and I went to the Chinese Restaurant on Saturday for lunch, and although I wasn't drinking, we had a big meal, three courses !! Not gonna lie, the food was amazing.... I loved it....but cals wise it was AWFUL !!! ( don't think I can count that high !!! LOL !!)
Also, indulged in some Baileys ( who else loves this stuff ?? I can never just have one !!).... Four doubles actually !! Eeeek!!

Managed one good walk with Mr D, so not that brill with the exercise either !!!

So that's my confession, and probably the reason I got ANOTHER STS this week !! I have got to get the scales moving again, I need a few 110% weeks !!! I think it's time for my smoothies for Breakfast, and time to make up a big batch of the belly blasting soup..... I need some damage control !!!

Kassy, have you restarted today ?? C'mon gal !! I need all the help I can get !!!

Diva x
Hi all

Diva - Where is everyone? Seems to be just thee, me and bin at the mo haha. Hey, a STS is okay, especially after you have induldged. We had a chinkeys of Sunday night, was delicious. I lurve baileys too, I have been known to drink a full bottle on numerous occasions haha. Sounds like you had a lovley weekend. I went to see the new Twilight film, was amazing, gutted its all over now though. I got back on the wagon yesterday, I can tell my head isnt really in it but being good is the main thing that will stop my anxiety and stop me getting downer and downer. I'll keep plodding on and try my best. I had 1200 calories yesterday so thats good. No exercise mind - we have had floods here again and it was alashing down last night. Also, no idea what my weigh is as I still aint replaced the battery in the scales but I will peek soon. Maybe in a week after a week of being good.

Hi everyone else, hope you are all well.

Kassy, Bin and Diva ??? That's enough for a PARRRR - TAYYYYYY !!!! :D

Glad to see you back, one day at a time, slow and steady !!! ;)

Well, it started snowing here gals !!! I'm excited as I love the snow !!! It's settling too, so everything is looking sooo pretty !!! Also, happy to report I managed to add some jogging to my Dreadmill workout this morning !!! Not much, but it's a start !!!

I think a lot of people are struggling with their diets at the moment, and when they feel like that, the last thing they want to do is write about it and admit struggles of failures.... I will always post about mine, as well, we are all human, we've all done it AND I know that writing and sharing my struggles DOES help me keep going.....

Diva x
Did some one mention a PARTY wahoo count me in:)

Diva I love the snow lucky you I bet it looks lovely, you will have to post some pics for us. We don't get much snow on the Island so when it does arrive everything comes to a standstill schools close etc. STS is good especially as you had such a good weekend am with you and Kassy love Baileys and one is never enough;)

Kassy Taking it nice and slowly is the best way as Diva says one day at a time. We have had loads of rain here too but no floods. Good football game on Sunday sorry Kassy we beat Newcastle 2 nil, am back over Southampton tomorrow night as we are playing Norwich, just hope it is not too cold will have to get my thermals out!!

A friend bought a Patterdale Terrier puppy yesterday and on the way home came to see us she is so sweet 8 weeks old they have called her Susie, they are going over to Lymington for the day on Sunday so we are having her and their other dog for the day.

Am off tomorrow so may venture into the loft and get the decs out and sort through, When do you all put your decs up I normally wait until around the 10th/15th.

Have a good Wednesday take care Bin xx
Took a quick photo this morning, it was just starting to settle....

Diva x


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Morning people

Diva - Wow, that pic looks stunning. What a view. We are due snow this weekend. When it snows in my home village it fairly copmes down and we get stuck - SNOW DAY! haha. Our village is so high up. Have you got all your winter coats and that out? I'm off to get a new winter coat this weekend (thanks to my mam) as mine more a autumn/spring jacket. Good on you for jogging. I think I will have to do some exercise DVDs in the house as I cant face gym yet and its too nasty to go out to walk. Your right, it does help to admit to people when you have been a bit naughty. No one can be good at this time of year, The key is just to not go OTT. I'm always falling off the wagon but not ashamed to say it as its you guys who keep me going as you all know how am feeling. Are you all finsihed your xmas shopping?

Bin - Well done at the footie - Newcastle are naff haha. You will have to wrap up well for games in theis cold weather. Enjoy sorting all your xmas decorations. Our house is sooo small there is no where for a proper tree so we just have a tiny little one on windowsill. Cant wait to have a bigger house and decorate properly. That puppy sounds soooooo cute. Anuimals never fail to put a smile on my face.

I managed to be good again yday and had 1460 calories, just gotta stick at it.

Over and out for now xxx
Morning Girls,

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It is so cold this morning!

Kassy Well done sticking to your CC, I think it is always difficult to be 100% this time of year. Will try and get a pic of the puppy on here on Sunday, will have to get my son to do it as I have not got a clue!! Like you love animals had to have our dear old dog put to sleep 2 years ago. At the moment have got a neighbours cat in, he comes in has a snooze then wanders off!! It was really cold over at football drank plenty of hot chocolates to keep warm:)

Diva That snow looks so pretty a lovely view, is it still snowing? Well done on your jogging I have not done any lately, it is to cold to go out and jog, so I really should get on the treadmill again.

Sorted the decs out can get rid of a load as I have far to many that I dont use any more. Wrapped up a few more pressies, better start on the cards soon.

Have got to do the Christmas window at work, going down on Sunday to do it as impossible while we are open, have been wrapping gifts making a snowman and fireplace for it, we try to do something different every year. It is time consuming but I enjoy doing it.

Have got weigh in tonight not expecting any thing great probably a gain as I opened a box of shortbread this week wrong move;)

Have a good Thursday take care
Bin xx
Morning guys

Bin - Its freexing here too. Even my teeth were frozen this morning walking from the bus stand to work. Good luck with your weigh in. I havnt got a clue what I weigh at the mo. Will get weighed in Monday if I remember to get new batteries for scales. Have you finished all your xmas shopping then? We have done about half of ours. Will have loads to wrap up and a dolls house to build xmas eve haha. I remember you telling me about your dog. You think you will ever get another one? You sound like a right animal lover too. Yeah, try get a pic of the puppy up.

Diva - How are you today? Still snowing?

Well yesterday I had about 1650 calories. Would have been less but I had a Cadburys Crunchie in bed, although I did make it last for about 30 mins by sucking it haha.

I'm still not my normal self although feel a bit better - feeling very adgitated but that may be as its TOTM. I dont think I will feel 'normal' again until March but we'll see. Just wanna hibinate.

Ive stared taking the St Johns wort but have had to cancel getting the SAD lamp as I cant afford it right now. Why does everything come at once????

Annyhoo, have a great Thursday everyone and speak tomorow xxx
Morning gals ! No more snow, so it really was only like one day's worth !! I do hope we get loads more this Winter as I love it !! I remember my first Winter here, I had never seen so much snow !!! It was up over my knees, making it hard to walk in, if you wandered off the path, and the Icicles were as long and as thick as my arm !! So pretty !!

Well, I managed another short jog during my Dreadmill walk yesterday, and am planning another one this morning after this Coffee kicks in, this is the second morning I was up at 5.30 a.m with Mr D, he has super early meetings starting at 7.am !! It's funny he was asking me when I am putting up the "decs " this year !! Will probably do it next Monday, as I am home for most of the day, and I do go a little bit crazy with two trees and thousands of lights, hehe !! Would put up loads more but one of my Cats is the destroyer of all things Christmassy, he loves anything glittery, sparkly or shiny, so that's all my Christmassy stuff basically !! Grrrrr !!!

I love Chrunchies Kassy !! Yummy !!! I was naughty and had a Flake last weekend, one of those dipped ones, mmmm !!

Diva x
Morning :)

Weighed in last night STS which after demolishing some short bread in the week I am ok with, only trouble is there is another packet in the cupboard that keeps calling out to me!! I don't normally buy it but some one gave us a box.

Bloooomin cold today very heavy frost overnight looks pretty but am going to have to wrap up warm today.

Must go and get ready for work have a good Friday and a great weekend.

Take care Bin xx
Hi Ladies

Diva - Hahahaha, naught kitty cat. Mine are the same. I have a tiny little tree to put up on windowsill but I know it will constantly be found on the floor on its side due to the cats playing with it. Wow - 2 trees! Best is so festive in your house. If I had the money and a bigger house I would have the whole place looking like santa's grotto haha. Sounds like you get even more snow than us. Bet you can build a huge snowman haha. Crikey - 7am meetings, snooooooze haha. What does Mr D do for a living?

Bin - Step away from the shortbread!!!!! haha. Shortbread is one of my down falls too. Those and bloody chocky hobnobs haha. Well done on STS though.

Yesterday calories = 1400 :)

I'm off to get a new winter coat tonight. We were then supposed to be going to Frankie and Bennys for tea but the Adonis's wagon has broke down so he's not gonna get home till late so thats out the window. I was gonna get one of their low fat pizzas. Oh well.

Tomorow we gonna try and motivate ourselves to paint bedroom - wether or not we do it is a diffrent story though haha.

Then we have the Kids Saturday night and all day Sunday. So I will watch X Factor with a bottle of vino. If only I could stop away from alcahol on weekends my diet would be so much better but i can't haha.

Have a great weekend everyone xxx
F F F Fridayyyy !!! Hello gals !! I'm going to do a mini WI tomorrow ( against the normal Diva rules but ..) as it's the beginning of my next mini challenge....

This is the first weekend for like a month that we have not been mega busy socially ( which really means Diva has NO excuse to eat like a piglet this weekend !! Lol !!) so I may stay fairly on the diet and not stray !! Having the weekends off is so naughty and it's not helping me at all. Will try and walk both days, Mr D is not motivated at all at the moment and although he likes walking, I always feel as if I am dragging him out !!!

Kassy if it wasn't for the cats I would decorate all three floors of our house !!! Hehehe or Hohoho ??? Our ground floor is open plan, so no doors so even if I did put it all up, I couldn't keep my Christmas Grinch Moggy away from it !!!

Mr D has booked TWO weeks off for Christmas, so excited as he has never had that much time off during Christmas before!! I think he really needs it as his job is insane !! He's a senior manager, Kassy, well Global manager, in charge of tons of people, here in the US, but also UK and Spain, ( he juggles so many timezones when organising his meetings ! ) his speciality is computers and he is a total Geek !! Hehe !!

Bin, I love shortbread too, but OMG the calories !!! The decent stuff is full of butter, and sugar, mmmmm !!!! If I had a box of the stuff near me, it wouldn't last long, my Willpower would have jumped outta the window and ran away !!

Have a good weekend !!!

Diva x
Just popping my head in with my latest update !! New mini challenge has begun !! And happy December everyone !! Woohooo !!! I'm under 200 lbs !!! Weighed in today at 199.2 lbs !!! Think my little jog sessions helped a bit with that, and after two weeks of STS, I was pi**ed off enough to stick to the diet this week, lol !!!

Just finished putting up my smaller tree ( 6.5 ft !), decorating the bar, and my fireplace !!! New tree ornaments too, all shatterproof so Mr Moggy The Grinch will not be smashing any more of them !!! Now going to sit down and admire it all with a glass of red ( a small one !! ) Ho Ho Ho !!!

Diva x
<3 :)
Morning all !! Morning Elm !!! How are you ? Are you just popping into say hello !! It's been ages !!

Scales are still saying 199 exactly now, so I'm happy with that !! Fitting in my walk outside today, nice and early, or else I won't do it !! Lol !!

Ended up having two glasses of wine, and Mr D and I cranked up the Christmas Music nice and loud !! Three weeks until Christmas Eve, guys !!!

Happy Monday !!

Diva x