Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Morning :)

Are you all ready for next week, I spent yesterday evening wrapping up pressies, have still got some more to do this evening, I am such a messy wrapper I end up with paper, ribbon, tags and sellotape all over the place, I am sure I spend more time looking for the scissors than actually wrapping. Just a couple of more pressies to buy hopefully tomorrow. Then a few foodie bits then I think that is me done:)

Kassy Hope you are enjoying all your Christmas meals out, how was your staff meal at the posh restaurant? It is 7.30am and have just let our cat visitor in! Our front door is glass and we can see him sitting outside on the door step, he will have a sleep then will go out when I go to work! Have you got much time off over Christmas? I am off from Christmas Eve 12.30pm and go back to work on Sat 29th.

Diva Love your shopping trip plenty of Christmas spirit hehehe. Your alcohol laws sound a bit like Australia they have seperate shops, you can not buy any alcohol in supermarkets etc. Love Baileys have my bottle in cupboard ready!

Am out tomorrow evening it is Mums Birthday so going to a quaint little pub for meal.

Better go and get ready for work.

Have a good Tuesday Bin xxx
Morning people

Diva - Wow, can I come to yours for Xmas haha. Check out all that drink! Bet you have a 'very merry' xmas hehehehe. Hey good find on the low cal cider, I have never seen that before. Its funny how America is so diffrent to the UK. Although we have proper little off-licences the supermarkets sell loads of alcahol and they all totally compete on price and half the time the super markets end up cheaper than the off-licences. defo much cheaper than pubs haha. Yey, well done you on the pound loss. Another pound in the right direction and its so hard to lose this time of year so you have done soooo well.

Bin - Snap! I was wrapping up last night too. I am quite an organised wrapper and hardly any paper goes to waste haha. I always end up sitting on my scissors tho and I always end up with hair getting stuck in cellotape hahaha. Just the kids to wrap up now then am done! Phew. Still gotta build the dolls house too. Hope its easy. Meal yesterday was nice but it was one of those minimal restaurants with little atmosphere and tiny food which isnt really me. None of us said we would go again haha. I had butternut squash soup with an amaretti biscuit in, smoked haddock fish cakes on creamed leeks (which looked like a starter it was sooooo small) then sticky toffee pudding with hot toffie sauce and ice cream - which was amaxing to be fair - best part of the meal. Enjoy your meal out with your mum tomorow and let us know what you get. As Diva always says, we love a bit of food porn on here hahahaha. Give your little visiting kitty a stroke on the chin from me hehe. You looking forward to time off work? I'm quite lucky, we break up this Friday (we get to take Monday off as a FREE days holiday) then I am not back until 2nd January. I could have stopped off the rest of that week but holidays are running mega low (only have 1.5 spare now till May!!!!).

My diet not the best at mo, but still not dead bad either, so hopefully still maintaining. Fingers crossed I fit into that pink dress for this Saturday night out with the girls xxx
Mornin Ladies

Bloomin freezing in the office today. The boiler went onto lockout for somereason so the heating didnt come on this morning so its rather chilly at my desk at the mo brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I had a bit of a naughty day yesterday and could not stop eating chocolates. So much for me being fgood for the next few days. Its just so hard when its there infront of you.

I cant get James Arthurs song out my head. I like it etter than the origional. What you think Bin? Diva, you will have to google it and let us know what you think. I think it will be Xmas number 1.

Cant wait to break up for Xmas now, roll on Friday xxx
Morning :)

Did my last bit of pressie shopping yesterday then went to my Mums as it was her BDay, after they had finished work Mr Bin and my 2 sons met us and we took her out for a meal. I had beef chilli nachos which was lovely but the portion was huge, so luckily I did not have room for anything choclatey,and gooey for pud!

Kassy hope the boiler is fixed and it is nice and warm at work. Did you manage to get the dolls house built I bet she will love it, do you see the children Christmas day or have them after. How is your little kittycat have the crystals disappeared now hope she is fine.

Just got a little bit of food shopping left to do, we are doing that this evening then I think that it is it, for another year!

Day off today, will pop into my neighbours it is her BDay 84 today, I usually pop in to have a natter once a week especially in the winter when she is not out and about so much. Have a few more pressies to wrap, then I must get the loft room ready for Mum to come and stay, not sure how long she is staying, it is the first Christmas without Dad, she is coming over Christmas Eve so she wakes up with other people in the house.

Weather here is awful floods all over the place and it is still pouring glad we live on a hill!!

Hello Diva:)

Have a good Thursday will pop on tomorrow, is it your last day at work tomorrow until New Year Kassy?

Take care Bin xx
Morning Gals

Bin - Rally hope your mum enjoyed her birthday. Those nachos sound delicious. Thats so nice that you go see your neighbour for company. I really feel for old people who cant get out and about. Our social workers see it all the time. I bet you and your mum and everyone will have a good old reminiscence about your dad. We do about my Gran. Kassy is doing fine now, she really likes her food mixed with water (Stig not so keen though) although I can tell they miss their dry food haha. I only give them it every now and then as a treat. Hopefully she will never have to go to the vets again. Its my last day tomorow, cant wait.

Off out with the girls on Saturday night so am dead excited.

Will check in tomorow to say bye to you all before I break up for my xmas holls as I wont be back online until after New Year xxx
Hi Kassy

As I know you are going to be offline until the New Year, just wanted to wish you, the Adonis and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2013, its going to be a really exciting year for you with your wedding etc.

Hope you have a lovely time catch up in the New Year.

Take care Bin xx

Morning Gals

As Bin says, I wont be around again until in the New Year so I just want to wish you, and your families, all a very merry Xmas and happy new year wooooohooooo. Hope Santa comes and empties his sack all over your floor hahahahahaha (how rude!!!!!). Really hope you all have an amazing time and get lots of goddies and dont worry about the diets too much, we can all have a few weeks off and start again in the New Year.

Its another STS for me this week which is great.

Have a good un everyone and I will speak to you all next year. Much love and huge hugs from meeeee xxxx
Hello Girls,

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. All the very best to you for 2013.

Bin xxx
:xmastree: :xmassign:
Hi guys !!! Merry Christmas !!! I'm already a pound heavier than last week, lol !!! The joys of Christmas, eh ??? Hehehe !!!

Hope everybody has a cool Yule.... I'll be reporting back in ( weight wise ) on the 1st January 2013 !!!

Diva x


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Happy new year!
Happy New Year Everybody !!!

Here we go again !!! Lol !!!

Had a great Christmas ( it snowed here Christmas Eve !! Not a huge amount but it looked soo pretty and to wake up on Christmas Day and it's all snowy was lovely !! )
Managed a STS too, so really pleased to be starting the New Year, without any extras slapped on my already ample bottom !! Hehe !!

Had Bacardi and Champagne ( not together !! ) last night, so planning an alcohol free Jan. We had a delicious meal too ( kind of my last supper of high calorific food !! :D ) So going to be good cals wise and resume my walking exercise routine.

2013 is going to be a very good year, slimming wise for me, I'm determined !!!

Diva x
Happy New Year :new_year:

Diva Sounds lovely snowing on Christmas eve just like on the films! Glad you had a good Christmas and well done STS is a great way to start the New Year.

I was soo naughty over Christmas chocolates, lovely puddings and wine. Mr Willpower went AWOL but luckily he has returned so I am now going to lock him away so he can not disappear again, I know I have put some on but I have not yet got on those scales will pluck up courage in the next day or two.

My son is moving to Australia on Monday not looking forward to that, His dad and brother are taking him to Heathrow I shall go to work last thing he wants is me there in pieces! We are hoping to visit in Sept.

Take care
Bin xx
Hi girls and happy new year. Lets make 2013 a great one slimming wise. Sending you all lots of motivation for the whole year. Zooooooooooom.

I have been shocking over Xmas. Have drank almost every night for the last 2 weeks and ate so much crap. We start our diets on Monday 7th - yous know me, always have to start on a Monday. So I have a few days of getting it out my system then I'll be super strict again. So far, the scales say I have put on 4lb, but I will be weighing in on Monday for actual start weight. Then need to get down to 10.5 - 10.7 for the wedding! Woop woop - I'm GETTING MARRIED THIS YEAR hahahahahahaha :)

So did you all have a lovley Xmas and was santa good to you all?

Diva - Ah how lush to have snow Xmas morning. I bet it felt extra Christmasy for you.

Bin - You are really gonna miss him aint you. Least you get to travel to Oz to see him in september. You will have to join Skype or something as it makes it easy to stay in touch.

I really cant be bothered with work today. Least am only in 2 days then its the weekend.

Here is to a great 2013 girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
Hiya Kassy ! Drinking everyday, now that's a MERRY Christmas, lol !!! I was a lush too, Champagne Cocktails were decadent, plus the Cider and I drank enough rum to keep a Pirate afloat for a year, hehe !!!

I'm on day three now of my restart, and it's all clicking back into place nicely, could do with a nice smooth couple of months. This is your year Kassy, what with your wedding, you'll be a slinky Mrs Adonis, just you wait and see !!! :D

Diva x
Morning all

Diva - So you are a fan of cider? Do you get the strawberry and lime Koppergerg there in America? I tries it for the first time this Xmas and loved it. Dead fruity. Good on ya, 3 days in and going strong. I really should have got back on the wagon on the 2nd but wasnt ready so giving myself until Monday. Yes, we will all be slim jims this year hehe.

Bin - Hows you? Did you watch Celebrity Big Brother? They are scraping the barrell this year haha. I want Rylan to win! He creases me up. I probs wont watch much of it, but always like to see who is going in it.

Think were off out for a meal tonight which will be nice. Then were at a 40th birthday party at the local club on Saturday night.

Well, its a short and sweet one from me today coz gotta a lot of work to do but speak to you all next week. Have a great weekend everyone xxx
Morning everyone

Well here we go again and its a new start for me today. Was too scared to get weighed this morning but I know I am atleast 11.6 as thats what I was about 4 days ago when I checked. Will get weighed next Monday when I have been good for a week.

I'm starving already and its only 11.30am.

Did you all have a nice weekend? I ate and drank sooooo much haha.

Diva - I am going to try have 2 full solid weeks off the drink, which will be a bit of a mission for me haha, but it will do me good.

I'll check in tomorow to let you all know how day 1 went xxx
Morning gals !! 2 lb loss for me in six days, so happy with that !! I'm not expecting huge losses each week, and I'd be happy with a pound a week !! Just counting down to hit my 168 lb target !! THIS SUMMER !!

Good luck with no booze Kassy, just keep remembering it is empty cals, and can strip away your Will power !!! It does with me, anyway !! I can give it up for months and months now, as I had already cut right back ( was a lush in my 20's !!) and it does become easier and easier!

My main problem at the mo, is with the walking, at least 5 miles + per day !! It is making me SUPER hungry, so I'm hoping that settles down soon !!

Diva x
Morning gals

Diva - Yey, 2lb loss is great and just the right speed away I think. More chance of it stopping off. Crikey look how much you have lost in total now. Thats amazing! You will be down to that 12st before you know it. I am hoping after a few weeks off I can have more and more weekends that don't revolve around alcahol. We keep saying the sooner we have a baby the better haha. But thats defo a mission for after the wedding haha. I am feeling extra hungry at the mo too. I think its coz I have ate so much over last few weeks I have stretched my stomach but I know it will right itself in a few weeks. Just hard saying no to foods.

I was pretty good yday and had 1420 calories. Wasnt mega healthy food or anything (we have loads of stuff in the house that needs used up before we start our mega healthy food shopping) but atleast it is easing me in nicley. Now to combat today and I feel starving so am off to have a toasted muffin and light philli for brekkie.

Have a great day and will check in tomorow xxx
<3 hi