Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

I'm back I'm back

Lost a stone and half 1/2 since I last saw you all sorry I went AWOL started college and been real busy how are all you lovely peeps xx
Morning Ladies

elicia89 Wow a stone and half is brilliant bet you are really pleased, well done is it SW you are doing? Hope all is going well at college you sound really busy what course are you doing, lovely to see you back:)

Elm Hello hope all is ok.

Diva Sounds as though Mr D could do with some time off sounds like a really demanding and stressful job. Am not putting my decorations up until around 16th do you have real or artificial trees, I love real ones but dont like the needles all over the place,so I have two 6ft artificial, 1 goes in front room and the other in kitchen diner. Can imagine Mr Moggy watching you decorate it it with shatterproof ornaments thinking "oh mum you are ruining all my fun" hehe!!:) One of my friends kitten used to run straight up the tree sending lights tinsel etc all over the place!

Kassy Hows it going? Hope you had a good weekend. Watched X faxtor can not believe Chris has gone through I would like James Arthur to win out of the 3 that are left.

Spent Sunday doing Christmas window where I work it looks nice and festive now, we have 3 windows so have made 1 like a Victorian parlour with fireplace, with 2 cats (not real) asleep in front of etc,another is a front room with tree, pressies some open with the toys peering out and a victorian table with afternoon tea and mince pies on it. The third window is the garden with a large branch with robins and icicles on it have made a large snowman which is surrounded with birds and hedgehogs. I do it every year and try to think of different theme every year.

Looked after our friends dogs one being the 8 week old Patterdale, God she certainly is a feisty little dog very sweet but likes her own way!!!!

The shortbread has gone thank goodness I can open my cupboard now without fear of the little voices telling me to have one I LOVE the stuff.

Better get ready for work have a good Tuesday
Bin xx
Well me and my other split so it was quite quick but now were back together I can feel my motivation slipping haha so thought it was best to pop back and get the motivation of my faves :p

I'm doing my 2nd year of beauty bin :) I love it a lot harder than last year so that's why I haven't been here as much
How are you xx
Hellooooooo anyone there!!

Elicia Hope you and your partner are ok now, thats the only problem with losing weight very quickly it seems to creep back easily, but am sure you will be fine. How long is your course? I should imagine it being quite interesting and good fun, do you do hair as well.

Had my weigh in today lost 2.5lb which I was really pleased with as it has been shifting so slowly, less than a stone to go to reach my target now, hoping I will acheive that ready for my holiday in February.

It is so cold here at the moment, but we have not had any snow like other parts of the country.

Hello Kassy hope you are ok.

Hello Diva hows things.

Have a good Friday Bin xx
I'm loitering as usual, lol !! Going to kill my bloody cat if they don't leave the decorations alone !! I have one that wants to eat anything Christmassy and one that couldn't care a less, grrrr !!!

Well done on the weight loss Bin and hello Elicia !!

Where is Kassy, she's gone all quiet on us again, gals !!!!

Diva x
Hiya gals.. I'm here!

I was off work on Monday as had one of the cats to the vets (Kassy). They have found crystals in her wee so she's on tablets for a week then I have to do another pee sample and have been advised not to give her dry food. Diva - Have you ever experienced this with your cats? Any tips? I have started mixing a little water in with her wet food and have got them seperate litter trays and read somewhere not to use clay litter as the dust can irritate them. Ive been dead worries. Started crying when seen she was peeing blood. The crystals can cause alot of problems if they dont dissolves.

The Tuesday morning at work was in meeting then out for a staff lunch, then I have been rused off my feet since. Still am but thought best pop on to see how you guys doing and you are all doing so well. Yey!

Diva - Wow, Mr D sound very intelligent. I agree with Bin, sounds like some well deserved time off is needed. Bet you cant wait for 2 weeks togeather. You sould like you doing canny on ya diet. Keep up the good work then just have a few days off over xmas. You go girl!

Bin - I know, I cant believe that bloody Mullaney got through - hes naff. I want James to win too. Did you enjoy looking after dog? Wow 2.5 loss is amazing!!!! Bet you are well chuffed. Xmas window sounds lovley.

Elicia - Great to see you back, I have missed your beauty tips hehe. My lord, well done on all that weight loss. As long as you dont go OTT it should stay off, but allow your self treats every now and then and you will be fine. Heartache is best for weight loss isnt it, but pleased you back togeather and happy again.

Elm - Great to see you, how are you honey?

Well, I eventually got some new batteries for scales and on Monday was 11.3 (so I havnt put on as much as I thought - goes to show alot of it is fear in your head when you have a few weeks off) and today I had a sneeky peek and am 11.1 so am chuffed to bits. I have been really good for almost 2 weeks and will continue until Xmas. I am allowing myself a little of what I fancy some days, and other days being a bit more strict and its working a teat. Even went for a 3 course meal on Tuesday and have still lost weight. Mam has been making me batches of ratatouli and spicy pepper and lentil soup, so one day I have been having say 1200 cals, then 1600 cals, then 1300 cals, then 2000 cals, etc, etc.

Were off to take kids to a enchanted forrest tonight (if it dosent snow again - we have had loads - took me 6.5 hours to get home other night as road got closed due to ice. It should have taken 1 hour. I had to walk 2 miles of it though - all up hill - was freezing!)

See, this is what happens when I dont get a chance to check in with yous - I end up writing an essay haha.

Speak to yous soon xxx
Awww, Kassy, how is your cat ? I've not had any problems like that with mine, but I would be so upset if I did !! The only problem mine have are some immune problems, which are easy to control and treat, sorry I can't help. Let us know how your Moggy gets on....

Diva x
Hi all

Hope you have all had a great weekend.

Diva - Kassy seems to be doing fine at the mo. There has been no blood in her wee for a few days so I am hoping the fact that I have stopped using dry food and started putting water in her wet fod is helping and the tablets they gave her must be working now too. I'll let you know what they say when they do the next wee sample. Fingers crossed the crystals have gone! I get so worried where they are concerned I just love them sooooo much. What immune problems? How can you tell? What do you need to do?

Bin - James won! Woooohoooo. I love his song.

My weekend has been canny and I have even been pretty good on my diet so am chuffed to bits.

Well done Kassy !! The weekends at the moment are really hard for me too !!! Had some amazing Christmassy Brownies, but OMG 100 cals for like two bites !!! Boo !!!

Glad to hear about your cat, hopefully on the road to recovery, yay !! My cats are brother and sister, I adopted them as kittens from a marvelous rescue charity, but they had a tough start in life, and barely made it...abandoned too young by their Mum and then hand reared by the charity before we got them. They suffered from frequent eye infections, the nasty sticky eye stuff, so Vet trips, medicine, etc. They were still tiny at 6 mths !! Now, they seem to be okay, and we rarely get flare ups now !! We have strict State Laws here, which mean you must have your Cat vaccinated every year for Rabies, so mine get regular check ups through the Year and their Vaccinations !!

Diva x
Hiya ladies

Wey, thats almost all me xmas shopping done eventually, now just need loads of sweets and crap to fill the kids stocking and me granda's stilton. We have had to borrow loads out of the wedding fund to manage our xmas shopping so January and February are gonna be quiet times for us as we try to make the money back up. Its suca a struggle this time of year, especially with The Adonis having the 3 kids but they have all done mega well out of it - PSP, huge dolls house, karaoke, disco ball, games, sweets, magic set, etc, etc. Its so easy to go overboard. Have you all finished. next on the agenda - WRAPPING IT ALL UP. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Diva - My cats are brother and sister too. Its lovley how you adopted them. Cats are wonderful pets, I dont think they get enough credit. We dont have those laws here, mine just got their injections when they were kittens. You can get annual boosters but I have read that so many people dont and the cats are fine, but we dont have rabies over here (I dont think) otherwise it would be diffrent. MMmmmmm, xmas brownies sound lovley.

How are we all doing diet wise then? I have been okay really. Having about 1600-1800 calories a day over the last few days so should be maintaining which is fine then it will be full throttle again after xmas.

Morning all !!

My cals have been creeping up a little bit too, it's hard this time of year, I mean you can be good all day and then BHAM !! A glass of wine, some cheese, or sweets.....eeek !! If you are cal counting you can easily double or treble your number in what seems like a few bites !! I think I'm around an average of 1,300 to 2,000 Mon to Fri, with it being a little higher at the weekends, and that's with hardly any booze and not much choccy in the house !!!

Since we moved over here we stopped buying all the Christmas crazy for our families, it was just too expensive to buy gifts and then pay again to send them over !!! Seemed silly and plus, we catch up when we get together and go out for a nice meal or a trip out, it works out well now and I was thinking it was getting OTT for Christmas. Even Mr D and I do not buy ourselves masses of presents, we spread out our treats over the year, a meal out, a weekend away, a holiday, etc.

We do support some Charities and so they get an extra donation at Christmas from us, and that's our gift giving now.....

Diva x
Ah Diva thats a lovley thing to do - give to charities. I can imagine postage to the UK for things must be a fortune. The Adonis and I put a £30 budget on what we get each other. I love xmas but its just soooo hyped up and you end up spending money you cant really afford. I used to get an apple and an orage in my stocking (right at the bottom to fill it up), if I done that now I think the kids would freak out haha. Also, you spend a fortune on little uns then within a month they have lost intrest of their toys and want new things. Saying that, i'm sure I was the same as a kid, you dont realise how mcuh it all costs till you get older do you. What charities do you give to? I am a sucker for things like RSPCA and WWF xxx
I agree too, Kassy, the Hype is huge now, and Christmas gets earlier and earlier so it seems !! I support the Charity we got the Cats from, of course, as I agree with their TNR programme, and also another local Cat Charity, as they never turn a Cat away and have a great Sponsorship programme, which I am hoping to join next year ( you can sponsor a Cat monthly, at their Cat Home, which you can visit, you give what you can, and it goes directly to your chosen Cat, I'm planning to sponsor an older Cat. One that wouldn't get adopted, and is a permanent resident at the Home )

Gosh, I sound like a right old crazy Cat Lady !! And I am !!! Hehe !!

Diva x
Evening Ladies,

Agree with you both about Christmas it has become so commercialised, the shops start selling Christmas stuff so early and then by closing time on Christmas Eve the decorations are down and sale stuff on the shelves, it really annoys me.

I have just about finished the present shopping, still a couple of small bits to get and a few more cards to do. Have been trying to wrap as I buy as that is one job I dont like doing, thank goodness for gift bags. Still have the turkey etc to get but I think Mr Bin is going to go food shopping for me on Friday as he is off work.

One of my friends is getting a cat from the local cat rescue, she is away for Christmas so is picking him up in the New Year, he is lovely and will have a brilliant home with them. My last cat was a couple of weeks away from her 20th birthday when I had to have her put to sleep, even the vet said she ran on duracell!! She was lovely black and white and really petite, but out of her and my dogs she was the boss!!

I am a supporter of the RSPCA too love animals can never understand how people can be cruel and neglect them, I support the NSPCC aswell.

Mr Bin passed his final exam so he is now a qualified driving instructor, he thought the second exam was hard but this one he said was really tough, it is only a 25% first time pass rate he was really pleased, so New Year, New Career exciting.

Have weigh in tomorrow I am still sticking to calorie counting Kassy I am enjoying it as it is just so much more flexible.

Have a good Thursday I am off tomorrow so I shall probably start putting the decorations up.

Bin xx
Morning all

Diva - Thats sounds fab, I think when the wedding is done and dusted I may look into something like that. Its so nice of you to look out for the older cat which will live there forever. My dream job would be to own a cat place like that and help the poor defensless kitties, so you are not the only crazt cat lady here hehe. I am nuts about cats, always have been. Shame the Adonis not so keen, he said we wont have anymore cats but i am sure I can twist his arm eventually haha. Do yours do the cute headbutting on your head? My girl cat does all the time, she comes behind me on sette and rubs her head on mine and sits on me constantly, although she wont sit on anyone else. They boy cat is a bit more of a cat slut and sits on anyone and everyone haha.

Bin - Wow, I hope my 2 hold out until 20. Did she get many health problems in that 20 years? Did she ever have the crystals I was ona bout earlier? Hahahaha, its funny how dogs are mostly scared of cats haha. My 2 cats stare at the dogs next door until they whimper haha. Wooohoo, great news about your hubby, that is a fantastic job. Must be very exciting for you both. Good luck with weigh in, let us know how you get on. Pleased you enjoying the calorie counting, it will always be my choice of diet as you can literally have anything you want in moderation which can only be a good thing.

Well, just thought i'd check in for a quick chinway. I wasnt good on diet yesterday - had 2330 calories! Most I have had in 1 day for weeks but 600 was on a bottle of wine. Back to being good today though. As I cant afford a new dress this xmas for party season I am hoping to sqeeeeeeze into a little hot pink one I got last year and have never worn. Fingers crossed!

Well, better go get back to work but speak soon xxx
Evening :)

Never got to SW for weigh in this evening friends turned up unexpectedly, so weighed in at home looks as though have STS this week.

Kassy Yes I was lucky my cat was very healthy, apart from a bit of artheritis in her old age she very rarely needed to see the vet. I used to have her vacinated every year so she had a yearly check up. I got her at 6 weeks old she was tiny and as I said she lived to almost 20. The cat from over the road spends a lot of time in with us, we dont feed him but he comes in has asleep then off he goes, mind you today he was having a play with some of the decorations on the tree!!

Really glad that James won X Factor I did not enjoy it so much this year, did you see that Christopher was top of the public vote for most of the weeks:eek:

Got all the christmas decorations up today house looked like a pig sty for most of the day boxes, balls and tinsel all over the place! Glad it is almost finished now, must get wrapping now.

Back to work tomorrow looking forward to having a few days off over Christmas.

Have a good Friday and weekend

Bin xx

Bin - I really should get my cats vaccinated every year and a yearly check up. So many people tho say its a waste of money (more important in America where rabies are). I think I should look into it after wedding tho as I want mine to live forever haha. Stig seems extra healthy - never a thing wrong with him, but Kas is a bit of a sicky cat (throws up randomly every now and then) and now with the crystals I really need to keep an eye on her. Other than that they spot on. Ooooo cute, you have a cat friend who comes and visits. Its funny how cats just wander into peoples houses. When I lived at my mams the one from along the street pratcically lived with us. Was always in my bed haha. Bet your house is looking very christmasy now. Has it made you all excited? If I send my presents over will you wrap mine to? hehe.

Were out for another xmas meal today at one of the convalescent homes we run. Food usually delicious. Then its our full staff xmas meal out at a posh restaurant on Monday (fancy three courses). Other then that am gonna try be good. Its a STS for me this week (11.1) so thats fine by me.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Were just having a few drinks in the house tonight (its lingerie dress up night for me tonight haha - we do this once a month or so, keep things fresh haha) then we have the kids tomorow night so gonna watch xmas films. Then Sunday I might start my wrapping.

Speak to you all next week xxx
F-F Friday !!!! Yay !!! One of the Cats woke me up at 4.30 a.m, and I could not go back to sleep !! I love mornings ( yep, one of THOSE annoyingly happy people, lol !!) but that was a bit too early even for me !!

We are doing the Christmas Booze shop tomorrow ( makes us sound like alcoholics !) lots of fun, choosing some nice wines and stuff for Christmas Day and Boxing Day ( not celebrated here in the U.S, but we still do it ) plus, I'm picking out a lovely bottle of Bubbly or two !!

On Sunday, we are going to the Cinema to see Skyfall, this will be the first Bond Movie I've ever seen on the Big Screen !! I think Mr D is looking forward to it more than me, though !!

Going to try and avoid any Cakes, but if we pop into Starbucks, I may have a slice of Gingerbread, mmmm !!

Have a good weekend !!

Diva x
Mornin all

Diva - Oooooo did you get lots of lovley alcoholic goodies when you went shopping? I got some nice carva for 2 people and it was in the fridge and guess what... we ended up drinking it haha. Now we have to replace it haha. Eeee naughty cat. I often here mine scratting at the door downstairs at 5am. I wish I was more of a morning peorson. Did you end up going into Starbusk and getting your cake? Did you enjoy Skyfall? I'm not really into the Bond films but I have heard its good.

I have had a boosie and foodie weekend. Fingers crossed not too much damage done coz am out for a meal again today. Gonna try be good Tue, Wed and Thurs then am allowing myself 2 weeks off for Xmas although will try to not go OTT.

Monday again !! Morning everyone !!

Lost another pound this week,woohoo !! Hehe !!

Yes we did a Booze Run, Kassy !! Lol !! P.A has strict alcohol related laws, so we just can't pop in the Supermarket and pick up a trolley full !! Alcohol is sold in state owned Wine and Spirits Shops ( this is a bit of a pain, but they do control the prices to keep them all low !! No price wars on your plonk ! Hehe !! ) and of course, you have to be over 21 to purchase and drink alcohol here !

This is what my local "offy " or off license looks like .....


There is a separate Wines and Spirits shop almost next door to it. Beers and stuff are usually sold in 6 or 12 packs or more popularly in crates of 24 !!

Here's a look at some of our Christmas goodies....


We also got some lovely wines, and I'm also loving this light cider Michelob Ultra, scrummy skinny Cider !!! 120 cals per bottle compared to the usual 150-250 cals for Cider !


And not forgetting the Christmas usual, a big bottle of Baileys !! Hehe !! Mr D treated me to the Chambord Liqueur as a sneaky add on, has anyone tried it ?? I'm thinking apart from a Bucks Fizz on Christmas Day, I may do a Champagne Cocktail with it ??
So the bar here is looking good at the mo !! HIC !!!!

Diva x