Its Monday

yay! My favourite day!
Bella, your PT put you through some hard training, I couldn't do half of that!
Funny, it makes you realise how little of our bodies we actually use, we do some exercise and can barley move, it's mad isn't it.
Have any of you done bootcamp ?
They've started doing it at my gym, but worried I'm not fit enough yet?
I've had a crap food weekend, but for some reason today I'm full of energy and my mindset is good. I've changed all my bedroom around, so my husband will moan, you can't have it like this, !
He doesn't like change, but I love change, jobs, new people, new places, anything different is good. I get bored very quickly, Im bored of being fat now, bored of not living life to the full, bored of feeling frumpy.
I want to do something exciting... Push myself, I'll have to set myself a challenge I think.
Hope you all had good weekend?!
I'm off to zumba with a few friends tonight, see if I can work off some of that bread crisps and cake I ate at weekend x
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