Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

It was quite strange to be honest! There was a woman there who was the largest of all the women they were speaking to, and I think personally with her depression played a huge part. After her marriage breakup she started eating and then found out about the fetish's. Her son now has to care for her - wipe her bottom when she goes to the loo etc, and it's very hard not to judge based on the fact that she's purposely doing this to herself!

There were a couple of girls that seemed to be happy - the English girl in particular who went over to America to start her BBW career said she was happy with how she was and didn't think she would particularly want to gain weight to better her career.

Maybe it's just a lack of understanding but I personally don't get it at all!

And thank you :) exam starts at 1, and I'll be leaving the house in about an hour!

That photo looks absolutely gorge!! Will be some great photos there I bet :)


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Good luck Stacy87 !!

Morning All !!! Early start today, up at 5.30 !! Your Castle looks stunning Kassy !!! I hope you get it !!!

I guess some people are happy and fat.....I was not one of them. The BBW scene is big here ( excuse the pun!) at the moment in the news they are reporting on the 800lb Bride, choosing her Wedding Dress. She has been on other programmes saying she is happy, fat and healthy.....but I am sorry, I do not think I could be " happy " being hardly able to stand and walk across a room. You are seriously restricting your life and lifestyle, IMO....... Have you heard the term for these VERY big people ??? They are now being called the Super Obese.....

Here in the States, I think about 35 % of Adults are obese ( these figures are about a year or so old, since I last looked into it ) that's around 73 million people, I think..... I love living here, but portion control is seriously lacking, fast food is VERY cheap, and a lot of people rarely walk....anywhere....we have drive- thru for EVERYTHING....not just fast food places, but Banks, Chemists ( Pharmacies here !) Restaurants, etc.... It's worrying.....

Diva x
Kassy, that castle looks beautiful. My housemate wants to get married in a castle! I think its a great idea.

Stacey how was the exam?

Diva, thats an early start! How's the walking going?

I missed that programme you're all talking about but have just watched secret eaters which filmed a family of four over a few weeks to see why they are gaining weight. It was shocking because it made you think about portion sizes but also how many calories you consume just from picking whilst preparing them! Definitely got me thinking! Xx
Morning all

Bella - I watched scereat eaters last week but missed it this week. It really does get you thinking. Thats why I write everything diwn and try to be honest with myself about how many calories are actually in things but its not always easy to get things 100% accurate. How is everything with you? Did you see mine and Zestys posts saying you should write about your internet dating and speed dating experiences? I love stuff like that. So many women will be able to relate to it too.

Stacey - Howd the Exam go? Tell me tell me tell me. I'm rooting for you.

Diva - Crikey - how can someone weighting 800lb say they are healthy? That is impossible. I would hate to be a 800lb bride. Sounds cruel but you want to feel beatiful on your wedding day. I bet her dress will cost a fortune to be made. Or she could just wear a marquee hahaha. Eeeeeh, thats awful of me. But a little bit true! You have so much will power - look how much you have lost when there is all that temptation around you. I cant believe you have drive through banks and pharmacies. Thats mad. I love walking, especially on nice days. People dont know what they are missing out on.

Well, a bit sad news from me this morning... One of the Adonis's dogs, Sacha, died last night. She was very old (lived outside with the other dog, Max, as not house dogs as ate the place - they were outside dogs before I met him and at first I thought it was cruel but I got used to it plus when I moved in they might of ate my cats). She was off her food at the weekend then the last few days she just deteriorated rappidly. We knew she was gonna have to be put down so we booked vets appointment. The Adonis went to take her last night and she just gave up in the care on the way there so he went and buried her. Its so sad. Max is so sad, you can see it in his eyes, so were giving him extra attention and taking him out more. He is an American Bull Dog (Sacha was a little brown staffy). I just hope h'es gonna be okay and dosent get aggressive. he's so soft now. He was howling sometimes through the night but we cant even bring him in as my partnera nd his ex never house trained him, plus I have the cats. Its awful but am gonna spil him rotten and take him everywhere with me on a night.

On the up side, we got the hotel all booked. They cudnt do it on the date of our wedding so we have moved it forward 1 day and now we getting marries Friday 21st June 2013. Registrar and everything sorted.

Was good yesterday - 1430 calories and an hour walk again. Far to nice to go to gym in this weather. My food diary for today said I should be having around 1400 again today. Hope I have a loss with this amount.

Hope everyone else well xxx
Hi Kassy

I track everything i eat now im doing ww and it really helps. It makes you realise what you were eating before doesnt it! I did see the comments about doing a blog on online dating. Ill see how i get on with it first but your right, i think a lot of people will relate to it. Part of me is still quite skeptical about the whole thing but my mr right has to be out there somewhere doesnt he? I really dont want to be single for the rest of life!

Sorry to hear about your dog, thats so sad. My mums cat passed away last year and she was so upset. Its awful isnt. Just do as you said and give the other dog loads of love and attention!

Right girls, serious stuff now! I need some advice. Ive decided i need to do something about the state of my legs coz i hate them! My thights are so wobbly and fat and my calves stick out like a sore thumb! Its really getting to me now so i need to take action. Can amyone recommend a good way of burning fat? Im going to blog about it so need to do my research and need your help! Xx
Back again girls just to let you know I've lost 5lbs tonight at weigh in! So happy as I've gained 10lbs recently so am back on track and happy I've lost half of my gain now!! Xx
Evening Ladies:)

Stacy How did the exam go was thinking of you on Wednesday, when will you get the results have fingers crossed but am sure you will be fine, soooo excited for you.:)
I saw that Fat Fetish programme, can not imagine letting yourself get to 44 stone, but as you say depression must have played a very large part of her gaining weight, and at the end when she was crying I think proves that she is so unhappy and depressed. Feel sorry for her son too. The English girl who went over seemed fine and quite happy with her body which is great.

Kassy The dresses and the castle look lovely a real fairytale wedding and the price seems very reasonable, have you thought of bridesmaids/pageboys yet and what colour will they wear. So sorry to hear about Sacha was she old? Hope Max is okay give him loads of love and cuddles. I enjoy walking too Mr Bin is not so keen as he says it is more like a route march with me as I do tend to walk fast:D

Bella Wow that is a good weight loss well done you must be really pleased :) Loved your short story really good and the suggestion of you doing a story about speed and internet dating sounds a good idea.

Zest Hows the CD going, you must be so focused to do it :)

Diva We have finally had some lovely weather here, so I actually got some gardening done!:) 800lb bride good on her if she really is happy but I can not understand how she can be.

Have been busy at work as there is a jubilee window competition being judged tomorrow so have spent my time making things and displays for the window, had a wander through town some of the displays are really good, it has been good fun planning and doing the display.

Had WI tonight lost 2lb which I was really pleased with. It is my birthday on Sat, am working in the morning but have got the aftrernoon off, we are having a barbi at home which will be nice.

Hope you all have a good Friday and weekend xxx
Good mowning on this glorious sunny day

Bin - :birthday: Huge happy birthday for tomorow. Hope you have a fantastic day. BBQ sounds wonderful. Also, huge congrats on the 2lb loss. Its been slow for a while but thats a good loss. Bet you are chuffed to bits. Hehehe, I walk really fast too. Burns more calories hehe. the Adonis is getting used to it now though and can keep up. I am having 6 bridesmaids (4 under the age of 10 and my 2 best friends). I am thinking champaign of dusty pink. Leaning towards champaign at the mo tho as seen a stunning bridesmaid dress (pic below for you). Only comes in at £79.99 too and its custom made to fit. I just hope the style suites size 14's as the model on the pic is stick thin. I think it will look lush. What do you think? Yes, Sasha was old. 10 years. Max was howling a bit again last night but not as much as the night before.

Bella - Woop woop woop. My god, 5lb is amazing. Bet you feel right back on track. Whe are you going speed dating? Regarding exercises to tone legs. I swar by weights at the gym. You still go to gym? Also squats work a dream. But some good music on and squat away! That sounds so random haha. Also leg raises (you can just do them while watching tv). Lift them up an down and out and repeat over and over. You can add leg weights for more resistance. Also, keep walking as helps lots.

Well am sure my sacles are borke. i did say they were on their way out last week. I was 11.6 on monday and had a sneeky peak today as I have been so good and they said am still 11.6. Got off and on again and said 11.7. tries again and said 11.8 then again last time said 11.6 again. I thought I would have lost a bit but maybe its a delay in a gain as I did eat a hell of alot of crap in those 5 weeks! Think gonna get some new scales at weekend though.

Was good yesterday. Went on another hour and a quater walk and consumed 1310 calories. devistaed to find out though that jellu babies have 20 calories per sweet!!!!! They are only babies hahahaha. I tought had 10 and I have been having about 10 a day (someone at work brought a 3kg bag in) so I had to add 100 calories on each of my days :(. Still having around 1500 a day though which is good.

Its been way to nice to use gym this week hence all the walking but hitting the gym next week to do some strength tarining and tone tone tone!!!

What do yuo all have planned for this weekend? I'm planning on lots of walks in the sun (try and top my tan up) and at wedding doo tomorow night.

Happy Friday anyway everyone and hope you all have a fab weekend xxx


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Well, I'm here Kassy !! Lol !! It was a Bank Holiday here yesterday, so we've had a nice long weekend, and the party at the weekend was great, I ate gorgeous brownies, homemade bread, and drank alcohol, gee.... Can't understand how I got a STS yesterday !??! Naughty Diva !!! LOL !!

It's mega hot here, already almost 85 degrees before noon, so I'm walking VERY early, at insane o'clock a.m, hehehe !!!
I'm having a smoothie day today, for two meals and a giant salad tonight, to shock my body into parting with the weekend excess !!!

Hope you had a brilliant Birthday Bin !!! 21 again !!! Woop woop !!!

It's nearly June already !!! Come on people, shout out some targets/ aims for next month !!! I want to get under 190 and STAY under it !!! So I need to be dropping 4 lbs plus next month !!! Also, got to get back to five or six days exercising !!

Diva x
Morning :)

Kassy Yes it is really quiet on here where do you think everyone has gone hehe, probably out enjoying all that lovely sunshine we have been having. Did you have a good weekend?:)

Diva Had a good birthday thanks, how did you guess my age 21 again!! Mmmmmmm chocolate brownies one of my favourites mind you any thing that is laden with chocolate is my favourite:17729: we have been having lovely weather here not quite as hot as you! but it feels like summer is finally here. Good luck with the early morning walking.

Day off today just got to pop down to work to open up as one of the ladies may be a bit late. Not sure what to do yet certainly wont be housework whilst the sun is shining.

Have a good Wednesday xxx
I'm here! I'll catch up with posts this afternoon and have a catch up xxx

See what exciting things you all been up to?! Xxx;)

Catch you later xxx

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Hiya :)

Pleased you had a good birthday Bin. What lush weather you had for it too. Is it still nice there now? Its clouded over here today. Hope the sun comes back out to play soon.

Diva - SDounds like you had a great weekend. And a STS is great when you have had an induldgent weekend. We have a double bank holiday here this weekend - off till Wednesday so thinking of having a BBQ and drinks. Plus, were going to a theme park with the kids on Saturday. Cant wait for that hehe. Love rides. Do you like them? I'm with you on a June challange as I am trying to get down to 11st for 22nd June anyway for my weekend away.

My weekend was canny, lots of sun so done quite alot of walking. We ended up doing 18 miles last week. No where near as good as wor Diva but still impressive I think. Topped my tan up nice too.

Oh, we have booked up for our honeymoon, so thats another thjing to cross off the list. Were going to Mexico on 25th June 2013. Its going to be amazing. Its leaving is soooooo skint for the next year though. We need a small lotto win desperatley haha.

I was pretty good on my diet all last week, bar Sunday, but as the scales arnt working properly I dont know how much weight I have lost, so I will just have to keep plodding on and hope I am losing. Must get some new scales soon though.

As its cloudy today, think I'll hit the gym tonight. Done another 3 mile walk last night.

Phew!!! Worn out, lots of catching up there!

Kassy, your life sounds so exciting at moment :) wedding dresses venues honeymoons walks gym... Surprised you manage to fit in eating! So much to sort and do. All very nice things to look forward to... ;)
Sorry to hear about doggie, has other dog settled now?

Bin, 2lb, that's a good loss, how much is that so far? What job do you do? Just you said something about window dressing? Sounds v nice :) did you stay sober for your birthday;) ?

Diva... You got a chocolate diva head on at moment lol x. Since thorntons lol
Green drinks chocolate and cocktails... Staple diva diet! Where these pics of garden then? Xxx

Bella, can not wait to hear how your first Internet or speed dating goes... How exciting;) don't forget to post all gossip on here xxx

Stacey all change for you, all good changes ;)

Hi everyone else... Is Nicola still around or dud I miss her post?

Sun in and out jeer today, I'm doing ok on cd, Been loosing but keep cheating, so my losses not what they should be :( my fault though. Very tired today zzzz

Xxx :)

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Hello :)

WI tonight lost another 1lb which am happy about as I did have a few drinks and plenty of calories on my birthday! If I can lose a lb next week I will at last be out of the 11's, so will just have to work hard this week no cheating;)

Kassy Wow 18 miles very impressive:) So exciting you have booked your honeymoon where abouts in Mexico are you going. Hope you have a good time at the theme park I am afraid I am a real coward I hate the rides, nothing would get be on those rollercoasters.When the children were young I always made sure we went with some one who would go on the rides with them!

Zest Well done staying with the CD I would give up after the first couple of days, and every loss no matter how big or small is a step in the right direction:)

Hello Bella, Stacy and Diva.

Weather a bit cooler today, hope it warms up again for the weekend. 3 weeks tomorrow it is the IOW festival can not wait I go every year, I dont camp, come home to a shower and comfy bed every night (must be getting old):)

Have a good Friday xxx
Hiya peeps

Zesty - I know, where on the go all of the time, the Adonis was just saying the otherday how we never stop. Thats the way I like it though. Yeah, Max has settled a bit but he still sometimes cries when he is on his own but we have been taking him out lodas. Poor thing. Still doing fab on ya CD I see but dont beat yasel up for not being 100% strict. Its a very hard diet to do and you are doing fab and as long as you keep losing all is well. You got much planned for the jubilee weekend?

Bin - Fab news, anothe pound. Your doing sumit right. Well done :) Grab my hand and drag me out of the 11s too haha. Were going to the Gran Bahia Principe Akumal in Riviera Maya. Its 3 notels all linked togeather so you can use all 3 during the day. On the beach, looks stunning. I cant wait hehe. Have you been to Mixico? The Adonis hates rides too but I love them. Its just a small theme park though so wont be anything to mind blowing hehe.

So what does everyone have planned this Jubilee weekend? I'm at a charity tonight to see my frineds fella get his back waxed hehe. He is soooooo hairy too. Then tomorow hitting the coast and going to little theme park. Monday we are having a few people round for drinks.

I fell off the diet wagon well and truly last night. Had a full bottle of wine and a full chinease take-away. Consumed just under 3000 calories in total last night so gonna have to try and be good all rest of weekend and make last night my treat night. Boooooooo. Scales say I havnt budged but they dont work properly. Really struggeling to lose at the mo.

Hope you all have a fab long weekend and I will speak to you all next Wednesday xxx
Hi ladies,
I'm very boring and in bed, no weekend goodies or wine for me :(
Booo hooo x

Bin, that would be excellent if you could get under the 11's, give you a real boost ;)
How much you lost so far? You'll be over taking me soon, I'm crap I tell you! Always pizza that is my downfall and I don't even like it much?!!! So crazy isn't it?!!!

Kassy, jubilee weekend just one arrangement at my friends house, she having a garden party, she v posh and lives in Windsor so will be v nice, I like nice and love posh things lol. I could listen to posh people talk all day , mad ay? Little fettish of mine, eeek!
My friend doesn't talk posh though, think she wishes she did she is v funny hehe x

Diva, will you celebrate jubilee? Do you have any English friends out there?
How's the walking? I need to check your thread re walk run thing, hope your back in track xcc

Hi to bella look forward to updated progress re you dating xxx

Hi to everyone else :)
Right sleep time I'm shattered xxx

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Hi again :)
So I caved in, was with friends, had wine crisps an pavlova thong my fiends had made. :(
This diet I so hard, I'm angry at myself now though!

Hope you all doing good, enjoy the weekend, xxx :)

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Hi Zest :)

Don't be angry with yourself, just look at how well you have done and as you say the diet is so hard I am sure the odd treat is ok. So don't beat yourself up about it.

Having a lazy weekend nothing planned, Level 42 are playing up in the local park tomorrow so may just sit out in garden and have a listen thats if it is not raining, did not want to fork out for a ticket never was a big fan of theirs but some of the songs were ok.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend xx
Morning Guys !!! Are you all enjoying your lovely long Jubilee Weekend Extravaganza ??? Did the weather stay nice ?? I was watching the celebrations on the news, mainly stuff happening in London, and the boats on the Thames !!! Saw the PM chatting about it, it's strange now to hear a British accent on the morning news here !! Lol !! We are not celebrating here, as I don't know any other Brits anywhere near us !!! Though not really bothered as it saves me from a ton load of party food and calories, hehe !!! I was in the UK for the Golden Jubilee, which was a bit of a let down, and didn't seem to be that big ( parties, celebrating, etc) a deal at the time. I was a kid for the Silver Jubilee ( 1977 !!).... Yes I am THAT old !! And that was bloody FANTSTIC !! The whole atmosphere was very different and the whole country seemed to go mad for it then.....

Any whoo, it's June already and I'm still FATTER than I wan to beeeee !!! ( WAIL !! ) So I'm on a mission to shake my lazy tushy ??? As I think they say here !! Will report my progress in my sig to keep me motivated AND if I can get my bloody camera to work I will be taking some up to date photos to shock me again !!!

Have you guys been reading about that super obese teenage girl from Wales ?? I think her name is Georgia ?? She had to be cut out of her parents house, as she could no longer stand or move ?? They thought she was around 63 st, but she was hospitalised and reweighed and apparently she's around 52 st ??? I remember reading about her a few years ago as she came over to the States to do a Fat Camp, and I'm sure I watched the TV Series on it too. Did anyone else catch that ?? To be 19 years old and be that ill and trapped by your own body, if she doesn't do something about it, she won't see 21....

Sorry, don't mean to be on such a downer, I'm actually feeling quite good this a.m !! I just find these stories about the super obese very interesting, I was once heading that way, almost 19 st, stuck in a rut, I can see how it goes from there, 19 st to 20, then 21 st, etc ...... I feel almost sick thinking about it. I changed one bad habit at a time, took tiny steps, and slowly it is changing ( my weight and lifestyle ) but you have to keep chipping away at it, don't you ???

Happy June, everybody !!! I dropped a pound this week, got the 180's around the corner, got to keep on pushing to it!!

Diva x