Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Miss Kassy Yes!!! I am so determined I am scared of slipping of the wagon as they say! Its the maintaining it as well that worries me! Happy eating! x
Hello Everyone

Spoo82 Yes evening nibbles is a habit I wish I could get out of, I tried eating tea later but that did not work so I save some calories during the day so I can have some crispbreads, philli cheese and some fruit. You say you are limited to what exercise you can do what about swimming that is quite a gentle way to exercise. Am sure you will soon get rid of the last stone I am 4lb behind you lol.

Kassy Great to see you back, it sounds as though you had a brilliant time, the photos are lovely you both look so happy. That peski 11lbs wont be with you long:) I am sticking to the CC and am enjoying it so much more flexible, am still going to SW to be weighed as I have not got the will power if I am weighing myself. Mr Bin has started Calorie counting too.

Diva Yes those little lbs all add up the consultant at SW said a lb a week is 9lb by christmas which would be nice to achieve.

Hello Zest how are you?

Work tomorrow then Sunday have Great South Run in morning ( hope weather is ok for it) and then have got to get back to Southampton to see football.

Have a good weekend take care xxx
Bin59 .... I love swimming but it sets my eczema off big style I hav tried layers of barrier cream and washing and everything you can think to go swimming as i love it but unfortunatly just doesnt work! will try again soon but space them out a bit more :)
Spoo82 Sorry to hear about your eczema, is it the chlorine in the water that sets it off? I know in some ways how you feel as I have psoriasis always have large patches of it but at times it flares up all over me! Luckily it does not prevent me doing thing like swimming. Have you always had eczema?
Take care xx
Bin... Good luck for tomorrows run :) xxx
Yeah tis the chlorine ive always had it no biggy :) Psorisis must be horrible to have! Bless you ... I think i might start yoga when I move (which is soon ) new place new start and all that have a good day x
Morning Ladies :)

Am on such a high I completed the Great South Run (10 miles) in 1hr 53mins:D Was so chuffed cos I woke up (at 4.30am) so nervous and even at the start line was still thinking what have I done! Came 14170 out of 25000 people and 361st in my age and female group. Had a good day my son did it in 1hr 26min which was faster than his last years run. But the most important thing was that we raised lots of money for the local hospice.:D
Am quite surprised my thighs are a little achey this morning but I was expecting to be really stiff

Spoo82 Yoga sounds good I must admit I have never done it but I know lots of people who say it is great. When do you move? Exciting new start etc:)

Hope you all have a good Monday speak soon

Bin xxx
Bin that's an amazing achievement!! You should be so proud of yourself, and raising lots of money for charity is the cherry on the cake! :)
yeah I am excited but there's so much to do! fresh start will be nice but I will miss the place I am at now. I move in 7 weeks!

Have a good week everyone xx
Hi all

Bin - WOW! You done amazing! Well done you! You literally kicked A$$!!!!! Bet you were so chuffed. Are your legs aching now? Goon on you for sticking with the CCing, pleased you enjoying it. The freedom is the best bit about it by far.

Spoo - What diet are you following? I'm back on it from today so lets get shedding! hehe.

Hiya Diva/Zesty, hope you have both had a fab weekend.

Please you all like my pics hehe. Ive got 2 of them framed and on the matelpiece already haha. It was great practice for the Adonis before the wedding as he hates getting his photo took.

Well, this last week you name it ive ate it - biscuits, chocolate, fry up, belly port, chips, 3 takeaways and the list goes on. I wanted to enjoy my last few days of food freedon so really went to town on it and I got weighed this morning and could not believe I have LOST 3lb hehe. Goes to show when you come back off holiday its not proper weight you put on and mainly down to the amount of alcahol I consumed. So am back down to 11.4 at the mo and starting my healthy eating from today!

Come on gals, lets all aim to drop as much as we can for Xmas!!!! woooohoooo. Sending you all loads of motivation!!!!!!

Miss kassy... welldone on your weight loss! Very lucky indeed :) If i ate all that I would have put on half a stone and i don't really no i am just eating a lot less and switching some meals to shakes and making sure I am drinking loads. you only have a little to loose so I am sure you will do it in no time :) I have moved my goal post which is a bit daunting so I have more to loose! Shall keep fighting! happy healthy eating ! x
Morning Ladies !!!

Well done Bin on your Great South Run.... I am in awe....I can only hope to get to that level of fitness !! AMAZING !!!! And no blisters ?????

Kassy is back on board too !! You'll get rid of that little regain in no time at all, gal !!!

I've blitzed my Holiday regain !! It is all GONE !!! With a few days left in October to spare !!! YAY !!! Next target is to drop another 7lbs in November !!!

Also, you might have noticed on the news that we are getting ready for Hurricane Sandy.... we are in it's direct path, so we are just following the emergency protocols in place and hunker down and wait it out.....we survived Irene, so let's hope we can get through this one !!!

Diva x
Just took these pics, we are watching the latest Weather updates on the TV...they have stopped public transport, and are fining you if you are out on the roads in certain areas...the message being have your emergency escape / plans in place, have fresh water and canned foods ready and be prepared for power cuts and flooding !!!

Luckily for us, we live on a hill, so flooding is unlikely !!!

Diva x


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Diva Hope you are ok, I have been watching the news on the TV it must be quite frightening.
Thinking of you and Mr D. Take care and stay safe.
Bin xx
Morning Gals

Diva - Bloody hell, hope you guys are okay. Didnt realise if was heading your way, its all over the news. Yes, defo follow all protocol and as Bin says, stay safe. Really hope it misses you or dosent cause much damage. Will be thinking of you. Please check in as often as possible with updates.

Spoo - Ah why have you moved your goalpost. I see you wanna be 10st but I think at 5ft 8 10.7 will be ideal. I am only 5ft 6 and aiming for 10.7 which is a nice 12. So dont get yaself too stressed as I bet you a lovley shape as you are already.

My day 1 went canny - 1550 calories. No exercise though. I find it hard to get motivated exercise-wise with the dark cold nights but I will try and do some as and when I can motivate myself. But the real exercise will start come February to lead up to the wedding. Until then and now I'll do what I can.

Were of the the pictures tonight to see Taken 2. Hope its good. We loved the first one.

Have any of you read the 50 Shades books? I didnt think they would be my kind of read but am hooked haha. On the 3rd book now, read the other 2 on holiday.

Hope you all have a good day, speak soon, and take extra care Diva xxx

Diva- thinking of you bunker down keep safe! I hope the storm passes quickly with minimal damage.

Kassy- I think I will probs stay at 10.7 It would be nice to see what I look like at 10. Also I am sure I will put a little weight back on so if I am 10 then I have 7 pounds to play with :) It sounds like you had a reasonable day :)

50 Shades of grey I haven't read but i am tempted after hearing all the stories about them!

I had some news yesterday which has put me in a tis.... its a very long story but basically I am no longer moving and have been accepted back onto a course at uni. the downside is I am 2 months behind so need to get my but into gear my last day of work is thursday then back to uni to get studying. I had started packing so today is all about sorting all my room out and putting it back into place and sorting all my uni work out! So much to do so little time!

Have a good day everyone! :) xxx
Hi !! Well that was a long night !!! We were lucky that we weren't caught in the power cuts, but there has been damage to houses around us, we were actually eating dinner last night and a whole piece of siding fell down in front of our dining room window !! It wasn't from our house or any neighbours nearby, so goodness knows where it came from !! The winds were amazing, so loud, almost like a howling noise, for most of the night. I actually slept downstairs in our finished basement with the Cats, as I wasn't taking any chances, as a lot of trees were blown down !!
Yes, we were in it's path as we are not too far away from Philadelphia in P.A, if any of you were watching the reports showing the Eastern Beach resorts ( the monster waves, the flooding and where Sandy hit land ) like Cape May, Rehoboth,etc, well they are all places we have been to, so awful to watch Sandy bash those lovely beachside towns !!!
All public transport around here is still closed, and they still don't want too any people out there traveling yet, apart from the trees down, there is local flooding and also most of our electricity power is carried overhead,not buried in the ground, so a lot of those electricity poles have been knocked over and live wires are all over the place.

So, what with Irene last year, and now Sandy, we are becoming old hands at this Hurricane malarky !!!! ( plus, we also have also experienced an earthquake since we moved here !! Lol !!! Though, that was not my first one !!! )

Diva x
Hi girls how ru all? Firstly i want to say im really sorry for neglecting you all lately. Work has taken over my life and sent me into a bit of an emotional spiral. Ontop of that ive had so much going on outside of work i am actually feeling so drained now. I think waking up with my third cold in the last 6 weeks this morning has prompted me into realising i need to take some time out and chill. (and perhaps re-evaluate my career!) So this weekend im planning a quiet one, stocking up on lots of fresh fruit, veg and vitamin c, and will catch up on whats been going on.

Hope youre all well, happy and safe.

love Bella xx
Hiya all

Diva - Oh my word!!!! You have hit on quite lucky but still, bet its so scary. Keep them cats indoors mind, the little furballs will get blown away. I always envy the weather you have but its safe to say I dont envy you this time. Is the worst of it over for you now? Hope so!

Bella - Good to see you back. Defo sounds like you need to chill. Maybe take some time off work. What kind of job do you do again? It is office manager or something? Have you read the 50 shades books? I know how much you love your books.

Spoo - You should defo read them they are really good, although I am not finding the 3rd one as good and all the sex scenes are getting a bit tedious now so I just skim past those haha. Did you get your room sorted? What are you doing at Uni?

Well gals its bad kassy at the mo - I just cant get into the swing of this diet. Its almost TOTM and I am craving junk and sweets. I have zero motuivation for exercise and just wanna curl up with a family size takeaway and ket. I know I will get over theis hurdle, I always do, but its awful being stuck in a rut and not having any self discipline. I like the motivated, on to of the world Kassy, not the tierd binge eating one! Hopefully try not to go OTT and start some exercise next week which will pick me up.

Weve just booked a romantic night away for Adonis birthday at a castle - with a room with a four poster bed, so cant wait for that. Its on Fri 16th Nov so first mini goual will be to get back on track ASAP and lose a little by then as I WILL be indulding on the fry up the following morning haha.

Its pitch black already - hate the dark nights and dark mornnings. Roll on Spring!!!!!

Hope everyone else okay.

Speak soon xxx
Morning Gals!! Well here we go, into November !!! Eeekkk !!!

Kassy, my cats were safe and sound, a little bit crazy during the night of the Superstorm, I think the winds spooked them a bit !!! Just as it did us !!! I feel your pain of restarting, it took me maybe two weeks to settledown again after my holiday, I swear it gets harder the older I get !! Lol !!

It was a quiet Halloween round here, a lot of people had not decorated outside ( or had taken it all back down because of Sandy !!) and a lot of people and towns have moved celebrations to this weekend, due to the recovery and transport problems.... Usually it is packed around our neighbourhood, like a street party !!!

Big hiya to Bella too, we've missed you on here !! I hope you feel better soon, sometimes it's hard to shake off those bugs...

Our clocks change this weekend, as we enter Winter, luckily here it still stays very bright during the day and even in Winter it is light until around 5 p.m ish, I don't miss those days of getting up to go to work in the dark and coming home in the dark !! Lol !!

Diva x
Hiya all

Diva - I bet the poor little furballs were terrified. Did they have their huge googly scared eyes on? hehe. Why is is cats look soooo cute when they scared. Poor things. Where you live sounds great, in our street no one at all had haloween things up, we didnt even have any trick or treaters! I used to love haloween as a kid, its just not the same now.

Well, I well and truly fell off the wagon yesterday - I ended up having around 2730 calories. Yeiks!!!!! It made me so anxious i hardly slept last night. You know that feeling when you feel like your waistline is expanding munite by munite? So I am gonna try my bestest to put yesterday behind me and keep plodding on and try be good. Its a good day to think positive - the beginning of a new month. Fingers crossed I can be good. Weigh in on Monday!

Will check in and speak to yous again soon. Over and out xxx