Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Hello Ladies

Diva Glad you are ok after the hurricane and hope things are getting back to normal for you:), some of the news footage from New York looks as though it is going to take quite a while for things to return to normal there.

Kassy How's it going it is so hard getting back into diet mode after hols, don't beat your self up about it something will suddenly click and that motivated Kassy will be back and that small holiday gain will soon come off. Your romantic break in a castle sounds lovely:)Are you watching X factor this year? I have started watching Strictly which I have never watched before!!

Bella Great to see you back:) as Diva says we have missed you. Hope you are feeling better soon, are you due any holiday? It sounds as though you could do with some time off.

I lost another 1lb this week which I am ok with, although after running 10 miles on Sunday I thought I might have lost a little bit more! But at least it has started to shift again after coming to a standstill for weeks!!

Can not believe we are in November already that pesky little thing called Christmas will be with us before we know where we are! Not sure if I am really looking forward to it this year, first one without my Dad who was just like a big kid at Christmas, he would arrive with whizzy balloons, pea shooters etc:) Also youngest son is going to Australia Jan 7th he has a years working visa but his aim is to move out there permanantly. I just keep thinking the sooner Christmas is here the sooner he goes:(

Hello everyone else

Hope you all have a good Sunday, speak soon, take care

Bin xx
Morning all, hope you all had a fab weekend.

Bin - Yes, I'm watching X-Factor. Are you? I loved No Doubt on last night - they my fave group. Gwen is amazing and looks great. It was a huge shock that Kai went home. Shame as he really good, but I am a fan of Rylan. I just think he's so canny. I want James or Ella to win tho. James version of Dont Speak was amazing. Oh Bin, sounds like you not ready for Xmas at all. i can understand why. You will have to get some pea shooters and funny baloons in your dads honour. Let the memories live on! Wow, I didnt realise your son was going to Austrailia. That is such an amazing thing to do. You will miss him heaps but think of the oppertunities he could have and how exciting it must be for him. Must be hard for you though. Hey, it means one thing - you will HAVE to go visit him in Austrailia haha.

Well people, I was crap all weekend but got weighed this morning and am down to 11.2 which am chuffed to bits about. Gonna try be dead good again from now on (well as good as i can be) and I will be back down to 10.10 soon (fingers crossed).

We went out for drinks on Friday night then Saturday I was round so just chilled out, then Saturday night we took the kids to a bonfire. was great. Won the biggest teddy in the world on a game hehe.

Hope you all had a goon un and will speak toyou all later xxx
Morning Gals !! Awww, I miss Bonfire Night !!! Do kids still do a penny for the Guy ??? I guess with Halloween taking over, it's not so big now ?? We always used to have fireworks at home too ( super safe, my Father would be in charge of letting them off in the garden and we would be watching from the window and then the back door when we were bigger !! Hehe!)
Mr D is forever trying to explain about Bonfire Night to his collegues !!

Had a good weekend, and was expecting a STS because we had a big Dinner do on Saturday which involved a slap up Chinese Meal, which was fantastic !! I also had four big glasses of yummy Wine, and about four big double Coconut Rum concoctions !!! Not all in one sitting Thank Gawd !! Hehe !! Eeek !! I'm going to be terrible nearer Christmas when I fancy some nice Mulled Wine !! Diva on the Alcoholllllllll !!! Yay !!!

So I think my 2 lb loss will disappear during the week, and I'll be lucky to drop one pound by next Monday !!!

It's Election CRAZY here at the mo !! And it's driving me bloody crazy !!!!

Diva x
Hi Peeps

Been so busy with work these last few days havnt had a chance to log on :(

Diva - I dont see many kids doing penny for a guy or lantern anymore. I used to as a kid though. There were people setting off fireworks in our street and the cats were terrified. Little Stig hid under the TV cabnet for 3 hours haha. Did you vote for election? That Barac O'Bama seems canny from what i have seen of him on TV. Seems like a down to earth kind of guy. I am terrible, I never vote. I am not into politics, etc. Never have been. But I know I sould start to think about voting really.

I still havnt been great on my diet. Have good days and bad days and middle or the road days. As long as I can stry stay within the 11-11.5 bounday now and over xmas, I will really start to kick butt come January ready for wedding in June, but I am just struggeling at the mo so gonna take it a bit easier, not stress, not go OTT and focus more come January. Will try be as good as possible but its hard in Winter. And have so many meals and xmas functions coming up it is impossible to be 100% good!

Were at an engagement party tonight which am looking forward to and taking the kids so I can have a good boogie on the dance floor with them hehe. Then tomorow night we at theatre to see a show called Circus of Horrors. They were on Britain's got Talent a few years ago. Freaky circus act - supposed to be dead good.

Hope you all have a great weekend and I will check in next week xxx
Hello Ladies

Need a good kick up the backside have been really bad food wise this week, have had a really sweet tooth and no biscuit or chocolate bar in the house was safe!! Must get my diet head back on tomorrow.

Went and saw Adam Ant on Friday I was never a big fan of his but a friend really wanted to see him so I went along with her, he did 2 hours non stop, lots of his old hits so we could have a good sing a long it was a good evening only thing was getting home, we had to wait for the 1.30am ferry so did not get home until 3.00am! Had to go to work on Sat morning then went over to Southampton to watch the football. Kassy next home game on 25th we are playing Newcastle:)

Kassy X factor I would like James to win he gives the impression of being miserable but I think he is probably quite shy. How was the Circus of Horrors meant to be good from what I have heard.

Diva We did not have any children come round with their Guys, infact this year did not see any Guys at all, I can remember when I was little my Dad like yours was in charge of the fire works in the garden, milk bottles dotted all over the lawn with rockets in them:) Is everything back to normal where you live after the storm?

Have a good Monday take care
Bin xx
hiya girls, hope youve all had a good weekend. I've been lurking in the background since my last post as have been trying to find my motivation which seems to be back now!

So....6 weeks til xmas which means only one thing.....CHALLENGE TIME! Im starting today aiming to lose a stone so if anyone wants to get on board let me know. ill be back here tonight so can put something together for us.

let me know whos up for it.

Bella xx
Morning All !!

My losses are slowing down now...boooo !!! Having the weekends off is really slowing me down....but I knew it was coming, though with six weeks or so to still get through ...... Eeeeeek !!!!
Gorgeous food again on Saturday, but I only had a couple of glasses of wine, which was better than the week before, hehe!! Also, failed badly with some yummy Danish pastries, they were to die for, but I felt I should be just slapping them straight on my thighs !! Lol !!

No walking either, so I'm back on that today, going to do at least 5 walking workouts ( approx 3 to 5 miles per day, so not as dedicated as I once was, but all I can squeeze in at the mo ! )

Bella your challenge sounds good, anything to help me stop regaining is a bonus, I'm trying to drop 7 lbs this month and 7 lbs in Dec, that's 14 lbs right, does that count ??? LOL !! I would love to be under 14 st for Christmas !!! Nice little pressie for myself !!

Wow Bin, you are a party animal, with your late nights and concerts, woop woop !! I think I'm too old to do an all nighter now, I'd need a day or two to recover from it !!

Diva x
Hi Diva

That's great and yes, that makes sense! I'm going to put a spread sheet together and keep track of what we have lost each week. Let me know what day you weigh in and I'll add you!

Good luck with your walking this week - you can do it! :)

Bella xx
Hello everyone.

Bella Count me in:) don't think I will shift a stone as mine is coming off so slowly now but if I could lose 7lb I would be pleased. Glad you are ok and that your motivation has come back, must admit my motivation went missing for a couple of weeks pesky little devil!! But have given my self a hefty kick up the backside and I think I am now back in diet mode.

Diva I am to old for all these late nights really, when I get back from a concert or festival late at night I go to bed with a hot chocolate "very rock and roll"!!:)

Weather here is horrid at the moment they say it will cheer up later. Boss is coming over today to do my annual performance review:eek:.

Hope you all have a good Tuesday speak soon

Bin xx
Morning ladies

I am still struggling with the awld diet at the mo too so I think a challange is just what we need Bella. I consumed copious amounts at the weekend! Belly prok and cheesy chips on Sunday night. Was delicious but mega fattening!!!!! So defo count me in :eek:)

Our scales seem to be playing up at the mo so havnt been weighed this week. Think they need new barrety but dinno when I'll find time to sort them out!

So busy at work so this message short but sweet so hope you are all well and lets all try drop a little bit for Xmas coz then I intend to have a few weeks off again.

Speak soon everyone xxx
Morning Gawjus Girlies !!! It's Wednesday already !!! I had one of thise perfect dieting days yesterday, you know, when you just eat healthy food, whizz through your exercise routine, feel calm and positive and you even look a bit slimmer in the mirror !! It left me kind of buzzing, IYKWIM.....

Kassy, isn't it your little weekend away this weekend ?? Sounds lovely, very romantic !! The Adonis won't know what's hit him, hehehe !!! I'm always looking at little getaways, but Mr D is a workaholic, so they are hard to plan !!!

Bella, how's your new Challenge going, have you been good ?? We'll be pestering you now, keeping an eye on you, so keep posting updates !! Are you going to be exercising too ?? All, I do is my walking, but at least it's like a habit now, and not a struggle, but I'm only hitting around 20 to 25 miles per week, and no jogging.....and no weights, which I will have to start if I don't want a load of wobbly skin !!! I will never love exercise !!! Hehe !!

I keep looking at gawjus party frocks online, but I'm still too tubby to wear them and look good, so no shopping for me....YET !!!! Just keep on adding them to my wishlist !!! I'll have to rob a bank when I get to target to pay for them all !!

Diva x
Morning all

Someone please help me to stop eating hahaha. Ive decided I need to get my butt into gear so I will be starting a 5 week challange come Monday. Have you stared yet Bella? Who is with me? My theory is if I can be good for 5 weeks and drop e bit weight I can have 2 weeks off for Xmas then start again come January. Otherwise, if I keep being bad from now through Xmas I will be huge again come January and down in the dumps.

I'm not feeling myself at the mo - stress with money, the house, no clothes, binging. Its just that time of year where I'm not me. Just gotta keep plodding on. But I know if I can be good for 5 weeks and include some exercise it will lift my spirits. Its just doing it!

Diva - Yeah, its our little get-away tomorow night. Looking forward to it. Hope it perks me up. 'm just gonna get sloshed and enjoy myself and enjoy the rest of the weekend then try be good from next week. I wont even allow myself to look at party dresses as I cant aford to buy anything. But I do have a nice sparkly dress from last year I can wear when I go out. I wish I ould win the lotto, even just a little bit. Its really tough going at the mo. I might sound like I have the life of riley but I am one of these girls that rarely buys clothes/shoes/accessories or gets hair done and we go without alot of things just so we can entertain ourselves. And when we do do things its always cheap. I'm feeling stressed today can you tell? haha. So much xmas shopping to do, wedding to save for, I need winter clothes/coat/boots, we hate the house we are in, blah, blah, blah. Sorry to rant to you. Are you all sorted for Xmas? Sounds like you had a good day on ya diet - pass me some motivation please hehe.

Speak to you all later xxx
Hi Kassy, chucking you a big ol' bag of will power...... Catch !!!! It's hard when you get stuck in a rut, isn't it ?? I think you should try and stick to healthy with not too many binges, but at this time of year if you are calorie counting then just a few little treats can cost us hundreds and hundreds of calories, and then you think what the f** k and it's another cc day down the drain. I felt like that for years, like I was spinning around in circles, getting nowhere fast !!!!

I relaxed on the booze ( again !!) last night and had a glass of wine and two blueberry Vodkas ( drank very long with diet coke, but they were doubles !!) not enough to lead to a food fest, but enough to make me bloat !! Grrr !!! I swear it's this time of year, too..... Usually I don't bother, but I decided to drink an extra 500 cals or so last night !! ( ho ho ho....ummm...NO !!)

I, too am a bargainoholic, I always shop in the sales, Mr D is always joking about it, but it saves me a fortune !!! I've done it for years and don't think I will ever stop !!

Quick tip, do you and the Adonis stick to a budget ?? Mr D and I still regularly ( at least once or twice every two weeks ) sit down and go through our bills and our debts, we even have a spread sheet set up with everything on it !!! Yes, it can be even more depressing to see it all written down, but if you get into the habit of doing it, you do get stricter with yourself. Look at those money saving websites too, they have lots of ideas, plus have you gone through all your bills to see if you can swap to cheaper or better offers for your internet, gas, leccy, phone, car insurance, etc, etc . We did this and cut almost two hundred dollars off one bill. It's time consuming, even on the net to get the quotes, but it can be worth it !!

Sorry, I'm nattering on !!

Where's that Bella with an update for us, eh ??? We all need all the help we can get at the mo !!!

Diva x
Yay For Friday !!!!

My lunch was scrumdelicious today, large Coffee and Cinnamon Muffin !!! ( Yes, it was BIG,but it was Breakfast AND Lunch !! ) Looking forward to the weekend, we are heading into the City for a lovely meal, a long walk around the Historic District, (my fav part !!) some foodie shopping,and a pint or two in a British themed pub (should be interesting !! hehe !! )

Also, my little Kitty monster was looking quite handsome today so here is a pic of him and one of my Lunch !! Have a good weekend !!!

Diva x


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Hiya gals !!! Where did everyone go ?? I'm reporting a STS WI, which is pants !!! LOL !!! My first one since my Oct 1st restart !!! The Diva is peeved dammit !!!

Had a great weekend, but AWFUL for the diet !!! I even went to a big indoor market selling ALL the most lovely things I like !!! Homemade choccies, Chinese food, Indian food, ALL the foods...seriously !!! It was heaven !! LOL !!! Ate too much, drank some beer, did loads of walking but I think all the naughties negated all that exercise !!!

On top of that it was the Philadelphia Marathon this weekend, and there were masses of these highly fit, sleek gazelle like people wandering around too !!! Nothing like that to make you feel even more dumpy !!! Grrrr !!!

Diva x
Hellooooooooo anyone there?

Diva Where have they all gone? It has been so quiet. The indoor market sounds lovely I would have demolished home made choccies and if there was any fudge that would have gone to!!

I stayed the same last week too which like you was annoyed about, but after a while I consoled myself with a hob nob biscuit:)

Weather here has been awful today rained all day. Have got the day off tomorrow so am going to go and do some Christmas shopping, had better get myself organised can not believe it is only 5 weeks away:eek:

Take care
Bin xx
Hi Bin !! Ohhhh ... I like Hobnob biccies !!! Drooling !!!

I'm fessing up to buying a ton of Mega Muffins today !! ( I posted a piccy of one of them the other day ) I bought a massive box load of them, Double Choc, Blueberry and Choc Chip varieties !!! And like a saint, I had ONE for my Brunch and quickly wrapped the other ones up and froze them !!! Wayyy too much temptation otherwise, and the Diva is only human !!! Lol !!!

Weather is good here at the mo, I'm still walking, so far this week, two four mile walks with another one planned for tomorrow !!!

Diva x
Hi girls i'm here (well, kind of here - i'm not myself at the mo)

I don't know whats happened - I havnt really been myself since holiday, which I blamed on the holiday blues, and I have felt so stressed out about various things and the last week I have completley crashed. Keep crying, can't concentrate, feel empty and depressed, no enthusiasm for anything, have noconversation, no enjoyment, i feel really really low. The Adonis and I are pretty sure its sad as I can usually shake off a low mood quite quickly now but this wont budge. Its awful. I have ordered some St Johns Wort and I am getting a light box. Also, I need to rty harder not to binge as its making me worse. I have defo gained weight and thats stressing me out but when I feel like this all I want to do is eat and hide and sleep.

Sorry if I have bummed yous out, just need to rant. Its starting to affect the Adonis and mines relationship as I hardly speak to him, i'm just so quiet and can barely explain how I feel as its so wierd, its so frustrating.

Diva - I could dive head first into your mountain of muffins haha. A STS is good, especially round this time of year. Your cat is lovley, give him a huge snuggle for me. That motivation you sent over ahsnt reached yet but hopefully its just stuck at the airport and on its way over! That indoor market sounds amazing, I love stuff like that.

Bin - I am also obsessed with hobnobs, especially the chocolate ones! ooooo Xmas shopping, i'm starting mine next week. I have put my social like on hold until I have got everyones presents, dont feel like socialising at the mo anyway. Do you know what you are getting people? Let me know if you grab any bargains.

I am really hoping I can get back into some kind of fitness and diet regime soon but I need to get my frame of mind back to normal first so in meantime I will just try not to binge too much and take each passing hour as it comes. Exercise plays a huge part in making you feel better when you are depressed but its the doing it thats hard but I need to try harder!

Fingers crossed my bubbly self returns soon xxx
Awww, Kassy !! Sorry you're feeling awful at the moment.... Can you go and see the Doc and see what he thinks ?? Maybe you should have some blood tests just to make sure it's nothing else ?? The Adonis must be worried about you, Hun !! Agree with you about the binging and it making you feel worse !! I was stuck in that rut for bloody ages !!!

Big hugs....

Diva x
Morning Ladies.

Kassy Hugs....... sorry you are feeling so low, as Diva says could you go and see the doc and have a chat. Also try to keep talking to the Adonis I know this can be difficult as I tend to shut off completely when I have a low point, but he must be worried and want to help. Know what you mean about the binge eating it is a vicious circle, we binge when we feel down then feel even worse because we have binged. How about you and the Adonis wrapping up and having a nice long walk, that way you will be getting some exercise and it may give you the opportunity to have a good old chat with him, which may help.

I think this time of year is all ways a bit stressful the weather is usually rubbish, and then with all the christmassy things to organise.

Mmmmmmmmm Hob Nobs love them chocolate or plain they are so moreish can never just eat one:) I dont buy them often as no packet is safe in our house I put them up on the top of the kitchen cupboard so I have to go and get a chair to reach them!!

Weigh in this evening fingers crossed!!

Have a good Thursday Bin xx