Take Thatter
Phew, it's taken me my train journey home and the last half hour in bed, buy I am all caught up on you!
You are doing really well on your come back Miss Em! Your food looks good and it's given me some ideas. I am a huge lover of the LMc saussies too!
Well done on overcoming your fear, it's a big thing, running towards your phobia and doesn't make you wonder why you were so scared to go before? You have broken the seal and next time you go it won't have be as bad and you wont need to take anything before you go in.
I need to ask you though, you may know someone I know. Lisa Doggett? She is a nurse at St Georges too. X
Thank you for reading it all
LM sausages are my fave, after being a quorn fan I'm converted! The taste is so much nicer!
I think I'm over my fear for now, the dentist was so kind and it feels so nice having nice (but wonky) teeth again, for sure I won't let them get bad again.
& no I don't know her, where abouts does she work!? xxx
Ahh bless you! You've been so brave today, I bet you're exhausted now hun xxx
I was, I slept for ages yesterday night! Feels nice to not wake up and just feel complete fear!
Today was a bit random, my gums still feel weird so I couldn't eat that properly, drinking is a bit easier now but eating still bizarre.
Food wise I had 1 weetabix mushed with yoghurt & cherries, that was breakfast! Lunch was soup which was literally half a courgette & half a leek boiled and blitzed. I munched 4 or 5 grapes but it was so odd I just gave up.
Went to a party tonight with the best food but didn't eat any mainly due to weigh in tomorrow morning & the funny feeling when I eat although did manage to drink 1/2 bottle of wine. Hope I can still have lost 3lbs tomorrow although my * came so who knows. I got given a food parcel tonight and faced many a 'oh go on just one bite' but resisted all so goooooooo me