That's brilliant well done on the loss. And I just googled 'coddle' - that's quite a demon to slay!!
Well done!![]()
M x
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Morning lovely
Just caught up on your diary - firstly that woman is a ***** and not a friend!!! How dare she. I hope she runs into you when you've lost weight and then just don't give her the time of day!!! Twat!!
Your losses are fab!!!! Well done!!!!! Sooooo inspirational!!!!!
Shivie!!!!!! How you doing Hun? I'm back too , day 1 for me. Well done on your losses, your doing brilliant as always . I remember in your old diary you always made it look so easy lol xxx
Ooh excited to almost be in the second "decade" of S&S days!! Just had my oatmeal for brekkie in work before starting - am on my own until 2pm so I can plug away at this diet without anyone being the wiser. (there's only two of us and the other one has her head in the clouds most days so only notices I'm on a diet when I'm nearly at goal!!) Never tell anyone, even my bestest bud, when I attempt a VLCD - no one's beeswax how I shift the weight right?! Anyway, I always think, the more you say something out loud the more people will be all like "I told you so!" if you fail!! Do you guys feel the same? All my boss ever talks about is "the book I'm going to publish" the "big business plans" - "I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that..." but NOTHING has changed in the 6 and a half years I'm here (including my salary!!) so I have actually zero tolerance levels towards her at the moment and really have to bite my tongue when she goes all Walter Mitty on me!! She does a 23 hour week and feels like somehow the world "owes" her some big windfall, when ALL she has to do is double her hours like the rest of the realistic world and COP ON!! sorry....Tuesday rant over! Need a Coke Zero.............x
Lmaoo hun aww trht made me laf lol...yup i feel exactly the sme way they say it even more i find wen uv got to goal and if u put it all bk n more in a short spaxe of time tho i can proudly say i did maintain for sum time the last time i did it so haha lol...
Totm tdai ecen tho im on the pill n nva get totm so nt impressed was hopin to have reached a stone by end of the month bt nw dnt kno...hmmmm n the clothes nt feelin much diff either grrr x
Well hi guys, hope you are all still in Ketoland!! I've reached day 20 today hooray so only tomorrow to go before third weigh-in. Today so far I had half a bar for brekkie when I got to work, crispy vanilla shake around 12.30 and other half of bar just now for lunch. This evening's meal will be a salmon, courgette, onion & dill omelette with a salad of butterhead lettuce, cucumber & gherkins....mmmm. Mouth watering already! Then a hot choc / cafe latte shake before bed to ward off the evil bedtime munchies! Did a Tai Chi /Yoga/ Pilates mix class yesterday after work - my friend runs it so I don't have to pay! Added incentive or what?! It's my third one so far and I am starting to feel slightly more flexible already! It really really helps that the spare truck tyre around my middle is now a mini-bus tyre....soon to be a car tyre ....and eventually a wheel barrow tyre!!! Sun is shining here in Dublin and all is well in Ketocamp! Roll on the weekend...can't come fast enough![/QUOTE
Wow amazin free classes defo incentive and a half hehe well done im nt flexi at all lol bt was contemplatin pilates dvd or sumat alog them lines til can afford clases iv herd theh reli gd too aww ur doin relii welll hunwoop woopp we quarter way lol gt sum time to go lol tmo im gna b avin salmon, two flat mushrooms, lettuce n yogurt yum hehe mwahz
Here to subscribe, Well done on your loss so far am sure you will have a good loss tomorrow, I tend to be a slow loser, I love the recipe for the salmon omelette I will def be trying that xx
It's instead of protein as they have 15g of protein in. They usually fill me up really well so I had a pack at 12 as I was really hungry and I'm starving again now. Trying to visualise the hunger as a fiery fat burning furnace but not sure it's working. :sigh:
The time will fly by Priya, you'll see! Your dinner sounds yum, hope you enjoyed it hun. Happy Day 22 to you today! I'm at the 3 week marker today yipeeee! Third weigh-in coming up, naked and shivering at about 6.30am tomorrow! It's mad, I even take the bobbin out of my hair just to be sure an extra ounce doesn't affect the scales!!!! Nutter I am!! So far have had half a bar & a coffee for brekkie; coming up at "elevenses" I'll grab a Coke Zero & another bite of the bar and snack on the remainder of it until lunch which will be a banana "custard" as in the shake made nice & thick. Having my next lot of packs delivered today around 12.30 so I'm definitely in it to win it! Have TONNES to do in work as I keep getting (happily) distracted checking in here! Better get to it or the day will be gone. Have a great Keto-Thursday everyone xxxx