On a mission!
Right - litre of water down the hatch, porridge pack down and the pack of cheese & onion "crisps" beside me on my desk
to munch on. If I can get 2 litres of water down during work (last bottle about an hour before the hour long plus commute home
to avoid having to go in a bottle en route - perish the thought!!!) then I'll only have two bottles to go at home later.
Gosh these crisps are bone dry aren't they?! Definitely need more water along with them on the plus side!
Preferred the salt & vinegar ones to be honest. Don't think I'd be too bothered getting the crisps again though.
They are a downfall of mine in the "real" world of eating so best to try and break the habit altogether and not
be looking for a substitute!
Miserable wet day in Dublin today...boooo...hope it will pick up for the weekend so I can get out for a walk.
to munch on. If I can get 2 litres of water down during work (last bottle about an hour before the hour long plus commute home
to avoid having to go in a bottle en route - perish the thought!!!) then I'll only have two bottles to go at home later.
Gosh these crisps are bone dry aren't they?! Definitely need more water along with them on the plus side!
Preferred the salt & vinegar ones to be honest. Don't think I'd be too bothered getting the crisps again though.
They are a downfall of mine in the "real" world of eating so best to try and break the habit altogether and not
be looking for a substitute!
Miserable wet day in Dublin today...boooo...hope it will pick up for the weekend so I can get out for a walk.