Hey girlies. Still no progress on the poo department, it's getting a bit of a joke now! I've been taking the Laxido but have some wine tonight as a treat (and a laxative!) and going to hope I go tomorrow.
LOL @ Jenny
Thank you everyone for your kind words, I had a little nap earlier and didn't have a bad dream but last nights was horrible

I think I'm just upset about stuff with my Dad, I'm thinking of going to a counsellor to deal with it (as per the doctors suggestion) because it's really starting to weigh heavy on my shoulders. I could do without the stress and constant rejection and I should really cut my Dad out of my life because he never makes an effort to see or speak with me (I got an e-card for my birthday, no phone call, no text) and he's let me, my brother and especially my Mum down so much over the years (my Mum and Dad are divorced, Dad remarried). I don't know - I just want my Dad to love me properly instead of when it suits him.
Gah, sorry - that was a long one!
I was feeling really rubbish earlier and fancied a piece of cake - I walked past the bakers whilst doing my Avon round and was so tempted for a flapjack or something - I managed to resist and went home to make some soup but read for a bit and fell asleep anyway

So missed lunch all together! Am now making bangers and mash and having some wine.
Charly, I'm not diabetic but have PCOS - my gynaecologist suggested it years ago to sort out the ovaries but I never went on it as it wasn't relevant to me (didn't want children and didn't want to be taking more medication) but although we don't want children, it would be nice to know I'm working down there
I'm going to go and check in with all of you now xxx