MizKirsty - Becoming my inner skinny!

Well done not eating the kebab! That is great strength of mind over food cravings :)

Good to hear your sounding positive!
Well done for getting back to SW, and good luck for weigh in tonight.

I can't wait to get into a size 12 - I know it will be another 2 stone down the road for me.
Ok let me tell you were I am...

Unfortunately on Sunday I had a very sad and emotional day at work. And I know its part of my job but it never gets easier or less sad!

So I managed to stay on track on Sunday purely through exhaustion and lack of appetite even didn't give in to the chocolate I craved!!

However today has been another stressful day at work and I can't help feeling still so very sad and upset. I know it's not my baby but it's still not easy to put away in that box!

So after todays complete nightmare of a day I give in and order a takeaway a kebab - which I can account for the syns - but I didn't just eat that I had Marcus chips and some of his garlic bread! I then ate a biscuit too - and then realised I was stuffing my face simply to feel better! But it wasn't gonna help!

And now I feel even worse!!

I didn't go to wi and I didn't go to run club bc I feel completely exhausted the bags under my eyes are ridiculous and I need to try and relax!

But now I feel like absolute crap again and prob deserve a gain!!! Xx
Mizkirsty said:
Ok let me tell you were I am...

Unfortunately on Sunday I had a very sad and emotional day at work. And I know its part of my job but it never gets easier or less sad!

So I managed to stay on track on Sunday purely through exhaustion and lack of appetite even didn't give in to the chocolate I craved!!

However today has been another stressful day at work and I can't help feeling still so very sad and upset. I know it's not my baby but it's still not easy to put away in that box!

So after todays complete nightmare of a day I give in and order a takeaway a kebab - which I can account for the syns - but I didn't just eat that I had Marcus chips and some of his garlic bread! I then ate a biscuit too - and then realised I was stuffing my face simply to feel better! But it wasn't gonna help!

And now I feel even worse!!

I didn't go to wi and I didn't go to run club bc I feel completely exhausted the bags under my eyes are ridiculous and I need to try and relax!

But now I feel like absolute crap again and prob deserve a gain!!! Xx

Awe Hun sorry to hear about your day ((((hugs))))
You will be fine my lovely, get an early night & I hope all is slightly better in the morning, as I said to you last time although no it isn't your baby you have still been involved in a major way & gone through a really traumatic experience xx
I agree, it's really very sad, and stressful time, you need some time to process what happened.. Sending u big hugs!
Eek I had a dream about your trainers last night.. I got them delivered to work as a surprise .. Very weird... I hope you are ok hun x x

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Haha !! I love it!!!!

I'm ok getting there feel much better today will be wi tonight an anticipating a small gain as I did loose the plot tbh! Xxx
Mizkirsty said:
Haha !! I love it!!!!

I'm ok getting there feel much better today will be wi tonight an anticipating a small gain as I did loose the plot tbh! Xxx

It's not funny .. I woke up thinking I had some pink trainers.. Best thing is they came in a clear presentation box haha
Glad you are feeling better I can't imagine how it must feel.. I found out this morning that a girl on my team had a miscarriage yesterday and that's upsetting enough.. CX

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Haha mine came in a boring box haha!!!

Yeah it is hard but feeling much much better now thankyou!!!

Maybe I'll manage to get my arse to the gym today haha!!! Xxx
Right and I'll be posting a food and exercise diary/blog for a week just to keep me on track I appreciate most won't read it but rbh it's more for my sanity than anything else....

So today started with....
2weetabix (heb)
Ss milk
Well I'm annoyed lol

I had a sts first thing this morning but then ate and had a recorded +1 at Sw wi!!! Great!!! So bloody frustrated but am prepared and motivated for this week!

I am aiming for 3lb loss this week and I know I've managed it in the past so fingers crossed!!

Another day at work ughhhhhh lol xx
Mizkirsty said:
Well I'm annoyed lol

I had a sts first thing this morning but then ate and had a recorded +1 at Sw wi!!! Great!!! So bloody frustrated but am prepared and motivated for this week!

I am aiming for 3lb loss this week and I know I've managed it in the past so fingers crossed!!

Another day at work ughhhhhh lol xx

Booo,that will come off next week Hun , you sound in the right frame of mind x
Yes I'm sure it will come off quick, just get focused, and back to normal routine. :) let those magic pink trainers do the talking!
Yeah this week I stayed to image therapy which I've not been able to do in a long while due to run club clashing. So I've changed groups to a wed where the consultant doesn't stand for excuses and sorts you out pretty sharp ish which ATM I really need!

Marcus is doing my head in though he say there tonight trying to stuff Terry's Choc orange in my mouth! I didn't give in instead had a fruit salad but he apparently doesn't see it as sabotaging its bc he loves me and knows I like it!!! And bc I'm not fat I'm perfect weightloss doesn't matter!!

Stupid idiot!!! Ughh lol x
Aah why are men like that? :) well done on resisting x

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And well done staying to class i dont think I wud manage with out that x

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My OH buys me diet coke and dried fruit from the shop, and himself redbull and a choc bar.. Eating it with mmmm yummy noisees .. Do u want a bit??He Says "oh that's right your on a diet"!! "Ha ha" and finishes it!
I think he tries to give it to me to stop himself feeling guilty!!!

Trouble is I do find it very hard to resist!!!

But I did so I'm pleased!!!!!

Yes I found it hard without group in wondering whether that has slightly contributed to my maintenance/yoyoing not fully but I don't think it's helped!

Oh well fresh start today!!! Xx