Well as you've all probably noticed I've been a bit AWOL!
(I have had some sad family stuff goin on too)
I've been mentally trying to decided what's left of this journey for me how I'm going to do it what will make me happy etc etc!
I was contemplating calling target and settling for where I am bc the scales seem determined not to move and I was getting fed up of the emotional yoyo I was on!
I had begun to let little things slip in as you do and it wasn't making a difference the scales were maintaining!
I was thrilled I was wearing nice clothes is normal sizes a 12-14 top as a 14-16 bottom! The exercise had lacked but I was still shrinking!
Then totm hit and I went up a dress size! That's right and entire size it's disgusting I know it's totm bloating bc the scales have only moved a lb. but I feel fat again I feel disgusting again and I want to be smaller!!
So I am actually thankful I feel this way bc I've realised I'm happy where I am for the time being but it's not where my goals lie! And tbh the number on the scales I've realised aren't what I strive for its the clothes size - I'm young and I want to dress with the current fashions and wear nice clothes !!
So I've had a word with myself and I'm starting whilst I feel fat and horrible! I'm commencing on a 1200 calorie day today. I may increase tomorrow as its Marcus birthday but it'll straight back down the day after until wi! Then ill increase it back up I'm think 1390 to begin with (mfp reckons 1470 for 1.5lb loss but if I am for 1390 and go slightly over it's not the end of the world that way!)
And I'm not sure ill run today as I'm having a horrendous totm but I have ordered some winter running gear so I have no excuse!
I've realised I'm not happy where I am - I'm happier much happier but not completely there yet and the only way to get there is to strap
Myself back in the wagon! - I may need restraining though! Xxxx