Wahooooo my new look order came - I'm fed up of my fat stretchy leggings and I've been too fat for skinny jeans!!!
Haha no more all in 16s too!!! I'm finally getting there this is an incredible nsv I'm chuffed I finally feel normal!!! I'm so happy.
I have order another 2 pairs too lol!! I'm so pleased so ordered a grey pair dark green and teal (bright blue) and a normal pair all skinny and all 16!! Also the skinny trousers I ordered for work in a 16 also fit I'm sooooo happy!!
I did sneaky wi at 13.1.75 so +0.25 from last official then I've eaten and drink and another wi reveals 13.3.75!!!!! I hope I pee this out before official wi but I'm buzzing anyway!!! Xxx