MizKirsty - Becoming my inner skinny!

Kirsty hon don't beat yourself up, sometimes life gets in the way of trying to be good. You have lost so much up to now, concentrate on that & I hope Mr Tango, if he comes, doesn't stay long xx
That's another week almost gone and royally screwed up ;( xx
I'm Beginning to hate Mondays lol

Hope your all well :) xx
Hey start of a new week! New beginning blah blah :0) go u!
Don't beat yourself up Kirsty, look at the bigger picture, you've done so well! Get one good day under your belt and you will feel much better. Take care x
Lost half a pound completely undeserved and shouldn't have hAppened!

I'm doing sw fast forward this week to see if I can sort myself out properly!! Need to get my mind on the straight and narrow!! Xx
You can do it. I'm beginning to take more notice of SW rules ready for when I dont have xenical

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Day one of ff down -

Did cheat a lil had a bite of pizza and a bite of cake ( so didnt have 2 items of food I had allowance for an apple and a slice of bread!) but feeling good.

Turned down lunch today with my bestie instead gonna stomp the streets and shop lol!!!

Hoes everyone doing?! Xx
Today I went shopping with a friend - she wanted lunch so we went subway - I sat there and didn't munch a bit just had my diet coke go me!!! Xx
No I'm doing fast forward this week it's a bit of a detox with sw and everything is measured and weighed it's really strict!

So I'm glad! X
My scales reported I weighed 13st 10.5 lbs I was gob smacked and the. Moved them and realised they were lying 14st 2!! Which I Spose would still be a 3lb loss this week so far but hoping for more on Monday!! Xx
Well it's not my official wi - I go sw on monday evening this was a sneaky peak at how I've done this week so still got till Monday before I get my official loss or gain :s
Haha for once didn't weigh in this morning.. Knew I would be heavier all that rich food last night.. I WI every morning amazes me that I am in the 80's after so many years! Most days am the same then have that drop mid week near official WI day :)
Yeah I dunno this whole journey is getting me down ATM bit of a miserable cow ATM lol

I dunno what I need - a magic pill would be great lol! Xx
Come on you have lost an amazing amount of weight! You just need to refocus, get your head around your issues at the moment... And take each meal as you get there...

Hey I have 3 out of 7 days where I eat badly, but I remember when it was 4-5 days out of 7 when I had problems..

I know breakfast is ok now.. Lunch I have a tesco light meal.. Can't trust myself with a sandwich or a salad.. The I can't be bothered feeling creeps in, and have problems about what to eat for lunch!

Dinner- whole family has no choice they eat lowfat, healthy meals. My kids eat what we eat for dinner! No chips and nuggets etc.. I refuse to cook 3 different meals!!! Tonight pan fried chicken breast, cooked with fry light, kids and OH noodles ( baked Potato for me, I am the exception lol) veg/ salad!

Don't let the I can't be bothered feelings creep in :) !!!
Listen to Kirsty !!!! Do as you're told :)

You've had a good journey, sure it's been up and down but you're human not a machine. You need to live. Just go with the flow and so what if slimdom takes 10 years, I bet fatdom took just as long before the lightbulb moment !

Keep smiling, plod on it's worth it

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