MizKirsty - Becoming my inner skinny!

I had a kebab and a few chippies!

Had a much better day today but feeling like I'm struggling still :( xx
Well I'm almost certain I would have had a 1 lb loss on Monday if I'd managed to wi at sw! According to my scales anyway! Instead I graduated and ate Indian :(

Graduation was great!! But foods been a tad odd since

Monday all I had was cereal in the morning went spinning then ate Indian!

Tues had a long day at work ate two bowls of cereal a bag of snack a jacks came home and had a bacon baguette (fat removed).

Yesterday I had frankie and bennys (3 course - potato skins pizza and waffle) then had some toast before bed :(

So all in all not doing so well - it's the oh birthday today will be another meal out! But an Italian so I can attempt to be good!!

Not convinced for Monday though :(

How's everyone doing?! Xxx
Well I've been shopping today and bought a coat .... In a size 16!!!!! Does all the way up fits gives me a waste and was half price!!

So I'm still feeling good! This time last year I was buying a size 22 coat :( xxx
Wow thats fabulous news!! Great that it's a size 16 and even better that's it 1/2 price :)
And I had no fat photos at graduation!! But been eating complete crap this week back on it tomorrow though!! Xx
That's fantastic :)

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Oh and I've worn tights - with no chub rub!!! I used to get really sore between my thighs but nothing! So even though I've been crap there's plenty of milestones I've hit :) xxx
Oh and to reach my personal target of getting my 4stone shiny by Xmas I have to loose more than 1lb a week!!

7lbs to go in 5 wis!! Xx
Well wi tonight I'm feeling very bloated and fat! It's totm and mother nature is making sure I realise!! :(

So anticipating a gain with totm and the naught treats I had this week celebrating graduation and the oh birthday!

I'm beginnin to get a bit worried about Drs wi at end of month thing it may prove to be a small loss or even a sts over 2 months don't think shell be happy :( xxx
Ah i am chuffed!! I lost 2lbs this week - ok so its over 2 weeks, but means i may just get my 4stone in time for xmas - theres 4 wis at sw left!!!

I am chuffed :) thanks :)

How you doing?! X
Mizkirsty said:
I am chuffed :) thanks :)

How you doing?! X

Not so hot! Physico said need another 2 mths of no exercise.. Can walk slowly for short periods, no jogging, running or Zumba.. :( decided to up my cals as just couldn't stick to 1500 was a bit depressed about all that! So for last few week been STS mainly wee bit up then down again.. Have had a good day today so should be STS again for 3rd week SIGH! Mainly been binging on low fat yogurt 450g pots.. Rachel's organic gooseberry etc and low fat other stuff so no Tango!

Have a gurgle in my tummy sounds like water going down a drain lol! But no Tango! My OH made the comment Do I need a Plummer.. Haha ..
Could you swim?! Just thinking that's not weight bearing then?

I've been swimming today only swam 40 lengths :( just couldn't be bothered tbh CBA to do anything so the fact I went was good!

Food so far today had been good :) just need to ensure dinner is too :) xxx