Today I did another massive walk and jogged a fairly large portion of it. Killed me. Was huffing and puffing so much I thought I was going to be sick.
The elf was on fine form today. She has developed the most over the to strain to get a poo out. She lays on her back, actually lifts her bum into the air, with her feet flat on the floor and grunts till its out. With her eyes closed.
On my walk she would only settle if I gave her my two litre bottle of water.she wrapped her legs and arms round it and did raspberries into it. She looked rather odd. At the same time she randomly kicked her foot out of the canopy and wriggled her toes in the sun light.
Twas awesome.
I'm shattered and I don't really know why.did my usual size walk.
My food is still off the wall.I'm hoping to manage to control those cravings magically some how