Shattered today. Heating gone wrong in the library at school so came home to change into something warm at lunchtime, as I was reading/scribing for mock exams, and two hours at a time sitting still in a very cold room is no fun. The kids had their coats on bless 'em. They just got on with it.
The storm surge has badly battered the coast around here. Thankfully we are far enough inland that we have not been directly affected at home, but thousands of homes were evacuated last night to centres, schools and village halls, sea walls and other sea defences destroyed in places and now inaccessible, cafes and beachside homes fallen into the sea, towns flooded, lifeboat houses destroyed, beach huts destroyed, Cromer Pier badly damaged and closed off... The list goes on. Thank god no one seriously hurt in the area as far as I know, but it is not a happy time around the Norfolk coast at the moment - the same for many other coastal towns. All of the places we go to regularly at weekends and in the summer have been affected, and probably changed for ever. It is nature, but it is sad to see. Around 400 seal pups are suspected to have been killed in the tidal surge on local seal sand banks, as this is their breeding time. There are probably only about 50 survived.
Food good today -
Breakfast - maple gluten free cereal, coffee and cream
Mid morning - lime and coconut macaroon, coffee and milk
Lunch - gf white bread as a sandwich with sweet chilli philly, chopped jalapenos, cherry toms, an apple, pukka brand 3 ginger tea
At home after school - packet of ready salted crisps, a twirl, earl grey tea and milk
Dinner - delicious meal of rustic bubble 'n' squeak - with potatoes, carrots, cabbage, parsnip and caramelised onions, a portion of peas and salmon fillets cooked with chilli and garlic flakes, fresh lime juice and zest, tamari soy sauce and honey, a glass of Rekordalig spiced cider
Other drinks - water
Calories for the day 1975/1950 (25 over, but used them up walking home and back at lunchtime!)
Scales are absolutely all over the place at the moment. Tomorrow is one month since I cut my calories, although a) not every day (most though) and b) it seems, without a positive result. I expect to have gained in that month. I have just been reading how giving up wheat can result in a weight gain after a while (if you have an intolerance to start with). Apparently it is to do with the fact that your body doesn't digest/absorb the nutrients from your food properly and once it has had a chance to adjust to the regular wheat free food, it can then begin to remedy this, and hangs onto it, resulting in a slight weight gain as you become more healthy. Hmmm, I'm not totally sure - it would perhaps be nice to have an explanation, but I do not want to cling on to one 'excuse' after another!