MWWWD (or Moonwatcher's Weight Watchers Diary!)

6:45am is a much more respectable start! We have also enjoyed the lay for the last 3 days (although I have still had to get up at 6am every morning to do the cat's insulin but did at least get to go back to bed). Boxing day dinner sounds lovely. I have always made sausage rolls with homemade shortcrust, but its a more crumbly shortcrust than most as its got egg yolk and a little yogurt in the pastry. It wouldn't be Christmas without the homemade stilton and pork sausage rolls. They didn't last long though so might have to make some more.

Hope the family visit goes well. Bet they must love coming to yours for a buffet - you food always sounds gorgeous :)
And yes, the pasta was just reindeer shaped ;)

Well the OH usually prefers them with shortcrust anyway, so I may try tweaking the shortcrust gf first - was wondering earlier about using egg yolks but hadn't thought about yogurt - that might work really well, as one of the things about the gf flour is that as you work with it, it dries out really quickly because the rice flour laps up the moisture. I ended up making 4 small batches, so I could get the sausage rolls made before it dried out, but still felt it could do with more moisture in the mix. I also considered cream cheese or grated cheese! I think I'll make another batch for the New Year eating, purely as research!

About to start the buffet cooking soon - turns out they are coming in the afternoon tomorrow instead of the morning, so I have more time to potter about. Decided to have another lazy morning first!
Forgot to ask in my other post how Spike is getting on with his insulin? Have you noticed an improvement?

Well the buffet is 95% ready. At the last count we are having: maple syrup and sesame seed roasted sausages (can't find gluten free cocktail sausages yet, so have done the larger ones and cut into 4), red onion, bacon and cheese mini quiches, dark sticky BBQ ribs, chicken drumsticks in a spicy cassava root flour coating, (very much like breadcrumbs), gf ciabatta pizza toastie slices, home made garlic, chilli and honey roasted cashews, mini gf yorkies with beef and home made horseradish sauce, and with turkey and cranberry sauce, biscuits with cheeses (cheddar with lime and chilli, cheddar with whiskey, brie, danish blue, stilton with mango and ginger, jarlsberg, pineapple castello ring, red leicester, plus one with cranberries and vodka - think it is a wensleydale, and one more which I had not heard of and cannot remember the name at the moment. I will look it up later for the cheeseophiles here.) I will be diving right into that cheeseboard! Also having poppadoms with lime chutney, mango chutney and some of my own sweet chilli jelly. There will be kettle crisps and peanuts too. For the sweet stuff there are choccies, gf mince pies, gf carrot, golden raisin and cranberry cake, which has been our Christmas cake this year, and gf scones with jam and extra thick cream, as a cream tea.

I just have to make the yorkies for reheating later, make a bit more horseradish sauce and assemble the cheese board (may need to hire a crane for that!) About to have a brunch of one sausage, one egg, a couple of bacon rashers, mushrooms and tomatoes to keep us going until this evening. They are not coming until 3.00, and we will probably eat around 5.00, so loads of time to finish getting organised!
I AM ON MY WAY! Save me some cheese...

Sounds like a fabulous spread with great variety and lovely attention to detail :) Very lucky family indeed.

Now that I have decided to do whole30 in January (still believe in the reset overall and will be returning to that come February, just felt like i needed a proper kick up the arse in terms of what choices I was making with my calories) I have been scouring the shops for gluten and grain free flours and sausages. The only sausages I will be able to have are the debbie and andrew harrogate 98% pork ones. I remember them being really nice when I have had them in the past so not exactly a problem. Have you tried those ones? Just pork and spices. Where did you get the cassava root flour from? Sounds like it would be whole30 compliant and would be useful to have something that didn't have an overtly nut aroma (got almond and coconut flour so far).

Spike is doing well, thanks. He has no objections to the injections (doesn't even notice the needle!) and seems to have got used to eating at meal times and not getting food inbetween. He has put on a bit a weight and seems a bit more settled than he was before. He'll settle on a bed and sleep for most of the day rather than settling for a little while and then moving around a little restlessly. There are comparatively small changes as its only really in hindsight we have realized that maybe he had been a little unsettled for a few months (when you have a permanently purring and cuddling cat its very difficult to tell that something is wrong) but promising. He's got to go back for his 3rd blood test on January 2nd, he has stopped drinking a lot so we are crossing our fingers the insulin dose is pretty much right now. Its a little annoying to have to get up at 6am every morning and still have no idea how we are going to sort things out when we need to go away (only cattery will do insulin injections and feel a bit guilty about putting them in a cattery) but he's definitely worth it.

Have a lovely day with the family (and the food ;) ) x
hi, just looking for inspiration at ur diary :)

Hi and welcome. Just to make sure you know... although my diary is still in the WW section, I haven't actually been doing WW for a while. I did a 'metabolism reset' before Christmas to try and let my body get back to normal after years of on/off dieting, and over Christmas and New Year itself I havn't actually been following anything except eat what I wanted! You're more than welcome in my diary of course, but I thought I'd better mention that it hasn't been WW for a while.
I AM ON MY WAY! Save me some cheese...

Sounds like a fabulous spread with great variety and lovely attention to detail :) Very lucky family indeed.

Now that I have decided to do whole30 in January (still believe in the reset overall and will be returning to that come February, just felt like i needed a proper kick up the arse in terms of what choices I was making with my calories) I have been scouring the shops for gluten and grain free flours and sausages. The only sausages I will be able to have are the debbie and andrew harrogate 98% pork ones. I remember them being really nice when I have had them in the past so not exactly a problem. Have you tried those ones? Just pork and spices. Where did you get the cassava root flour from? Sounds like it would be whole30 compliant and would be useful to have something that didn't have an overtly nut aroma (got almond and coconut flour so far).

Spike is doing well, thanks. He has no objections to the injections (doesn't even notice the needle!) and seems to have got used to eating at meal times and not getting food inbetween. He has put on a bit a weight and seems a bit more settled than he was before. He'll settle on a bed and sleep for most of the day rather than settling for a little while and then moving around a little restlessly. There are comparatively small changes as its only really in hindsight we have realized that maybe he had been a little unsettled for a few months (when you have a permanently purring and cuddling cat its very difficult to tell that something is wrong) but promising. He's got to go back for his 3rd blood test on January 2nd, he has stopped drinking a lot so we are crossing our fingers the insulin dose is pretty much right now. Its a little annoying to have to get up at 6am every morning and still have no idea how we are going to sort things out when we need to go away (only cattery will do insulin injections and feel a bit guilty about putting them in a cattery) but he's definitely worth it.

Have a lovely day with the family (and the food ;) ) x

Glad that Spike is doing well and that you are coping well with the injections too!

The buffet went really well, although I couldn't eat anything like as much as I had planned! I therefore have a huge cheese shelf in the fridge, groaning under the weight. I even added to it today after a Morrison's shop, but as you are 'cheese-less' at the moment I won't torment you any further by listing them all!

Food since I last posted has generally been Christmas picking without much decent cooking, although we did have a lovely roast lamb dinner on New Year's Day.

Is the whole 30 Paleo based? It sounds like it could be. No cheese - eeeek! I think that is why I always preferred the sound of Primal, which I'm pretty sure allowed cheese. I haven't really decided how to tackle the 'January dieting fresh start' yet, although I have done a good shop today with plenty of fruit, veg, meats and er... cheeses! I am leaning strongly towards a gradual approach carrying on my reset, with a basic clean and healthy approach. I need to get the calculator out and re-calculate my TDEE. I am definitely ready for a cleaner way of eating after the Christmas excesses!

We are having the Debbie and Andrew gf sausages tonight with bubble and squeak bake and baked beans. We like them. I also got some others a few weeks ago which were very good, called 'Heck.' They were definitely gluten free, so possibly OK on what you are doing. I think they came from Tescos. We have several local butchers who make gf sausages too, so that may be worth a try. The cassava 'breadcrumbs' were from a small local ethnic store, so they may be a bit harder to find. They did give a good breadcrumby coating though.

Right, I am off to have a look at your diary to see what delicious meals you have been creating on your whole 30.
hope ur metabolism reset worked. i messed mine up 7 yrs ago after eating only 1000 for 3 years. i piled weight on really easily

It will be interesting to see what happens now when I cut my calories down a bit to try to start losing again (although it is expected to be a slow loss). It seemed to be going as it was supposed to, but Christmas came along and has thrown everything off, as I have gained around another 5 lbs just over Christmas/New Year. Mind you, I have definitely eaten enough rubbish to deserve it, and I suppose if the reset has worked as it should, in theory I might find it easier to take that Christmas weight back off than I have in my previous 'dieting' years. We'll see what January brings!

Have you started on any particular plan yet?
Go on - tell me about the cheeses. I need to get my fix vicariously through you this month ;)

Glad the buffet was a success but with everything you prepared I can't see how it couldn't have been.

Yeah, whole30 is strict paleo, but only for the 30 days. Then you reintroduce things and evaluate their effect on you. I don't think I intend to follow it long term and will probably return to TDEE cut eating with hopefully just a much healthier cleaner focus. Felt I needed a kick up the bum though and no cheese or grains (as well as lots of other stuff which bothers me less) for 30 days is definitely that.

Spike went in for another blood test yesterday and vet phoned tonight. It seems his glucose levels are actually a little low now so have to cut his insulin dose. He *may* have started to produce his own again. Which while it is good news is kind of worrying as it means there is more chance of accidentally giving him too much insulin now. Its never easy is it??
Go on - tell me about the cheeses. I need to get my fix vicariously through you this month ;)

Glad the buffet was a success but with everything you prepared I can't see how it couldn't have been.

Yeah, whole30 is strict paleo, but only for the 30 days. Then you reintroduce things and evaluate their effect on you. I don't think I intend to follow it long term and will probably return to TDEE cut eating with hopefully just a much healthier cleaner focus. Felt I needed a kick up the bum though and no cheese or grains (as well as lots of other stuff which bothers me less) for 30 days is definitely that.

Spike went in for another blood test yesterday and vet phoned tonight. It seems his glucose levels are actually a little low now so have to cut his insulin dose. He *may* have started to produce his own again. Which while it is good news is kind of worrying as it means there is more chance of accidentally giving him too much insulin now. Its never easy is it??

OK. Hope you are ready for this. Cheeeeese... The cheese shelf contains: jarlsberg, pineapple castello and nut ring, ordinary cheddar, cheddar with whisky, sweet chilli cheddar, red leicester, smoked feta, a hard goat's or sheep's milk cheese, which I need to investigate a bit more - 'istara ossau iraty,' a soft goat's cheese, blue cambazola, castello danish blue, Old Amsterdam, brie, oak smoked cheddar, wensleydale with cranberries,lime and cranberry vodka, stilton with mango and ginger, 'St Clement's' orange and lemon wensleydale, buffalo mozzarella, cream cheese and sweet chilli Philadelphia. Oh and parmesan shavings. I think it is about 20 altogether. The fridge shelf is literally bending in the middle!

Sounds like your vet is on the case with Spike. It would be great if he began to produce enough of his own insulin again. Will they now take blood tests more often for a while to monitor it to see if he continues to produce his own?
*Drools* Can I move in to your fridge? Pretty please! Just think of me like a very over-sized and friendly mouse... Oddly I am not missing cheese as much as I thought I was. I think because you are encouraged to include some healthy fats in each meal that has taken the role of offering "unctuousness" that cheese often offers. I miss diet coke and sweetener in my tea though.

The vet actually suggested trying the reduced dose for 2 months before re-checking! I wasn't a fan of that approach so they are ordering us a home testing kit so we can spot check his glucose at its low point about once a week. Its good that he is recovering but it just makes things quite stressful again due to the increased risk of his blood sugar going to low - which is difficult to spot in cats before its quite severe and they are wobbly on their feet and going into a coma:( He seems fine at the moment and we've reduced the insulin dose so fingers crossed all will be ok.

What are your weekend plans? I presume you are back at work on Monday? Is OH still doing crazy early starts? That must really take it out of both of you.
*Drools* Can I move in to your fridge? Pretty please! Just think of me like a very over-sized and friendly mouse... Oddly I am not missing cheese as much as I thought I was. I think because you are encouraged to include some healthy fats in each meal that has taken the role of offering "unctuousness" that cheese often offers. I miss diet coke and sweetener in my tea though.

The vet actually suggested trying the reduced dose for 2 months before re-checking! I wasn't a fan of that approach so they are ordering us a home testing kit so we can spot check his glucose at its low point about once a week. Its good that he is recovering but it just makes things quite stressful again due to the increased risk of his blood sugar going to low - which is difficult to spot in cats before its quite severe and they are wobbly on their feet and going into a coma:( He seems fine at the moment and we've reduced the insulin dose so fingers crossed all will be ok.

What are your weekend plans? I presume you are back at work on Monday? Is OH still doing crazy early starts? That must really take it out of both of you.

I wouldn't have been happy with a two month gap before another test either! A home testing kit sounds a good idea - it puts you control more. Yes, back to work full time again for both of us on Monday - OH hasn't been off right through, but he was a day or two on, then two or three days off, which worked well. We have a training day at school on Monday, so no kids until Tuesday. We are having a lazy weekend in front of the fire and the TV (although the washing machine is going non-stop!).We always leave the Christmas decorations up until the evening of the first day back at work, so we can pretend it is Christmas for a little bit longer! I won't be starting my proper calorie counting until Tuesday (being fed by the school on Monday), but have generally started eating properly again with meals and minimal picking. Of course the mulled cider I have just made is absolutely, definitely normal and proper eating/drinking!

Apart from the drink issue how is your whole30 going, or is it too early to tell?
Sounds like a sensible slow approach to getting back to normal with the eating. And mulled cider should DEFINITELY be included in proper eating/ drinking ;) I think its nice to leave the decorations up for a while. I put them up really early (1st of December...) so had had enough of cards being everywhere by New Year's Day so they came down the following day. Its nice to stretch it out a bit though.

Food-wise whole30 is going really well. I am enjoying eating a lot more veg and being more inventive with it, which is something I definitely intend to carry forward. I am struggling with the drinks though. And would really like just one cherry brandy from my Christmas chocolates. But they will still be there in February. Its only 26 days to go...
Sounds like you are doing really well Atomic. I think I would have had to have all goodies out of the house first. From memory, when doing Atkins in the past, days 3 - 7 were the worst days for me on the craving front, then it seemed to get easier again.
Food for today, even though not counting calories yet.

Breakfast - none except earl grey tea and milk - slept late and then died my hair, so went straight to lunch...

Lunch - rib eye steak, with peas, tomatoes, chips and battered onion rings, plus coarse grain mustard and honey Jack Daniel's creamy sauce. This was basically a repeat of Christmas Eve's dinner, a kind of last meal of the condemned woman, as I doubt I will be having many real home cooked chips and home made deep fried beer battered onion rings over the next few months!

This afternoon - a clementine and a handful of physalis, a Glitterberry J2O, half a dozen chocolate coated coffee beans

I made up far too much batter for the onion rings, so will probably make it into some savoury pancakes for tonight, with some oven roast veg, cheese and the rest of the JD sauce.
Thursday 9th January

Well, this is going to be a strange post. We had some awful news on Tuesday night. My older brother was found dead in his flat by police on Tuesday morning. They had to break in after neighbours/his work contacted them as he hadn't been seen for a few days. My brother had polio when he was 3 and was in a wheelchair so his neighbours used to watch out for him. We have not been able to go into his flat as the police had to first establish that he died of natural causes, if not then the flat would have been a potential crime scene. Anyway, we found out today he died of bronchial pneumonia, exacerbated by his disability. Tomorrow we can get into his flat to sort through papers, see if he had left a will etc.

Some of you may remember that I lost another of my brothers to the same thing just over two years ago. It seems a bit weird opening it up on here, but to be honest at the moment I cannot speak about it to anyone face to face without crumbling, but typing it on here is a way of talking about it safely, if that makes sense. It also means that I have turned to food as I often do when stressed, but in the strangest way it has focussed my mind back on to cooking healthily. Both of them were quite a bit older than me as I am the youngest of five. They were 64 and 63, not old for nowadays, but it has really made me think that as a family we don't have a brilliant track record (both my parents died aged 66) and I really need to think seriously about making the best/better choices.

In the midst of all this going on, I have been tracking on MFP as I have really needed something positive to concentrate on. I am going to start a new diary soon in the calorie counting section of minis. I feel the need to establish this as a fresh start. I have recalculated my TDEE calories, and depending on which formula I use, they come out at 1750 - 1950 per day, so that is what I am aiming for, definitely no lower as I still want to see this reset idea through without reducing too low.

I feel a little odd talking about dieting under these circumstances, but it is something positive to hang on to, which is what I really need at the moment.