Hi everybody. Weighed in this morning and I am slap-bang on 15st! No amount of moving the scales around or leaning to one side or the other will tip it into the 14s! :sigh: That'll teach me to buy good scales!
So that's another pound off, but it has made me think that in the future I'm not going to set any timed goals - I'd normally be happy enough with a pound a week, but because I had set myself the goal of getting into the 14s by this Wednesday I feel like I've failed it - for the sake of 0.2 of a pound, which I know is absolutely stupid.
That is the main reason why I stopped going to classes, as over the years I've been in them all, but there is so much emphasis on what you weigh that one day of the week. I'd end up not enjoying the diet, and in an odd way more likely to have a bad week. Say I'd get to a couple of days before WI and hadn't had a brilliant week, I'd blow it by 'knowing' that I wasn't going to do well at WI, so 'may as well not bother, and start again after WI.' Doing it myself, although I do WI weekly, and record weekly, I know that I will probably nudge down into the 14s in a day or two. I'll even allow myself a mid-week WI to confirm it, and that's OK and works for me. If the mid-week weigh in didn't look so good, I know that I am so close, I just need to stay on track for the rest of the week. The emphasis on that one day a week has lessened, and I'm happy to keep plodding along, knowing that I'm getting there slowly but surely. At classes, no matter how lovely the class and the leader/consultant, I never felt that relaxed acceptance of what was happening on the scales. I suppose it's all about knowing your own psychology!
Anyway, that's the long winded way of saying 'I've lost a pound, really wanted a pound and a fifth (!), Hey-ho!'
Off to enter my details into My Fitness Coach on the Wii and see what personal programme it can come up with, then later on will look at some foodie mags for picnic inspiration over the next two weeks, for days out. Might have another session in the wardrobe. *Grits teeth and gets on with it*