So, update for today, Friday 18th October.
Breakfast - greek yogurt with maple syrup, earl grey tea with milk
Mid morning - four Mrs Crimble's gluten free tomato and pesto crackers with two Lidl cheese triangles, coffee with milk
Lunch - home made mushroom pâté with four buckwheat crackers, tomatoes, one ounce of kettle crisps (no fruit as forgot to take it!)
At home after school - gluten free mince pie with a coffee and cream
Here and there - three quarters of a packet of Haribo Tangfastic!
Dinner - same as last night - chilli on jacket potato (currently in the oven) with feta cheese and greek yogurt, conference pear
Calories for today - 2159/2160 (1 calorie under TDEE. Hmmmm, whatever shall I spend it on! LOL) Actually may be a bit fewer caps used today, as OH had seconds of the chilli yesterday, so less than a quarter of it to have today, which is what I have allowed for, so may have a small G&T later.
Think I may be going down with a cold as I have woken up every morning for a fortnight with a sore throat, which has disappeared during the day, but today it has hung around to keep me company plus my chest feels a bit tight and my ears are painful!
