My Diary - 2013

Oh really?? I never knew tomatoes or onion were hi carb?! Wow.. I'd never last on Atkins so.. I use onions in EVERYTHING and tinned tomatoes in most dinners...

Lol yer generally veg that's colourful is higher carb so like broccoli, cabbage, salad leaves are all lower - green is usually low but others are higher and higher xxxx

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Lol yer generally veg that's colourful is higher carb so like broccoli, cabbage, salad leaves are all lower - green is usually low but others are higher and higher xxxx

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No way... Well... Everyday is a school day... Never knew that...
lol! :D - How is stringer now? xx
Aww he's still the same poor little puppy :(
Just been talking to the vet and she has suggest starving him for a few hours.. Then giving him rice and some boiled chicken.. She wreckons it shud settle his tummy.. N if we're still worried later there's a mobile vetinary clinic in Crumlin this evening so we can bring there.. So I've rung Jono with the instructions :)
Honest to God its AWFUL seeing him so out of sorts..
Aww he's still the same poor little puppy :(
Just been talking to the vet and she has suggest starving him for a few hours.. Then giving him rice and some boiled chicken.. She wreckons it shud settle his tummy.. N if we're still worried later there's a mobile vetinary clinic in Crumlin this evening so we can bring there.. So I've rung Jono with the instructions :)
Honest to God its AWFUL seeing him so out of sorts..

aw bless him :( poor puppy!!! its horrible isnt it!!! if Benny is even like a teeny bit quiet from being tired it doesnt seem right! aw well i hope he gets better soon!!! xxx
Hi DubChick81
I stumbled onto this and so glad I did. I have been doing ww on and off for nearly 4 yrs and since new yr I am struggling big time finding myself constantly hungry so have given up and I am consdering joining slimming world. Are you glad you changed?? Any advise would be great.
Your diary looks great.
Hi DubChick81
I stumbled onto this and so glad I did. I have been doing ww on and off for nearly 4 yrs and since new yr I am struggling big time finding myself constantly hungry so have given up and I am consdering joining slimming world. Are you glad you changed?? Any advise would be great.
Your diary looks great.
Hiya.. :D
I LOVE Slimming World.. Was worried I'd change over n just keep doing the WW plan while going to SW class.. But not at all.. WW was the only diet I ever done before.. (started dieting at 21.. on n off over the last decade but its always been WW)
I wish I swapped over MONTHS ago.. I knew for ages I needed a change but knew WW had always worked for me so was hesitant.. I love it! Have only been doing the Extra Easy plan which is what they recommend for the first month anyway, until you get your head around it.. But its so flexible.. I've just moved in with my BF so cooking for 2 now, not just me.. So weighing individual food was becoming an issue and was mostly guess work.. And then after a disaster we had to stay at his parents house for 2 weeks, and I could still stay on plan, even tho I was completely out of control of my food (his Mam was cooking for us) I love it! Altho, if you don't have time to cook from fresh, its probably not the best plan for you.. You have to be prepared food wise.. But its great.. I DEFO recommend making the switch :)
Good luck for WI Hun, sorry haven't been around much had the worst weekend ever!! Xxx
Good luck for WI Hun, sorry haven't been around much had the worst weekend ever!! Xxx
Oh no hunnie.. Hope you're OK? xxx
Am not gona make SW tonight.. Will go to a different meeting on Thursday I think.. Just so I've not missed a whole week.. And then get back to my usual Tuesday meeting.. OR.. I will go but miss the meeting.. AGAIN!!! Unsure as to what to do yet.. But am back on plan as of this morning :) xx
Hiya.. :D
I LOVE Slimming World.. Was worried I'd change over n just keep doing the WW plan while going to SW class.. But not at all.. WW was the only diet I ever done before.. (started dieting at 21.. on n off over the last decade but its always been WW)
I wish I swapped over MONTHS ago.. I knew for ages I needed a change but knew WW had always worked for me so was hesitant.. I love it! Have only been doing the Extra Easy plan which is what they recommend for the first month anyway, until you get your head around it.. But its so flexible.. I've just moved in with my BF so cooking for 2 now, not just me.. So weighing individual food was becoming an issue and was mostly guess work.. And then after a disaster we had to stay at his parents house for 2 weeks, and I could still stay on plan, even tho I was completely out of control of my food (his Mam was cooking for us) I love it! Altho, if you don't have time to cook from fresh, its probably not the best plan for you.. You have to be prepared food wise.. But its great.. I DEFO recommend making the switch :)

Thanks for that. I reading up alot on SW and I'm very tempted to join there is no harm in giving it a go. Hard to believe you can eat so much and still loose weight happy days :) I work 3 day weeks so have plenty of time to cook. There are some lovely recipies on here to try I have a wedding at weekend so I not get joining until next weeks think classes there is Mon or Tues but Ill make some of the recipies and ease myself into it. Thanks again x
Thanks for that. I reading up alot on SW and I'm very tempted to join there is no harm in giving it a go. Hard to believe you can eat so much and still loose weight happy days :) I work 3 day weeks so have plenty of time to cook. There are some lovely recipies on here to try I have a wedding at weekend so I not get joining until next weeks think classes there is Mon or Tues but Ill make some of the recipies and ease myself into it. Thanks again x
That's pretty much what I done as well.. I was doing the plan from home for a week before getting to class.. Its great..
And this site is a Godsend too for tips, motivation, advice, and more importantly recipes..

Was just looking and our stats are very similar.. Am guessing from you name you too are 31? Irish!? And we're near enough the same weight.. So will be interesting to see if you do join how similar our losses are.. :)
That's pretty much what I done as well.. I was doing the plan from home for a week before getting to class.. Its great..
And this site is a Godsend too for tips, motivation, advice, and more importantly recipes..

Was just looking and our stats are very similar.. Am guessing from you name you too are 31? Irish!? And we're near enough the same weight.. So will be interesting to see if you do join how similar our losses are.. :)

Yeah 31 and I live in Donegal. Yeah will defo monitor our weight loss Im subscribed to your thread. This site is fantastic great tips on it. My big prob is cravings for chocolate and crips :cry: if I get past that it will work out. I'm so fed up with this bloody extra weight lol told myself at start of Jan this was the yr that it finally goes but I raging i already fell off the wagon but hopefully I get going again with SW if I do half as well as you I'll b very happy :)
Yeah 31 and I live in Donegal. Yeah will defo monitor our weight loss Im subscribed to your thread. This site is fantastic great tips on it. My big prob is cravings for chocolate and crips :cry: if I get past that it will work out. I'm so fed up with this bloody extra weight lol told myself at start of Jan this was the yr that it finally goes but I raging i already fell off the wagon but hopefully I get going again with SW if I do half as well as you I'll b very happy :)
Its hard to get on it but now you've found this site you'll find it easier.. i promise.. Just log in every day.. Set up a thread of your own n record how your feeling on any given day, about any situation, doesn't have to be weight, we all have a good auld rant on here, and it helps destress... N if you still want that bar of chocolate or pack of crisps, have it.. We can have a little of what we fancy every now n then.. Won't hurt anyone.. And slimming world encourages you to have that bar or glass of wine with yer dinner..
My advice would be, assuming you go ahead with SW, to eat a healthy diet this week, go to and enoy the wedding the weekend, do a big food shop so you're food prepared, join your meeting and start enjoying food, while losing weight.. :D
Right OK.. Decision made.. I'm going to go to my meeting tonight, get weighed, and leave.. Waste of money maybe but I don't want to put it off.. I know I'll have gained and I know why that will be.. So tomoro will be my new week to start getting whatever the gain is, off! :D
Probably the best thing to do Frances. Means you can move on. X
That's what I thought too.. I have these arguments with myself every Friday doing my usual WI too.. But I always give in.. I'd be only cheating myself and I know that... :)
I agree with Laura, you may be surprised did u see my miraculous loss? You can't have been as bad as me.
No Tracy?? Do tell...
I wasn't bad all week or even all weekend.. But its just because it was yesterday and the food is still undigested.. Also my toilet habits are STOPPEd!! and I started TOTM this morning.. So I'd be checking the scales if it showed anything other than a gain..
Today has been OK tho.. So far I've had 2 mugs of hot water with a wedge of lemon in.. 750ml water. 35g porridge made with water n then a splash of milk.. Then veg soup & 2 Nimble wholemeal bread.. And I have 3x mandarins, banana, pear, an orange and a Muller Light Fat Free Orange & Chocolate sprinkles yogurt for over the afternoon.. Altho right now I feel STUFFED.. So don't know how much of that I'll eat...

Went out at lunch and bought a 3.5Litre slow cooker.. I still have my other one but its only 1.5Litre n tiny! I can at least now start batch cooking again.. So excited to get back to slow cooking :D
Oh no hunnie.. Hope you're OK? xxx
Am not gona make SW tonight.. Will go to a different meeting on Thursday I think.. Just so I've not missed a whole week.. And then get back to my usual Tuesday meeting.. OR.. I will go but miss the meeting.. AGAIN!!! Unsure as to what to do yet.. But am back on plan as of this morning :) xx

Do what you thinks right for you Hun. Well my grandad had a fall and is in hospital, is a bit touch and go but he is 93. Had to get an ambulance for Sophie on Saturday she was struggling to breathe was so scary now both kids are poorly and I'm so run down due to worry/lack of sleep that I have a stinking cold!! Managed to book tomorrow and Thursday off as holiday so I can look after my babies and get the rest I need. Xxx
Do what you thinks right for you Hun. Well my grandad had a fall and is in hospital, is a bit touch and go but he is 93. Had to get an ambulance for Sophie on Saturday she was struggling to breathe was so scary now both kids are poorly and I'm so run down due to worry/lack of sleep that I have a stinking cold!! Managed to book tomorrow and Thursday off as holiday so I can look after my babies and get the rest I need. Xxx
Oh no your poor grandad.. Hopefully he'll pull thru it..
What was wrong with poor Sophie? God that must have been awful.. had she been sick previous? With a cough or sore throat or anything? Jeez.. Thank God she's OK.. And poor Ryan too.. Doesn't rain but it pours :( You pack yourself with vitamin C and iron hunnie.. Try get some rest too.. Altho I know its hard for you when both babies are sick.. But they need you well.. xxx
After a week of dominoes pizza, curry, Chinese, 2 McDonald's, 2 bottles of wine and then steak pie and lemon meringue pie the night before WI I managed to lose 1/2lb.