My Diary - 2013

After a week of dominoes pizza, curry, Chinese, 2 McDonald's, 2 bottles of wine and then steak pie and lemon meringue pie the night before WI I managed to lose 1/2lb.
Now that's the kind of diet plan I like!!! Well done Tracy.. Super loss!! Deserved tho.. OK not the best week, but the ones before were excellent so it just shows, it does pay off :)
I'm not proud but funnily pleased. :)
Well you should be Tracy.. Obviously not over the food consumed.. But the hard work previous to that that led to a loss.. You work really hard 99% of the time at this weight loss lark.. You should be well proud of yourself.. xx
Glad you're back home hon. And hope stringer is feeling better too. Did ye get all the windows put in or just the living room for the moment?

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Glad you're back home hon. And hope stringer is feeling better too. Did ye get all the windows put in or just the living room for the moment?

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Good morning gorgeous lady...
We got all the front ones done.. So the 2 front bedroom ones are done as well.. And he's coming on Thurday to do the 2 side windows (1 landing, 1 dining room) We didn't get the ones for the back of the house yet as we're undecided what we're doing about the kitchen extension yet.. If we leave it as is, we need another one for the dining room... But if we knock the extension and rebuild, we'll be going straight across the whole back of the house, so won't need that dining room one.. And no point getting it and then knocking it out....

Got our settlement figure from our assessor yesterday and are really pleased.. We can now get going on getting the things we want but would have had to wait only for the money.. So in a way, a very odd way, this was a wee blessing... ish.. ha ha..

In other news... Went to WI last night and as suspected I gained.. But only a half which I was pleased(ish) about... So a new week today and gona shed that and hopefully some more by next week.. I can​ do this :D
Good morning gorgeous lady...
We got all the front ones done.. So the 2 front bedroom ones are done as well.. And he's coming on Thurday to do the 2 side windows (1 landing, 1 dining room) We didn't get the ones for the back of the house yet as we're undecided what we're doing about the kitchen extension yet.. If we leave it as is, we need another one for the dining room... But if we knock the extension and rebuild, we'll be going straight across the whole back of the house, so won't need that dining room one.. And no point getting it and then knocking it out....

Got our settlement figure from our assessor yesterday and are really pleased.. We can now get going on getting the things we want but would have had to wait only for the money.. So in a way, a very odd way, this was a wee blessing... ish.. ha ha..

In other news... Went to WI last night and as suspected I gained.. But only a half which I was pleased(ish) about... So a new week today and gona shed that and hopefully some more by next week.. I can do this :D

Not a bad gain!!
Not a bad gain!!
No.. Am completely OK with it.. Had a take away the night before.. Had some munchies too.. Its TOTM.. And toilet habits STOPPED for the best part of 2 weeks.. So was expecting more.. And being honest.. I felt like I'd gained a stone!! So a half is OK by me :D And sure, it'll be gone next week :D
Yeah thats a grand result Frances, now you are back in your own house again you'll be flying.

Sounds like a sensible plan to leave the window and see how you feel about the extension, or see if planning is possible. Does anyone around you have the same type of extension?
Yeah thats a grand result Frances, now you are back in your own house again you'll be flying.

Sounds like a sensible plan to leave the window and see how you feel about the extension, or see if planning is possible. Does anyone around you have the same type of extension?
If we knock it and rebuild, it'll within the restriction so no planning needed.. But I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue as most houses have extensions, some even have double extenstions.. I think we're knocking it down and starting from scratch.. yay.. Love getting my own way :D
Aww right didn't realise that it was an existing extension needing redoing. Sometime if you are gonna rebuild its as cheap to go a bit bigger, but then you'd need planning wouldn't you?!

How is stringer, I didn't know he was sick till I was reading back. Whats wrong with him? Is it stress after the explosion? Poor thing. And how is Jono's arm?
Aww right didn't realise that it was an existing extension needing redoing. Sometime if you are gonna rebuild its as cheap to go a bit bigger, but then you'd need planning wouldn't you?!

How is stringer, I didn't know he was sick till I was reading back. Whats wrong with him? Is it stress after the explosion? Poor thing. And how is Jono's arm?
Yea the existing extension has subsided and is pulling away from the house.. there's lotza cracks etc and its in a bad way.. It is possible to save it for a number of years which we were considering.. But I think we'll just knock it and start afresh.. It was built ar5eways anyway and means losing a good chunk of space in the back garden.. So if we knock it (which I think we will) we'll build the width of the house and out.. Whereas now, its only maybe 1/3 the width of the house, to the right hand side, which means we lose the 2/3 of the space to the left.. And it goes out allot further than if we build right across.. So we'll get more natural light IN the house, and more space outside the house, and have the kitchen we want from the getgo.. Will be a long n messy job but will be worth it (I hope!)

Stringer is still the same.. Poor puppy.. he has a really high temprature and has an infection.. Vet gave him an injection and Jono has to bring him back today.. Thought he'd be much better this morning but he still seemed the same to me.. My poor baby :(

Jono's arm is OK.. Well, its painful for him but we were back at the hospital on Monday and they're leaving it to heal istelf.. So no surgery or cast.. he has a plastic brace thing to wear which he can take on n off to let his arm breath.. There's no infection in the cut and its healing nicely.. They wreckon though he'll be wearing the brace for 10-12 weeks more.. :eek: That means 3 months out of work!! He's not happy in the slightest but nothing he can do so he has to grin and bear it..
He's been "granted" sickness/injury benefit from our lovely social welfare of €188 per week!! WTF is that meant to pay??!!!
Aww poor stringer and Jono, hope both feel better soon! Sickness benefit is a joke, but sure better than nothing. He'll go stir crazy sitting around the house all day though!!

Extension sounds lovely and very sensible, the more light you can get into your house the better!
Aww poor stringer and Jono, hope both feel better soon! Sickness benefit is a joke, but sure better than nothing. He'll go stir crazy sitting around the house all day though!!

Extension sounds lovely and very sensible, the more light you can get into your house the better!
Yea I need to have as much natural light as possible.. The way it was built initially was silly.. Don't know what they were thinkin'..
Yea he's going nuts already its only been 2 weeks.. Just so thankful we didn't go crazy when getting out the mortgage initially.. The bank were willing to lend us double what we borrowed.. Imagine tryna pay that on one wage!!! Thank God for Jono and being sensible!!! :)
Banks haven't learned I see. When we went for our mortgage they tried to force us to get a massive one because we could afford it. They kept saying 'sure take a holiday, update your car and furnish the house with the extra'. Thank god we were level headed and got a small mortgage, prefering to work to save for the others. We never would be able to pay a big mortgage now, our 'small' one is just about manageable!
Banks haven't learned I see. When we went for our mortgage they tried to force us to get a massive one because we could afford it. They kept saying 'sure take a holiday, update your car and furnish the house with the extra'. Thank god we were level headed and got a small mortgage, prefering to work to save for the others. We never would be able to pay a big mortgage now, our 'small' one is just about manageable!
I know.. She was like "well I'll just put in for this amount sure and then if you see something more expensive than you're planning at least the money will be available and you won't have to hand in additional documents"
We were like OK grand.. But set on our pre-agreed budget...
What's exactly up with Stringer? Bless him, it's awful when animals are sick.
He's just all mopey n sleepy.. no energy.. Is walking around like he's 15 years old, not 8 months.. Was off his food but has some appetite back.. He just isn't himself.. usually you don't get a second when he's in the house.. I can't remember the last time I managed to have a cup of tea without spilling some of it on myself coz he was bouncing over with his toy for me to thro.. He's no better today but the injection last night was to bring down his temp..Hopefully today they give him something to make him better..
They said he would get diarohea last night from the injection but all we got was a fart.. A rather minging fart and thankfully odourless!!!! but no diarohea.. Don't know if that's good or bad tho... I just want him better.. poor baby :(
aw poor stringer!! have the vets indicated as to what it could be ? xxx
I know.. She was like "well I'll just put in for this amount sure and then if you see something more expensive than you're planning at least the money will be available and you won't have to hand in additional documents"
We were like OK grand.. But set on our pre-agreed budget...

He's just all mopey n sleepy.. no energy.. Is walking around like he's 15 years old, not 8 months.. Was off his food but has some appetite back.. He just isn't himself.. usually you don't get a second when he's in the house.. I can't remember the last time I managed to have a cup of tea without spilling some of it on myself coz he was bouncing over with his toy for me to thro.. He's no better today but the injection last night was to bring down his temp..Hopefully today they give him something to make him better..
They said he would get diarohea last night from the injection but all we got was a fart.. A rather minging fart and thankfully odourless!!!! but no diarohea.. Don't know if that's good or bad tho... I just want him better.. poor baby :(

Aw bless, I'm surprised they didn't take any bloods, or give him antibiotics just in case. I'm sure they'll sort something out later.
aw poor stringer!! have the vets indicated as to what it could be ? xxx
No hun.. Just that its an infection.. :(
Aw bless, I'm surprised they didn't take any bloods, or give him antibiotics just in case. I'm sure they'll sort something out later.
Yea me too Tracy.. I think his main concern last night was the high temperature, so hopefully when he goes back today it'll have gone down.. I just said to Jono I wonder if he'll give him a course of anti biotics or what..
Was just home at lunch and he came to me when he heard me come in, but then just went and lay down near where I was cooking.. No jumping around or any of his usual carrying on.. Its going on too long now for my liking.. I'm not happy.. My poor baby :(

Speaking of which Tracy.. Any news on Doug?
aw bless him!! poor pup!!! hope the vets figure it out for him and give in anti-biotics or something xxx