My Diary - 2013

Ok so came home last night to the worst mess EVER!!! Seriously wanted to run away screaming. So we had a finger food dinner. N went the pub!!!!! Had 3 pints (in a half pint glass of course!!!!) n that was it. No chipper on the way home either. So cud hav been worse!! Cud hav been better too I kno but it was that or meltdown
Guess who's bought a microwave egg poacher? Oh yeah baby that would be me!!!

You wouldn't believe how excited I am! Little things please little minds and all that ;-) x

Woohoo. U used it yet?
I feel for you, I really do.... Just remember it wont be forever and once it's done you can really focus on your food

No I havent used it yet, having poached eggs for lunch mmmm! Have you got any tips using them or is it just a matter of following the instructions? x
I feel for you, I really do.... Just remember it wont be forever and once it's done you can really focus on your food

No I havent used it yet, having poached eggs for lunch mmmm! Have you got any tips using them or is it just a matter of following the instructions? x

Sorry only seeing this. I add a tiny dribble of water in each one n make sure u poke the yoke.... :)
I love Galway :) hope you have a lovely weekend and drown the shamrock :D xx

OMG I drowned a garden last night and am DYING today !!! Not good. Hav managed to stop vomiting now tho. And am back in bed try a get recovered so I can go again. Sure am on my holidays ha ha
Hehe.... Hope you're enjoying your holidays hon. Love Galway... :) xx

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Yay...... Galway is always a great spot did u manage go out again yest with the hangover think we all in same boat I still eating for st patrick no weight loss this week :)
Yay...... Galway is always a great spot did u manage go out again yest with the hangover think we all in same boat I still eating for st patrick no weight loss this week :)

I had 2 drinks last night. Had to. Can't b Irish n not have at least 1 drink on Paddys day! Ha
But my God did I die yesterday!!!
Morning ladies..
OK.. So weighed in this morning for the first time in 3 r 4 weeks.. Oops..
I was away the weekend, drank a stupid amount Saturday, died Sunday and ate off plan yesterday.. ish...
Not been drink water and been having far too many biscuits n crisps n chocolate.. And have gained 3.25LBS...
Not gona make it to SW this evening but I do want to get back to it.. So... I've weighed in as I would on a Tuesday and I will TRY to follow the plan 100% this week.. I've decided I'm not gona drink from now til my BF's birthday (July) so that should help with weight loss.. And we're getting Stringer back in the next day or 2 (for those who don't know, Stringer's my doggy and he's at my Dad's ATM) so walking will resume every night without fail so that too will help... Am gona get to the shop this evening hopefully and get stocked up on fruit.. Fresh.. Tinned.. Frozen.. I'm filling the house with fruit!!
I'm also gona (re)start posting my diary up here again... So here's hoping for a good loss next week...
3.25lb is fantastic, I can put that on in a couple of days... You'll easy get that back once stringer is back :D x
That's no bad at all hon. After no WI for few weeks. Ull get that off in no time. Drink definitely doesn't help! x

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That's no bad at all hon. After no WI for few weeks. Ull get that off in no time. Drink definitely doesn't help! x

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Ah I'm not worried about it TBH.. I was freaking about weighing in so had to get it over with.. Usually I weigh in n that's that... But it was stressing me out coz it had been so long.. Not the best time to WI straght after a BH weekend away!!! So I'd say a good bit of it is bloat from the beer on Saturday, and the red bull!! Then dehydration as I've not been drinking water, along with boozing.. Not too mention all the biccies I've put away the last few weeks... So I'm by no means happy with it, but i'm not worried about it :)

How are you getting on hun? I've not been commenting much on ppl's threads as i've just been popping in as n when I can...