my diary ~ no more CD for me

Hi Kati,

Here is the link for the Bonfire Night Challenge and all are welcome to join, Kamilla is only too happy to have members who feel up to the challenge. Just copy and paste your name down and if you need any help just post your name and someone will come along and stick you on...It is a good way to keep motivated and we are all here for one another...don't be shy.:)

I nearly won the last one...a pound short:( It would of been my first had I lost that silly old pound:rolleyes:

I know how you feel about the housework and ironing...but I let you in on a wee will be waiting for you to get around to it as it is not going anywhere:p

The best way to tackle house work when you feel over whelmed by it all is not to see you have mega work to do...but do a list of first things first and do the most important one first.

When it comes to a few things here and there while watching tv and you will soon work your way through it.

Remember, take it easy and be gentle with yourself and when you get into the swing of the diet your energy will come up...this can take up to three weeks sometimes.

Drinking water does help I find with the energy level...I get tired if I am not drinking my water.

Today I am using the timer on the oven set at 30 minutes to go and drink my water and it is actually helping.:)

Love Mini xxx
thanks Mini, I will go and join in with that challenge.

You're right about how the housework will still be there if I don't do it. It'll still be there the next day if I do do it too, thats what I hate about it.

I don't mind ironing so much, it's putting it away that is the bad part. Specially having to decide whose room to put which clothes in since the kids all wear the same sized clothes pretty much.
Hi Kati,

Can you not delegate the putting away of the clothes to the kiddies or are they too young?

You could show them first and eventually they will know what to do.

It also makes them feel they are part of the family and teaches them new skills when they get wee jobs...age appropriate.

Love Mini xxx
they're not too young to do it at all, just it's pointless ironing it first if I get them to put it away lol They're not exactly careful, but I suppose I need to get them domesticated sometime dont I
I wish the dog would stop trying to hump the youngest ones legs, it's driving me mad. I don't know why it's always him he goes for.

Kate and Isobel it was lovely to meet you both, I'm embarrassed to be called petite and pretty lol I felt like more of a midget stood next to you two.

Soz hun but that dog bit made me laugh!!!

It was lush to meet you too - you are so not a midget!!
Oh and I hate putting the kids clothes away too!! When I ask them to do it, they shove them in higgledy piggledy and they fall out of the wardrobe immediately the door gets opened - aargh!!!! lol
I loved reading your last couple of posts - basically cos i know it's not just me who is kid harrassed tonight!! :D

Usually with the dog humping it's a dominance thing - do a Victoria Stillwell and tell your youngest to stand up and completely ignore him when he does it. If that doesnt work put him out of the room for a couple of minutes every time he does it. He'll soon get the message ;)

Keep up the good work hun - you are doing really well xx
I'm glad the dog thing made someone laugh, the kids think it's hilarious. I will try what you suggested helen thanks for that.

I did absolutely no huosework last night (oh dear) so he ironings still there. The wonderful thing is though, the kids are at school and i have an hour of peace before I go to work yay!

I decided to have a peanut bar for breakfast because I don't really have time to just sit and enjoy it at lunch time. It smells wonderful, just like a snickers bar. The first few bites were just as good too but then it got a bit erm, cardboardy. So, they are nice but I think in future with those ones I'm going to cut them up into little bits so I can pick at it over the course of the day so I will be able to enjoy each mouthful as much as the first.

I'm still 12 stone today. I'm a bit disappointed that I've only lost 2lbs this week. I suppose it's my own fault because I ate but was constantly in ketosis since last tuesday so I did think I might lose a bit more. I also think that maybe I'm not drinking enouh water throughout the day. I've been mostly having it on a night time so I'm going to have to try and aim to drink more before I go to work. I don't get to have much at work at all when we're busy because I can't just stop in the middle of making someones lunch to have a drink. At least having the peppermint tea now I should be able to drink more, and with the berry water flavouring too. I wonder what that will be like hot hmmm will have to try that.

I'm NOT going shopping this weekend either. I wont have the kids (supposedly) till sunday night so will spend the 2 days in the house. well might go out if I get bored on my own but...oh no just realised my mam is expecting us to go out for dinner with her. Oh dear, she'll have to do without seeing them again. what a shame. I'll tell her I'll bring them over after school one night that should ease it a bit, but then I won't have to be forced to eat :) Or If I wait till next week to take them I can have something as it's my AAM week and it wont have to be a sunday dinner. YAY I'm soo pleased at realising that.

So, plans for this week :

NO cheating whatsoever no matter how tempted I am

Drink lots more water on a morning so it's not all getting into my system at night.

Lose at least 4lbs (lol might be pushing it but I dont care)
Yay - sounds like a plan!!

If it makes you feel any better i have a ironing pile the size of everest. Spend way too much time on here to be honest but never mind it's helping me get to goal ;)

have a good day. xx
I'm glad this place is helping you get to goal. To be honest I think I might have given up by now if I hadn'y found it too. I wouldn't have known enough about the diet to keep to it enough. Especially all the different things to try with the packs like adding coffee or making crisps or whatever. I certainly wouldn't be trying to drink 4 litres of water a day either.

Speaking of drinking enough water... I haven't had nearly enough yet. I did however managed to pour a boiling hot cup of peppermint tea over myself and scalded my stomach, ouch that was this mornign so at least it's not so red now.

The kids are much better behaved today (actually i think it was more me in a strop than the kids misbehaving last night) They've had a few fights and I overheard my eldest when he thought I couldn't hear and told him off for being a bully. He's trying all the things that my sister used to do to me and I hated it.

the dog hasn't been trying to hump my sons leg either lol (although he did try with a woman at the school when I went to pick up the twins with him hehe she was ok with him though)

Somehow I've ended up with half a pack left over from another day so I had that this afternoon and have had that peanut bar and some spicey tomato soup. I'm still hungry though. Was tempted to have a frozen tetra later when the kids are in bed and not worry about the extra half pack but that would mean needing even more water and I don't think I'd manage it.

I spoke too soon the dog is now humping mikeys leg grrr. I've told him to put him in the hallway for a couple of minutes. I'm going to have no doors left!

ack they're now all eating ice cream. and the dog is using his puppy dog eyes on them so they might give him some. Stopped him humping legs anyway.

back to diet stuff, I've forgotten how much water I've had now. about 3 1/2 litres I think or 3 1/4. I'll manage the full 4 today i'm sure. I think I'll be hearing a permanent sloshing sound when I move soon.

I got asked today how I'm doing on my diet so I said I'd lost a stone. His reply was well if you ere going to the gym regularly you'd lose it quicker. ******* **** how quickly do they want me to lose it???

I've had stomach pains today which I posted about elsewhere on the site. I really felt like it was hunger pains because of how high up it was. I got lots of wind after that so that'l be what it was. It wasn't a sharp pain that you would usually get with wind though just like an empty feeling so I just poured tons of peppermint tea down me to try and fill me up a bit. It's gone now thankfully.

When I got out of the bath my scales were out so i stepped on them, with wet hair and my dressing gown on and holding a book. It said I was 12 stone 2 1/2. I know (because I've tested it) that my dressing gown weighs 2 1/2 pounds so that could mean I might be in the 11's in the morning. Wouldn't that be fantastic? Depends how much water I drink tonight I'd say I must need time to wee it all out lol I don't tend to have midnight toilet trips myself. I drank a pint of water then weighed myself again and I was a pound heavier! I wasn't pleased lol.

need a wee now
I weighed myself this morning and I was 11 stone 13 yay! it was so weird to see the number 11 there, it;s been so long sine I was under 12 stone. Of course it went back up again as soon as I had a drink but that doesnt matter. I got there on my 23rd day of CD. wow 23 days already with 15 pounds lost. Would love it to have been more but never mind. My friend started doing the atkins diet when I started this one and she's lost 8lbs. So at least I know I wouldn't have done so well by eating things like that. I went to hers this morning and the house smelled of bacon :( Oh well I wasn't bothered by it. I had taken a bar and some peppermint tea with me and I was fine. She asked if she could smell my bar for a bit cos she was missing chocolate lol. I don't know if she will last much longer as she is getting sick of it, she always does, as do I. But I'm not sick of this diet yet. what I am sick of is being overweight.

I got home with the kids and was immediately starving. It's been very tempting not to eat so I gave them their tea early so I wont have to make anything later. I've just polished off a cup of peppermint tea to put something in my stomach and will have another one in a second.

ok got it. Now where was I...

I decided to wear my new size 14 skirt I got at the weekend today. I got told it looks very slimming. I wanted to say noooo its not the skirt its me I've lost the weight. But I didn't. The skirt is kind of slimming really, the shape of it is. I still feel uge though.

I've lost count of how much peppermint tea I've had. I think I'm onto my 8th cup or 9th. 3 this morning, 4 at work and 2 just now. Think I might get addicted to it at this rate lol. I really dont like cold drinks though so its great.

I don't know what to have for my final pack. I made some chicken and mushroom crisps last night and they were fantastic. I was only going to do half a pack but they were so good I had them all. oops, thats me half a pack over for yesterday. oh well better than eating anything else. I dont think I'll make them tonight though. Might make a mousse I haven't tried that yet.

my house is such a tip I need to clean it still. I'll do it at the weekend when theres nothing else to do. I'm too tired now
yay on the 11s and on sounding so positive!

Knew you could do size 14s- well done on the skirt as well!

Interesting how Atkins has only led to half the loss that you've had. I have wondered about it a bit, since I love bacon, but it sounds like the Cambridge is the right decision.
Thanks Kate :) the skirt has an elasticated waist though so a bit of a cheat, I probably would have been able to wear it before I lost any weight too.

I was considering doing the atkins diet myself when I came across the cambridge diet. I had done it before and lost about a stone in a month on it, but what put me off was all the cooking I'd have to do. I knew I wouldn't stick to it because it would be too easy to think oh I'll just have this then back to the diet tomorrow and would never last. I absolutely love this diet because I don't have to cook, I don't have to make any choices (well not many anyway) and I don't have such huge food bills. I'm sure I've saved a fortune doing this diet purely because I haven't picked or taken the kid sout for tea as much as I would have before I started it.

I was taking them out a few times a week and it was costing a fortune. Now they don't seem to miss going out and I'm saving all that money (and spending it on christmas presents).

I think with every other diet I've done actually being thin at the end of it was never something I could imagine. That is why I gave up at the first hurdle every time. I make bad choices and don't have the ability to trust myself so never believe it will work. With this diet I have the choices laid out for me. I either go with them and lose weight or I go with something else and don't lose weight.

Not having food to think about it is giving me time to think about other aspects of my life and I don't want to be making bad life choices as well. There are things I want to get out of but don't know how right this minute. I'm one of these people who find it hard to say no. It was pretty tough even changing my cdc because I felt like I owed the first one something because I went to her first. Which is silly really because all she did was supply the packs and that was it. this is for me not for her, if she had done her job better then I would never have even thought to find someone else.

My niece invited herself over again today and asked if she could stay for a bit, I said no because I didn't want her here. I'm a bad aunty I never want my nieces and nephews here because this is my space, if I want to see them I will go to theirs. But the reason for this is that my sister and my ex's sister have both taken advantage of me with regards to babysitting. So in turn this makes me resent having them here without either parent with them. It's not really the poor kids fault it's their parents and mine. Their parents dont get it though and I'm too stupid to point things out to them.

In the past I'm pretty sure all any men ever saw in me was a big pair of boobs. So part of me has been frightened to lose weight because what if they shrink? Then what is there about me that anyone might like? so thats part of why I've given up dieting too. But this time I'm really doing it for me. I don't want to be fat and I don't want to be nothing more than a pair of boobs. I want someone to see ME, not a blob of fat or just a pair of boobs, me, without all of that.

I didn't actually come to this planning to type all of that out tonight, it just kind of flowed out of me. I have been thinking about that kind of thing a lot lately so I'm sure it would have come out sooner or later. There is a lot more to it than that but that'll do for now.

I tried a strawberry mousse for tea. Yuk! I don't know if it was the shake having no flavour or if because I was drinking some berry flavoured water at the time but it wasn't nice. Maybe I'll just try making some jelly with the mix a mousse and forget about the shakes with it.
still 11 stone 13 today. still looks weird seeing those numbers, but it's good :) cant wait till I'm still in the 11's with clothes on lol. It's also weird that I can say now I want to lose 2 stone something instead of 3 or 4. at my heaviest I was 13 1/2 stone (in march this year) I managed to lose half a stone before starting cd but it was hard and took ages. I joined a gym and was going 4 or 5 times a week. I haven't been since I started cd but have decided that once I start n the 790 or 1000 thing I will go back so I can get toned up as well as at my goal weight.

I'm aiming for 9 stone but am seriously thinking of continuing to 8 stone 7, I'll see how I look when I get there. I need to get there first before I can really make that decision. I just want to feel comfortable with my body and don't want to feel like anyone is disgusted by looking at me which is how I feel right now.

I feel like I've started to look really old since I started though. People have often commented that they'd never guss I am 31, the hairdressers that come into work every day keep thinking I'm about their age (about 20!) and they were shocked to see my eldest son one day lol. It's funny to see their reactions but I don't think thats going to happen any more. I don't mean I'm gettng wrinkly, I just look old. Maybe I need to reat myself to some of these age defying products hmmmm
funnily enough after writing that I think I look old someone else (from the same hairdressing salon) came in and said about how I don't look as old as I am. Hmm maybe she read this and wanted me to feel better lol.

Had a cranberry bar for brekkie along with 2 litres of peppermint tea this morning. Well 1 1\2 before work. I didnt get any lunch so made chiken and mushroom crisps while making the kids tea. I love them but have to drink water with them whether I wanted to or not.

I tried the berry flavour with hot water earlier it was lovely, will definately have more later. I've already had 4 litres today so anything else I drink is a bonus. I usually wait till the kids are at school before I have anything, but now having a couple of cups of tea before they go to school really helps with drinking more.

Now I have to decide what to have for my 3rd meal, what do you think? It's a choice between a frozen tetra, hot chocolate or a soup. too many choices what do I do?

oh no i just spilled peppermint tea all over me whilst shouting at the kids for eating too noisily. It drivees me mad when I'm not on the diet never mind when I am. This diet puts me ina terrible mood at times too. Pus my wet bum (off spilt tea) doesn't help. At least the tea was warm not boiling since I was almost finished.

hmm where was I they knocked my thoughts off track.

Ok I think I waffle on way too much here but quite frankly I don't have anyone else to tell this to. So anyone who wants to read it is welcome to but hope no one minds how much I do waffle. It would be so nice to have some adult company away from work instead of just kids allll the time. I'm supposed to be going for a night out tomorrow night, this time I actually want to go but I'm sure I'll hate it as much as I did last time. Last time ws my first friday on the diet and hadn't lost any weight yet. This time I've lost a stone, I wonder if it'll make me feel any more confident about going and being around people. I still feel like a fat frump though so probably wont. I certainly don't have a problem with not drinking, I just wish i could get hot drinks instead of cold ones all the time. they always put ice in the water or keep it in the fridge and I hate cold water. Anyway cheap night out hereI come lol. I have a dress I had planned to wear next time I go out but I still think my belly is too big to wear it. I need something warmer to wear anyway It's bloody freezing now. I don't go out nearly enough to be one of these girls that go out in all weather with not a lot on and no coat. I have a jacket I think I'll be taking with me. Don't know what else I'll wear though. I wish I had lost more to be able to feel a difference
11 stone 12 today woohoo. I've decided to wear that dress I've been aiming o get into tonight. I decided it doesn't look bad after all I was just in a mood with myself for not being a size 8. Talked my friend into going into the toon tonight lol instead of going to the normal boring place with the same boring people every week. I've discovered the bloke I was seeing is going to be there tonight and I know it's big place but I hope he sees me and notices how fabulous I'm looking now I'm a stone and a half lighter than last time. Knowing him thugh he'll probably only notice my boobs have shrunk and thats it. I probably sound stupid but why not. I just need to find somewhere to park hmmm I can't wait to get out for a change now, usually I just dont want to. The only problem with Newcastle is the men all seem to be married and looking for someone to have an affair with. Or maybe its just me that has a married man magnet attached. No idea. Oh well.
well done you kati - into the 11stones, that's fab. You sound so possitive and motivated. Hoping I'll be the same in 23 days! hehe
Have a brilliant night out- you deserve it for all your hard dieting (and mothering and other) work!

Good on you for going with the dress- and for deciding to go somewhere different. Sounds like you're ready for some new horizons to open up for you anyway.

I'm suddenly in questioning mode (sorry-I've turned into Jeremy Paxman...I think it's cos I'm doing this to myself too- so feel free to ignore me and tell me to mind my own!!) and wondered if you think you could ask yourself this question as an experiment. You've mentioned that you think blokes have liked your boobs, but sometimes you felt like that was the major thing for them. Okay- just think about you and what you like- what would be your own ideal boob size/shape? How would YOU like to see yourself? It might not lead to any profound insight, but you might find you've never really thought about it, just in terms of your own likes and dislikes before.

Right- I'll take me and my questions away now- in summary have a fantastic night!!