enjoy your birthday meal and good luck on the SS'ing tomorrow...LOL..
thanks everyone, didn't exactly get what I wanted but it's over with now so I can forget all about food and SS again. I think I'm definately ready for it this time.
i will weigh myself in the morning so I know my true starting weight. and hopefully I'll get up early enough to have a lumpy hot chocolate before work. I'll take a soup with me for when I get ravenous.
wish me luck![]()
LOL, I SOOoooo understand, thats one of the reasons, I drink when I go out and won't go out if I'm not drinking, LOL, I can't stand being with drunk people if I'm sober,,,LOL luckily I know this so avoid at all costs...I truly am very selfish aren't I.
lol I wish I could have avoided it, but sadly no chance
Ah nothing more dissappointing than not having what you've been longing for on the menu, didn't they know you was starting SS tomorrow LMAO....
no lol maybe I should have told them
Anyhow as Mich said, you already look great, so you'll be stunning when you finish with the SS'ing, so onwards and slimwards we're all going.
you mean I'm not already stunning!!!??? lol just joking, thankyou both for that compliment
LOL about the dial code, did ya ever here from Sean Og, (young Sean, can't be assed finding the fada's to go on de A and O) LOL....
well, after having to have that sentence translated for me (lol) I can reveal..... no, I got a message failed report tonight so he never got my message to reply to. Kazz said to try it with + instead of 00 but I think I might just give up
see i'm orging a Dublin meet,and i'm finding more irish words are popping into me head these days...holy mother what will become of me LMAO
Ha Ha, no need, sure none of us speak the lingo in any official capacity...ok before i get killed, not a lot of us on the east coast (99.7% don't), go further West over to Galway etc and they do have whole villages which only speak Irish, the Gaeltacht, but I'll not be taking you there...
we throw the odd saying in, but its part of our normal speak, we don't even realise we're doing it...for example, sometimes with pals, i'll go "aen focal ela" phonetical spelt, translates into "Any news, or gossip"
Sean, might have lost his phone and gotten it cancelled, if ya wanta go one last time text 0035386 and the remaining last 7 digits he gave you, see I'm a woman of me word and I deleted the PM ya sent me, so can only remember telling ya he was on an O2 Irish Mobile
ooohhh Caroline!! Cant believe you dont converse regularly as gaeilge?! Cad e an sceal a cailin?!
Hope you have a fab nite out!!! 790ish sounds like a good plan but take something for the headaches wud ye!!
Forget the mission tonite lol just have lots and lots and lots of fun!
will definately take something for the headache. Just remembered tonights mission was to get someone to buy me a birtday drink wasnt it? well I'm sure Nic will buy me one and I'll buy her one too lol.
Oh adn as for this afternoons.. they're going to be there another year!!!