wow I'm drunk, sorry for any rambles to follow lol
ell I met another Irish bloke tonight. He's not half as good looking as sean but... he's older (not sure how old), he's a policeman (who works where I live, lol he's my protector) and he has my number so I dont have to think anything about getting in touch with him first cos I dont have his number.
What is it with these Irish blokes? I've never met any (in that kind of way) before and now I meet 2 within a week of each other. I dont know if he's having me on or what but he says he's called Paddy, hmmmm we'll see eh. Paddy the Irish officer sounds a bit ...too convenient.
He actually got tlking to me because he was watching me with my friends brother in law (the one who I cant stand and he lways winds me up). Bro in law bought me a drink for my birthday I gve him a peck cos he askd for a birthday kiss (er my birthday??) but he decided he wanted mre than that. Paddy said he thought he was going to have to save me from him lol then was impressed at how I handled it. I didnt even realise anyone as watching. Anyway he must have liked my silver dress cos he said he'd like to see me again an asked how much he'd have to beg me to wear the same outfit again lol.
Had a good night mostly.
one of my friends has discovered she has breast cancer, thats not god.
Anyway, I think I've spent about £20 tonight, 5 on taxi,10 I gave to my nephew for babysitting, £2 to get into the last pub (everyone else paid 4 no idea why i got away with 2) and bought 2 drinks (and yes I am drunk cos I got lots ore bought for me)
its cold, I'm tireed and my feet hurt, but its been the best birthday for years