Absolutely! He's a daftie alright!! Lettin you slip away! (you're So much better off without him!)
excellent - can't wait to read all about it!
Thanks Jennie, I am sooo much better off without him. Last time I saw him instead of thinking of what I'd lost I thought "why on earth was I bothered about him?" So i think that is a fantastic step in the right direction (it is of course still fun to know I can still make him jealous because I'm giving someone else a chance instead of him)
As for the date...hmm, not imagining it going wonderfully right now. I don't feel well. My head has been pounding all day, I've got the sniffles, my neck is really stiff and sore and my glands all swollen. and I have a mouth ulcer which is a bit sore.
I've spent all day getting asked off people who has punched me in the face because my cheek suddenly looks all bruised from the moment I got up this morning. I haven't done anything to it so I have no idea where it's come from unless I've been sleepwalking. and I have a spot on my chin.
I am still exhausted too. I decided I couldn't cope with feeling ill and having the lack of energy I had yesterday because there is so much I need to do tonight and believe it or not my job is very physical, so I have been eating today. Not loads but still not dieting. Will have a soup for tea I think because after having a sandwich for lunch I'm extremely bloated.
I was 11 stone exactly this morning woohoo, but have probably put that back on with eating the sandwich.
I think I've managed to drink just over 3 litres of water but it's only 6 pm so plenty of time to get some more down me.
got a new lead for doggy since his last one snapped, this one is a chain so can't possibly snap through him chewing or pulling on it. His last one was one of those stretchy ones though so he didn't like his new chain one. I ended up running with him the whole way. So there's my exercise for the day lol. Maybe me and doggy will take up jogging.
oh bum just realised I need petrol to get to work in the morning. Actually I think I may have enough to get there just not enough to get home again.
my eldest was given detention which he was supposed to do tonight because he wasn't well last monday so I let him stay off school. he went back on the tuesday but I forgot to give him a note and he was at his dads for the rest of the week so I still couldn't give him one, the teacher gave him detention for that. I signed his homework planner this morning to say that I knew he had been off and the teacher cancelled the detention. However no one told silly old me who sat outside the school for ages waiting for him to come out since I was passing the school at the same time as he was due to leave. grrr. I thought the detention as a bit unfair though, even though I hadn't given him a note to say why he was off, they could have contacted me first instead of punishing him for my mistake.
anyway, must wash dishes, have a bath, bath the dog (he keeps weeing on his paws which are very hairy and now smelly), wash clothes, sort out and (maybe) do ironing, try to clean floor even though still not got a hoover that works and many many more things. Still haven't had the chance to get a blender. I keep meaning to pop into woolworths (which is just across the road from work) before I go home but always forget and just want to get home. Might go to costco instead on the way home tomorrow as I've been told they have some decent vacuum cleaners in for about £30 so I might get one of those and a blender there.
just checked my wages I've still got £80 left woohoo. Don't know how thats happened considering I've had a night out and took the kids out for dinner twice since I got paid. Oh well cant complain.