I am still struggling, even after losing 4 pounds last week I still sabotaged myself and have stuffed myself since saturday.
I have decided to go back to Weight Watchers, maybe the discipline of class will keep me on the straight and narrow.
I am really lucky and I have got morning (9.30am) classes nearish my work on wednesday, thursday and friday. The plan is to join at class tomorrow and then weigh in at one of those 3 classes depending on meetings, work commitments etc. Two of the classes are 10 mins walk and the other in a short bus ride away. I generally don't take regular lunch breaks so i'll be telling my boss that one day a week i'll be taking lunch early. It shouldn't be a problem as he is pretty flexible.
Its my birthday in 6 weeks and I really want to be 10 - 14 pounds lighter. Perfectly do-able I just need to get my bum in gear and get on with it! No excuses.