Ahhh thanks very much - any help is appreciated!!
Uni is good... it has been a really busy week and haven't even had Fresher's Week yet!!
Heyy Sarah! I have time to write now
Are you looking forward to Fresher's week??
Even though I'm going into my 4th year I'm totally going to pretend I'm a fresher again and go on all the nights out!!
Which uni did you go to??
Hmm... I'm not too sure on the tips! I guess you'll probably know everything and I don't want to patronise you!
Erm... alcohol, stick to diet fizzy drinks and a spirit, i.e. diet coke and vodka...
Limit the take-aways!
I suppose it's an easy option out of cooking...
If you're going out I always usually like to get a starter and a dessert rather than main and desert, can make a lot of difference...
Take you're lunch with you to uni, it's sooooo tempting to just buy a sandwich/crips/sweets etc etc from the uni shop! (you'll save a lot of money too!
Are you self catered?? If you are then I guess it's a lot easier to be in control of what you buy and cook for yourself
And my biggest tip is... HAVE FUN!
Sorry to not be much help!
Just keep counting those calories and all will be fiiiine!
I also found that you're so busy just having fun and doing things with new people that you don't have to worry about eating and it's not so much of a focus anymore
If you need any advice though then feel free to ask, and I'll try my best to help!