Hope you're feeling better today, Tamara?
P x
I feel worse today P, I think it's the flu in April!!?? a few people at work have had it and it looks like I've caught it too I'm all achy, killer headache, earache, bad throatdose up on tablets I think
I've stopped my exercise today Kell I know I need rest I'm shattered I felt like I couldn't do anything but cough and feel bleurgh at workTamara I was really ill a few weeks ago for a LONG time (8-9 weeks) so please please please stop your exercise and eat what you should in conso. Your bread and your cheese (full fat dr recommends - not cottage) and extra fruit if you need it (both doctors I saw told me to have fruit to up my vit c) - yes it's not dukan friendly but you can't factor for this in life. You can always return to dukan. Although doesn't broccoli have ridiculous amounts of vit c in it??!!!
Even though I was so ill I didn't eat enough - petrified to gain weight (all 4.5 stones) and this severely halted my recovery, I broke my ribs coughing so much and I needed a full weeks bed rest (total - couldn't get up to go for a wee I was so weak and in so much pain) so I please, please urge you to eat a bit more than you are.
It's taught me to listen to my body rather than my head (a very scary thought after 32 years) but now I am finally better and have learnt my lesson.
It might not be my place to say but you are exercising SO much your food intake seems low in comparison. I think you've done an incredible, amazing job and you look fantastic but now you're under goal it's time for you to relax a little, enjoy conso and allow yourself the luxury of getting better.
Lots of love x x
Thanks P That's what I intend on doing soonPooDose up on tablets and take to your bed, young lady!
Get well soon
P xxx
It is genuine concern too - not bossing you about or dictating x x x
Because I do boss and dictate, but to nobody on here!!
Poor old hubby!!
P x
It is genuine concern too - not bossing you about or dictating x x x
Kell xxx Tamara knows that xxx we all care xxx get well soon chuck xxx
Tamara, you wouldn't believe my pp days - they're my "binge" days, a whole chicken, a beef escalope, a salmon steak and lots of eggs. Don't hold back! Throughout this plan the key is to eat as much as you're allowed at whatever stage you're at. Let's face it, all of us "fatties" like stuffing ourselves, and this plan is designed to allow us to stuff ourselves on foodstuffs that won't make us gain. Xx
Well today I feel worse than yesterday and I took kellmo's advice took the day off work( tbh I had to I didn't sleep a wink last night I was in agony my ribs are killing from the coughing and I'm worried after what kell said about hers breaking :/ ) I've been in bed all day but still hardly slept so I'm shattered but back to kellmo's advice I've had fruit I had some strawberries and some melon over the allowance but it was needed I had my muffins and I had toast with cottage cheese and I'm going to have a massive Dukan chilli with cheese and bns wedges and some broccoli for tea feed the cold as they sayxx
Oh no! I really hope you've not cracked your tiny size 8 ribs!! Go and see your doctor about the pain in your ribs if you can ( or the walk in centre) and see if you can get some pain killers. If they're broken it's those and a whole lot more time in bed that will fix them. The GP told me it'd take up to 6 weeks to heal but because I literally didn't get out of bed for a week I was better I'm 14 days.
Just rest darling, x x
I hope you feel much much much better soon x x