Feeling half smug, now.

I went to a job fair, all dressed up smartly (really stood out from my local trackies there!) and One guy looked at me then said to the guy he was with "I'd tap that" and then said to me "looking good"
No idea if he was being sarcastic or not, but I'll take it as a compliment, lol!!
I actually need to update my statistics now, Snow. It's 3st 8.5lbs instead after putting on one. But it's my 2nd gain. I gained in my 2nd week but that was because I had a pizza and chocolate. I gained 3lbs and since then haven't touched a take away pizza! for that reason alone. I was shocked at how much I gained because of it. I've also had one STS but that was TOTM as well. It was just the start and I still had it next WI which was a 2lb loss, but when it fully finished I lost 5.5 lbs and I was super chuffed with that.
It's a shame we didn't have our normal weigher as I know she would have been really positive and cheered me up there and then on the spot, lol!
Good luck for today NewMe! (Btw what should I call you?

) I bet you'll do well.
And thanks for your lovely words.. I was just gutted because I tried so hard, lol. Oh well.
My consultant was really lovely and messaged me on FB to see how I was which was sweet of her.
And ohh! I may have to invest in those straws! I may have to add that to the shopping list. We have to go shopping today anywho as our toothpaste has gone walkies! I had to brush my teeth with mouth wash and they're still tingling now lol.
But yeah, all went well at the job fair. And I hope I impressed enough to get a job! Time will tell.
Lunch was carbonara, with 1 syn (on 4 now) for the parmasan cheese.