Bit of a rant... Sorry for anyone reading but I need to offload.
Today Ive once again blown it and binged pretty much all day. I just haven't been able to focus properly since about sunday where basically i am gonna be really frank and honest here, ive binged at times, ive purged, used laxatives because i just cant get the thought of wanting food out my head. After, i experience the usual guilt, disgust, upset, annoyance at my own self sabotage attempts which lead to purging.
Ive had this issue for about 5 years on and off.. Never been underweight which in itself should f**king tell me that it doesn't work! Calories are still absorbed and with every binge i get hungrier and hungrier.
Cwp/s&s have been my only real chance to lose weight and feel 'in control' with my weight.. Its probably in fact it IS the most positive thing I have ever done to manage and deal with my weight and binge issues because for 7 weeks I did it, i lost 20lbs and I feel so much better.
So why am I now self destructing, binging, purging... And gradually I will see those scales creep up and up until ive basically put all the weight back on.
I am terrified of all inclusive on hol so much so i told my bf today about my issues.. I hope that although its a burden on him he can make sure i don't over eat, i make good choices and ensure i am not purging.
I cant even believe i am being honest and telling an open forum but i feel if i don't admit i have an issue i am never gonna get anywhere. First step of change is to admit there is a problem. Going to gp is out of question for reasons i dont want to discuss on here. I am going to over come this i hope by myself and with help of s&s.
Only problem is for this weekend is i have night out fri, sat a meal and sunday spa break til monday so i will be eating and drinking.
Do i just forget s&s until Monday? Eat healthy as poss? I will be in situations with others and therefore i wont overeat as i never do in front of people. Its times alone i over eat.
I will finish this journey and i will get down to 9.7 its a rocky road for everyone and i have hit a bump in that road.... Il pick myself up and start again. I have to, I have no other choice.
Sorry for ranting and outbursting like this.. I am well aware i sound completely unstable