My journey to 5 stone slimmer!

Hope you don't mind me subscribing. You're doing really well and I'm sure you'll do just as well without attending SW group. X
Thanks for the support guys! You make me feel like I can do this!!

Wanted to ask you all that replied, do you ever find yourself being worse because you know you can just weigh at another time if you wanted? Or are you very strict about what you weigh? Aaaaand do you record all your weigh ins?? Xx

I always weigh in on a Monday morning before I get in the shower. I find it helps me focus for the week ahead and I've just got used to it now (used to weigh in at the same time when I started calorie counting a few years ago). I record my weight in my diary on here and also on my fitness pal. Probably should start recording my food on there again too. It's always interesting to see exactly what I've been fueling my body with!
Work is driving me insane!!! so busy :(

Weigh in day tomorrow... it comes round SO quick doesn't it?! I had such a busy, amazing weekend and I think that may mean my result this week isn't as good as last week. I'm hoping for a STS tbh because I had copious amounts of alcohol as my friends came over on friday night and i was at a wedding on saturday then on sunday i was sooo hungover that I had a dominos!! I also had a cheeky KFC this week for lunch, woooops. I've just had really low will power this week, but I know that weeks like this come and then I've just got to get back on it again. I do think that I do better when I'm on here everyday but I just haven't had time. I guess a good thing about the rest of this week is that I don't get paid until friday and I am mega poor so no buying food for me.. and I have hardly any food at home either loool.

I was supposed to go to the gym everyday this week but everyday i've left work with a headache. Monday was mega busy but I was also still feeling hungover.. and yesterday was horrendous. I've actually got another headache now and I really want it to shift before I leave work. This feeling is like when I worked at my old job.. I would leave mentally drained and i couldn't imagine doing anything else but going home and going to bed. It's being too busy and having too much work. We've gone from 4 people down to 2... so definitely feeling it.

Hope everyone elses week is going well :)
Well done on the loss. Every bit adds up. Must be a nice surprise when you were not expecting to loose.
Wow weight in day tomorrow... It rolls around so quick and yet I feel like the weight takes forever to shift lol!

I've taken today as AL from work because I still feel run down and I needed to sleep lots and have a day to myself. I ended up sleeping 12.5 hours lol! I do feel so much better for it though.

Not too sure how the weight situation is going because I was not that great over the bank hol weekend and it was my bf's dads bday meal yesterday and we ate so much! I have stuck to my plan tho of exercising everyday this week! Monday I did the hardest level of my exercise bike for half an hour, went to the gym for an hour in tues and today ill do the exercise bike again because I'm at home!

I've also ordered some bootea. Have any of you heard of it? It's kinda the craze atm and it was sold out everywhere but I managed to order some on tues and its coming today. Basically it's a 2 week detox and you have a tea in the morning that speeds up your metabolism and suppresses appetite and then a tea in the evening that has a calming effect and a natural laxative. I'm not actually doing it for weight loss, I'm doing it to rid my body of lots of crap lol. I want to feel healthy again and I feel like I've abused my body with bad food and alcohol over the last few weeks.

Hope everyone else's week is going well! X
I lost 1lb :) happy with that. So it's 0.5lb till I'm back where I was before my off diet 3 week gain! And it's also the first day of bootea for me :) if I'm honest, I'm not very good with herbal tea so I did down some of it but hopefully it grows on me. I feel pretty good right now. I don't know if that's the tea or just feeling like that cause I know I've had it, but I feel good!
Well done on the loss. Hope the tea is OK, I've heard some horror stories about a similar one!

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I'm feeling optimistic about this week and i haven't felt that way in a while. I had a little look this morning because I like to see where I stand after the weekend (when i'm at my naughtiest!) and see how much damage control i have to do. It was showing 1lb up, but I'm not worried about that because I had a really good day yesterday but my IBS was playing up so my stomach was triple the size and holding water weight so I'm sure it's just that. I'm going to try and go to the gym everyday again this week.

The bootea is actually making me feel really good, and it is suppressing my appetite. I haven't had any of the nighttime cleanse teabags yet because it just wasnt the right time with my friend over at the weekend and then my stomach playing up anyway last night.

I'm hoping for 1.5-2lb off this week.. 2lb would be laaaavly. It would mean that I would be 1.5lb off getting into the next stone bracket!!
I had another little look this morning (bad I know but it helps me stay on track!) and the 1lb up it was showing WAS water weight because I was down 0.5lb from my last weigh in so 1.5lb down from yesterday's reading! Hopefully it can continue that way! I've been drinking water like a mofo! ... and also peeing every 5 minutes.. Not even kidding, I went for a pee 4 times in like 15 minutes yesterday... But it's all in the fun of trying to lose weight!
Weigh in this morning... Eeeeek.

I now do it at work with my work colleagues (they don't see my weight but we document the gain/loss) and its more pressure than doing it at SW! Lol! I know these people... And if they all lose and I don't its really embarrassing lol! So I'm glad for it cause I need this pressure to lose if I'm doing it on my own!

I feel I've had a good week so hopefully that will show!
1.5lb off!!! :happy036:

Yay! so this means a couple of things:

1. I have successfully got rid of my 4lb gain!
2. I am the lighest I've ever been since starting this weight loss by 1lb!
3. I am 2lb away from my next stone bracket!
4. 5lb away from my next half a stone! (since SW)
5. 1lb away from my 1 and a half stone loss since first starting this weight loss journey!

Wooo.. I can do this!!
Congratulations on the loss! I'm sure you can hit most of those milestones next week with another great loss!