My journey to 5 stone slimmer!


Hope you don't mind me posting but want to keep up with your diary - your lifestyle sounds a lot like mine (very social and busy) and I struggle in that respect with eating the right things at the right time. Looks like you're doing really well! :)

Thanks Hun, no prob with the posting :) I like to hear from other people. Have you got a diary? X
Sounds like you've really turned a corner over this last week. I'm glad things are getting easier for you. Really hope you get another great loss this week, you work so hard and now you've cracked it hopefully the pounds will be like buses and all come off at once! ;) xx

Ohhhhh I really hope this too. Can't 'like' on the minis phone app but LIKE LIKE LIKE this comment xxx
So weigh in tonight!!! I have today off work so I've slept in till 11am and I'm going to have a big SW breakfast and then not eat till SW. I was supposed to go for lunch with my friend but I don't want anything to jeopardise a loss!!

3 lbs last week so I'm not expecting much this week. I'd be really happy with a lb! X
Good luck with WI!
Yeyyy! Well done on another great loss. You work so hard and its nice to see those numbers dropping for you each week now. Enjoy your easter weekend xx
Sorry i've been MIA for a while! I was off work for 11 days over the easter weekend :) I had SUCH a good time but whenever i'm off work and let loose my diet goes out the window! I really lose all willpower without a routine! I don't feel guilty though, and I know that I can get back on it and get the gain back OFF!

I booked last thursday off from SW as I was at a wedding in Southampton that day.. so I haven't been in a while and I'm too scared to look at the scales and see what kind of gain I have! I didn't go massively crazy like I usually do, I just ate what I wanted and didn't watch anything. I'm hoping for around 2-3lb gain. I've been back on the diet since yesterday and im going to the gym tonight, wed, thurs and fri and I'm going to weigh in on saturday morning. Hopefully I can pull something back.

Hope everyone else has been doing really well!
Glad you had a great time off hun! I'm the same when I'm off but my thinking is if overall we can keep losing its a sustainable way of maintaining too once we are at goal :) I still want to enjoy life regardless of dieting! Good luck with jumping back on the wagon xx

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I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning.. the first one since easter and the 11 days off the diet! Feeling pretty nervous.. and I think that it's not going to be a very good result. I have been sneakily looking at the scales every now and then and the most i've seen is a 5lb gain! EEK. I'm really not sure what tomorrow is going to say. I don't think i'll look at my scales before tomorrow morning (because i like to be prepared, especially for a gain!)

I just need to remember i CAN lose weight, and whatever it says tomorrow it WILL come off! now to find my willpower...
Hi guys!
I've been away for a while now because I've been MEGA busy with work, then when I get in i'm so tired and often go to bed! I want to start finding a bit more time to use this site though as you all really help me stay on track!

Sooo.. I faced the scale last week and put on 4lb :( booooooo. I guess 3 weeks of crap and 4 lb is ok... but I am determined to get this all off!! I have been back to calorie counting and exercise since last week and i'm weighing tomorrow morning. I'm hoping for a nice loss :)

I have decided to quit SW. It's for various reasons, but not one of them is because i'm giving up. I'm not giving up AT ALL. I'm still gyming it and calorie counting and weight loss is a major thing to me at this point in my life. The main reasons why i'm quitting are:
1. I feel like I know the diet completely and it had aided my life/eating/cooking so much, but I don't enjoy the groups and I always leave straight after being weighed. I know I can just use the knowledge of SW at home without going to the group!
2. Money. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh money. That is on my mind 24/7 atm because this is the year that me and my partner are sorting out all of our finances. We're cutting back on EVERYTHING so that by the end of the year we can start pumping money into savings for bigger things (like a mortgage or wedding!). He is cutting back and putting every last penny into sorting our finances out that I really can't justify paying £20 (plus end up buying hifi bars and magazines and cooking books..) a month on SW when I also pay £15 gym membership. £20 doesn't seem like a lot but over a year thats £240 that i could put away for a holiday or put into debt or anything! I'm not prepared to give up the gym because thats actually helping me, so I have decided to give up SW. Before I was so focused on saving, I was already feeling like "i'm paying £20 a month to be told what i weigh????" I know it's more than that with the group and being weighed infront of someone and having it recorded is completely different.. so me and the girls at work who also do SW or are dieting have decided to hold our own weigh in group on thurs mornings at work. We are not going to disclose our weights to eachother but only whether we have gained or lost, and make a note of it. I actually think that doing it infront of people i know will give me more pressure to lose weight than at SW!! I felt it last week when I stepped on and gained 4lb, i was pretty embarrassed! (in a good way.. a way that promotes motivation!)
3. I actually HATE being weighed in the evenings. I don't like how it can be swayed by so many things such as what you eat that day, whether you're holding water, whether you've been to the toilet yet etc. I hate having to starve myself or worry all day about what i eat before weighing in after work. This way I got to pick my own weigh in day and when I like to be weighed!

So yeah, thoughts??
I'm going to try it for 2 months and if I haven't lost any weight, or i yo-yo then I'm going to just go back to SW, but I think I need a chance to do it on my own!

Here's to my first weigh in tomorrow morning after trying on my own for a week! :)
I'm doing it alone from home for the same reasons. So far the first couple of weeks have gone well enough. The only thing I miss is not being able to get Hifi bars or books if I want them. But otherwise I find no difference as I didn't like staying for group either.
Good luck doing it alone, although you won't be alone, we're all here doing it with you!
TMI~ and can i just say the PF has not visited in 4 days!!! I feel AWFUL!

I know the feeling! I also know what you mean about weighing in the evening when the whole day can affect everything, hence why I don't go to group and weigh in on a Monday morning completely naked! There's no reason why you can't follow SW from home, and hey, minimins is just like going to group but the support and inspiration is there all the time.
good luck with doing SW alone. Im also trying the same, a week in its going well. But still got a long way to go.

I prefer morning weigh ins as can do it on an empty stomach lol
Thanks for the support guys! You make me feel like I can do this!! Wanted to ask you all that replied, do you ever find yourself being worse because you know you can just weigh at another time if you wanted? Or are you very strict about what you weigh? Aaaaand do you record all your weigh ins?? Xx

Good luck doing sw alone. If anything it's made me extra strict as I know I have to be accountable for myself now. As for recording wi's I tend to just weigh fortnightly now and post the results in my diary. I love the flexibility of being able to fit my wi's around my lifestyle more. No more worrying if I'm off out for a meal and have to wi at group the next day etc.

You seem really motivated so in sure if you keep that with you and always retain that accountability that you'll do great xxx