Thanks guys!
Unfortunatley there has been a problem.
I was away at a hospital in Scotland for a clinical placement (Im studying to be a Doctor) last week (got back last night!)
And was doing ok until Friday when I felt really nauseous then fell unconscious at the hospital.
So I spent Friday hooked up to a drip feed.
They discharged me Saturday am and told me a had to eat normally for 48 hours and report back to my GP today.
If I was feeling ok I could go back on LL.
So I feel ok today and have tried to not eat much over the past couple of days of eating normally as they put it.
But now I know its going to be so hard to get back into!
Im worried I might get ill again (TBH I think that my passing out was more to do with the sky high temperatures in the hospital than LL!)
Im really annoyed GRRRR.
I want to cry.
Does anyone know what effect 3 days off the diet will have on me? will I have put on all the weight I lost?
I had done 15 days before I went off it and had lost 1st after 10 days but hadnt been weighed since then due to being away so might have lost more....
Im finding it really difficult to cope with as no group or counselling until after xmas.
I need you guys please help me