Hey girls....how`s it going? looks lik I may well be 4lbs down this week, but will see in the morning!
Fantastic5 wopping lb`s off!!! yayarty0011:
Very happy with that indeed
5 wopping lb`s off!!! yayarty0011:
Very happy with that indeed
Thank you Denise and Pam...2 more days of food
then back to 100% TFR on saturday. I hd a chinese last night and you know what, even though I asked for no MSG, it still tasted sooooo salty!! Proves my tastes have changed and been cleansed, so I didnt enjoy it and I wont be missing them anymore!!! Anyway its done now, back to sensible eating today, family gathering tomorrow, then back on the diet...
to finish what i started. Aiming for another 5 stone off, or maybe 4 we will see what I look like at 11 stone.
Off to the docs to show him how well I`ve done so far, and discuss surgery goals... Catch you lovelies later Lou xxxxx
Day 1
TOTM...always summat eh!! Plus woke up to find a poorly and very subdued Alfie cat on my bed lying on a wet patch !! So we are off to vets shortly... discovered he had also been sick downstairs in the night, and for him to wee where he lies is not a good sign at all... (wondering if hes been poisoned??) So not the best start to my 1st day back 100%
Laters ..... XX
Aww thanks guys, he`s perked up a bit after having a antibiotic/anti~inflammatroy injection...So looks like hes on the up... vet thinks hes got a bit of a virus! So glad its not poisoningas vet says he prob wouldn`t survive a poison attempt.
On the downside, really suffering with my TOTM, heavy, painful and that dragging/aching sensation "down there" if you get me... so not a hppay bunny, also feel like i`m starting with a cold...doesnt help when my little girl wants to play outside and I have to have the back door open so i can see her BRRRR. Lunchtime strawberry shake being consumed as we speak, and another lovely hot peppermint tea... another 4 pints of water to get down me as well... soup this evening and that will be day 1 down pat.....
Chat laters xxxx