My Low Carb Journey

Mumma K said:
I totally agree food addiction is one of the hardest nuts to crack
with smoking, drugs and booze it's something that is not essential
Unlike food you have to eat to live you can't just avoid food can you ...

Re breakfasts it's hard isn't it
But what about a cold meat platter ( go Continental )

I've got used to the breakfasts now. Mostly I find I skip them or just have coffee with a glug of cream (some paleos don't do dairy at all but a little cream or cheese hasn't had an adverse effect on me).

If I am having breakfasts, I vary it quite a bit. Here's some of mine:
Berries & cream
Boiled eggs wrapped in bacon or ham or smoked salmon
Greek yoghurt (full fat), nuts, seeds and berries
A handful of nuts
Fry up (yum!)
Left over cold roast meat
Etc etc :)
Thanks Phoenyx you have been brilliant with all your suggestions .............. I don't think I could fast for a whole day tbh but can def miss breakfast on a couple of days............was actually thinking of doing DD Mon, Wed and Fri and eating HD on the rest of the days that way I can manage scrambled eggs every other day with some cream maybe an idea too :)
Good plan - good luck:)
Thank you very much ladies..............its lovely to have support and encouragement and new ideas thrown into the mix.............I totally believe that each plan is a guide and you have to mix it up a bit to find out what suits you..................I def need to give my body a shake up and this will do it I'm sure. Just gotta get this week over with as I am sure at some point I will eat something I shouldn't using the excuse that I'm on holiday and its allowed!!!! Will be back late on 23rd June, so Sun 24th will be when I start properly.............actually looking forward to it :D:D:D:D
Right, I am back now and need to have a stern word with myself as I have been drifting and have totally gone OTT whilst away.......cream teas, chocolate, pizza, biscuits, all the "wrong" foods.................need to refocus and get back on track..........this all seemed so doable before I went on holiday and now seems more difficult as have to kick the carbs..............been better today and plan on being better tomorrow. Need to go shopping and restock on some of the basics for a low-carber and then get back on track asap :D
Welcome back dawn! I had a wander off the low carb path but back on track today!

Look forward to following your progress :)

thanks Phoenyx..........we all wander off now and again..........hopeflly it won't take too long to get back on track properly and start to feel less sluggish. I know carbs make me feel cr*p but I still eat them...................:sigh:
Don't they just??!!! Wasn't going to jump on the scales til the weekend as I knew I had put on a lot of weight eating all the things I shouldn't......but thought that I needed to be honest with myself so jumped on this morning and I have put on 7lbs..........half a stone :(:(:(:( .....needed to know tho didn't now its head down and get back on track and this time mean it :):)
Morning Super Trooper!
Evening peeps, well day one of being back on track and I am feeling very hungry.............its gonna take a few days to get rid of the carbs and stop feeling hungry..............will go and have another glass of water :)
How about a handful of nuts?? I used them last week to help with my hunger and cravings lol 2 days of snacking on nuts really helped :)
Dawnejoy said:
Evening peeps, well day one of being back on track and I am feeling very hungry.............its gonna take a few days to get rid of the carbs and stop feeling hungry..............will go and have another glass of water :)

Well done on getting back on Dawn
are you starting back on phase one ?
How about a handful of nuts?? I used them last week to help with my hunger and cravings lol 2 days of snacking on nuts really helped :)

Its an idea, but on the Harcombe diet nuts are not allowed until phase 3 - maintenance. i believe that nuts are allowed on atkins, but not sure which ones are deemed the best.

Well done on getting back on Dawn
are you starting back on phase one ?

No, I haven't Kally, tho probably should have done after eating all the rubbish I have done. Would probably give me a bit of a boost too, will get extra veg and salad stuff at the weekend and do phase 1 again starting on Sat - thanks for reminding me :)
[Its an idea, but on the Harcombe diet nuts are not allowed until phase 3 - maintenance. i believe that nuts are allowed on atkins, but not sure which ones are deemed the best.]

I ate cashew nuts as the almonds didn't help with my wicked cravings! I figured it was 2 days and if they helped me survive with out cheating using the "real stuff" then no biggy :)

I'm doing a *******isation of the South beach diet ;) Lol. Have managed a whole week now of sticking to "my" plan. So looking forward to my WI on Friday! Hoping for a decent loss
I think redoing phase one will help Dawn
as you've had a week or so off plan ......
but remember there's no need to be hungry hun
Eat eggs, meat veggies