ive forgot to type in what i had the last couple of days but ive been staying over at a mates so its been awkward lol.. But i have been on the wagon with healthy food choices still.. Fell so much better for eating and being sensible about it..
I even managed a trip to pizza hut with my bezzie.. she had pizza ,garlic bread,salad and wedges..
I had a salad bowl lol... had a high protein meal when i got home.
stir fried chicken marinated in corriander and lime and a little choped chilli.. had lots of chicken breast with beansprouts.. was very nom nom nom..
Ive got loads of WS recipes Miss p.... its getting easier and i havent been near the scale since Monday.. I have no interest in them now im not racing to lose the pounds anymore...very strange side effect lol.
Might leave it as long as poss till i WI again... be a nice suprise that way..
I have a new love affair with the tape measure and green tea now!!! tetleys green tea with lemon is actually really nice ..Not much cop for TS as its prob got citric acid in with the lemon flavouring but for me its ok.. drinking it instead of my normal Tea which i never thought i would ever be able to go with out first thing in the mornings..
I cant believe how much more vigilant i am about what im putting in my mouth... everything in my fridge is fresh white meat and fish and a rainbow of colours of veg/salad and fruit...
I havent had a single potato,slice of bread,spoonful of rice or pasta and im not missing any of it.
That i do know for sure is a side effect of doing TS... My carb craving has gone ...I have to admit i did have a malteeser last night... just the one and yes it was lovely but i didnt feel like i needed to scoff a whole packet as i would have done a while ago.. (family size pack that is pmsl)
Well done to everyone that is TS and staying strong... think there are gonna be lots of smiley faces appearing at ya first WI's xxxx
gonna put in yesterdays food b4 i forget again after this post... so look away ,,look away...look away .. lol xxxx