hoping to have a good day today. think I may be in ketosis today or the starts of it anyway. weighed at a perfect 8st 13lb today, wahey, super please, that means if i continue with my normal average weekly losses of 3lbs i'll be at goal in 2 weeks. we are likely to be invited to the inlaws end of january for dinner, so I planned refeed to start so i would have been off LT by the time that came, however now in my silly little head, ive gone into overdrive and thinking i could do it for the 3 weeks, get to 8st 4 (my most recent target which i changed to 8st 7 to make my target not so daunting), and stick to protein at the meal, do it for another week and than do refeed. Why do I think too much and just be happy at 8st 7. i was a size 8 - 10 then and Id hoped to be a more comfy size 8 being 8st 4. urghh, we are never happy adn now im doing all this silly planning and thinking in my head. I just need to let it be and see what happens. also that weekend i wanted to go down to my parents (they live quite far from me) and spend a weekend there, so ideally It would be best if I refed, had the meal at my inlaws and was able to eat at my aprents. my mum is awesome and always cooks healthy food and if I tell her im watching what i eat she does go out of her way to make sure theres fruit and makes me my rice boiled, chicken etc etc, even though shes not very well herself,so that should be fine. I think I need to stop putting unrealistic expectations, I have a wobbly belly even though I have no kids and when i sitt down i have a roll, I think I should be happy where I get to and that the jelly belly will only go with exercise not weight loss, keep thinking if i lose that bit more ill have a flatter stomuch, im lucky i look good in clothes and people think i have a flat stouch as dress to try and flatetr my figure,
Hopefully if i get to 8st 7 in two weeks I might lose another couple during refeed. I really need to do my refeed properly rather than do what happened last night and go of the rails and than do sensible slimming world and maintain. 8st 4 or 8st 7?!
need to stop thinking so much