Well that was another weekend out of the way and my first ever without a treat night, boy was it hard!!!!
Today we took Ella to her gastro appt and they want to do a few procedures to check her oesophagus isnt narrowing again and they've changed times of some of her meds but all in all a relatively positive appointment
Came home and baked some yummy looking choc cakes with real grated chocolate in them and i didnt even lick the spoon!!!! They must be nice tho coz Ella not only licked the bowl clean but she ate one after it was baked before we'd decorated them lol
Well i'm on day 10 of being 100%, 50 more to go but it means i'm 1/6th through which makes it sound a lot more!!!
Today we took Ella to her gastro appt and they want to do a few procedures to check her oesophagus isnt narrowing again and they've changed times of some of her meds but all in all a relatively positive appointment
Well i'm on day 10 of being 100%, 50 more to go but it means i'm 1/6th through which makes it sound a lot more!!!