My slim dream, 7stone in and 3 to go in time for christmas????

Well its been a lovely 2 days was super tired yesterday hence me not being online, was in bed for half 8 and just finished work tonight so thoguht i would pop in and say hello :) Feeling pretty good so far this week. Problems with Ella's swallowing are still ongoing, she had a big stickiet at nursery at lunch and they had to use coca cola to clear it (sticky is when food gets stuck in oesophagus) but also had a call from surgeons and she's booked in for 1st March to get it stretched open again but if she does get worse they'll do it more urgently.

Well its WI on Sat and i really please please want a nice loss
Well its been a lovely 2 days was super tired yesterday hence me not being online, was in bed for half 8 and just finished work tonight so thoguht i would pop in and say hello :) Feeling pretty good so far this week. Problems with Ella's swallowing are still ongoing, she had a big stickiet at nursery at lunch and they had to use coca cola to clear it (sticky is when food gets stuck in oesophagus) but also had a call from surgeons and she's booked in for 1st March to get it stretched open again but if she does get worse they'll do it more urgently.

Well its WI on Sat and i really please please want a nice loss

Hi Hun nice to see after a couple of days, sorry to hear that Ella has been having a rough time bless her! Great news that she has an appointment to have her stretch! It's really hard when you little ones struggle and have to have surgery! Bless you its a stressful time x

Good luck for your weigh in on Sat x
Thanks ladies well so far no probs today she's eaten like a lil piggy and gone to bed no problems :)

Had a lovely day despite being busy at work in til 4pm tomoz then off on Sat for friends lil girl 1st birthday party :)
Well it is the night before WI and despite being 100% all week i have a horrible sense of foreboding doom that i will have a small loss again this week. Still feeling incredibly bloated tonight so have taken a duclolax in the hope it will work its magic overnight.

Been to work today wear an all size 16 outfit and lots of people commenting on how good i'm looking which is great for morale and people do keep saying its about body size rather than what numbers on the scales say but i think we're so so very accustomed to those numbers its hard to switch that mentality off. I am going to be so devastated if i dont see a 15s no on the scales tomorrow just hope it doesnt send me out of control coz i am seriously starting to question if it is worth paying so much money a week to lose 1lb a week
Well today should have been weigh day but CDC cancelled coz she's got a dodgy tummy :( She's dropping my weeks stuff off with hubby whilst im at work tomoz so i won't officially know if ive gotten into the 15s now til Friday meep :(
What a bummer - especially after being so focused on it! But think of the bright side - with that focus, but Friday you're sure to be in the 15s! How exciting! :)
Hi Nina - well done on getting your focus back - you are such an inspiration! Its a shame your CDC couldn't weigh you, but its not long until Friday! :) Im sorry to hear Ella is still having problems now and then with swallowing - hope that sorts itself out soon, but glad to hear she was eating well the other day. Hows the MIL? I admire you, sounds like you have a busy life what with being a mental health nurse, nights, Ella and the MIL. Dont worry about the slow weight loss - you are doing so well especially as you are on a higher plan. Perhaps it is your body just readjusting from being off plan for a month over Christmas - especially if you are following the same pattern as you did when you first started!! Keep up the good work :)
Well today has been an incredibly busy day at work, none of us slept well think Ella's coming down with something on top of swallowing being a problem grrr. Bigirl swallowing problems are part of a condition she was born with in that her oesophagus wasnt connected to her stomach so its a weak muscle and she occasionally needs surgery to have it re-opened which is what's happening again so we're down in theatre with her on 1st March so whatever bug she's brewing had better be gone by then. I only got in 40mins ago and ive been with Ella the last 30, shes woken with a fever and wet through with sweat so looks like it'll be another long night followed by being in work til 9pm again :(

MIL is ok apparently, she got discharged on Wed i think it was, she's going back 1st week in March for another lung function test and they are once again talking of doing a bypass despite last docs saying she wasnt an eligible candidate, wish they would make up their minds.
Evening lovely dieters hope you are all well this fine monday evening :) feeling great today aside from being tired just feel v motivated to be slim for some reason so can't be bad lol :)

Been in work til 9pm and just gotten home 25mins ago to hubby in bed who seems to have vomiting bug so it'll be a looooooooooong night. We had Ella in with us last night with a fever but she definitely was poorly coz she actually slept all night with us, when shes just doing it coz she wants to be with us she fidgets and wakes up wanting to play but not last night so we'll be alright if Ellas up too i'll be exhausted.

Nothing else exciting happening just a lot of work this week. oo it is Ellas parents evening tomoz night and im seeing SWMS dietician and physio for my next appt, see if they shout at me again for losing weight too fast lol
Evening lovely dieters hope you are all well this fine monday evening :) feeling great today aside from being tired just feel v motivated to be slim for some reason so can't be bad lol :)

Been in work til 9pm and just gotten home 25mins ago to hubby in bed who seems to have vomiting bug so it'll be a looooooooooong night. We had Ella in with us last night with a fever but she definitely was poorly coz she actually slept all night with us, when shes just doing it coz she wants to be with us she fidgets and wakes up wanting to play but not last night so we'll be alright if Ellas up too i'll be exhausted.

Nothing else exciting happening just a lot of work this week. oo it is Ellas parents evening tomoz night and im seeing SWMS dietician and physio for my next appt, see if they shout at me again for losing weight too fast lol

Hi Hun, really pleased you are feeling really good! Sorry to hear about your hubby there seems to be a lot of this around at the moment! Sorry to hear Ella had a fever poor little mite!

Snap on the work front I have so many things on my to do list with deadlines but have three full days of meting ahead! Oh well I can't change that and can nlybdo my best!

Good luck with the dietician hope they do not give you too hard a time!

Hope you have a good day tomorrow and your family are feeling better x
Well another work day over hoorah :) Got a call at 6am tho asking me to go in for 7.30 instead of 9 which was a bit of a pain but meant i finished at half 3 :-D So i now have a few hours to myself and mum n dad have picked Ella up from nursery so i'll be child free til about half 6. Tonight i am planning on doing some baking for work people tomoz as it's valentines day. Thought I would bake everyone a heart chaped biscuit and do a lil decor on them, it'll keeps my hands busy
Baking! Are you using low carb flour (almond, oat, ?). Whatever - it sounds lovely...send one over here!
NO Tizzy all full kcal carb stuff but i wont be eating any. Think i'll end up baking over the weekend now instead, ended up going to bed for a few hrs with stomach cramps and anusea
Well another work day over hoorah :) Got a call at 6am tho asking me to go in for 7.30 instead of 9 which was a bit of a pain but meant i finished at half 3 :-D So i now have a few hours to myself and mum n dad have picked Ella up from nursery so i'll be child free til about half 6. Tonight i am planning on doing some baking for work people tomoz as it's valentines day. Thought I would bake everyone a heart chaped biscuit and do a lil decor on them, it'll keeps my hands busy

Hi, Nina, bet you ave enjoyed your you time! I love baking but have not done any since Christmas but you must have a really strong willpower! What a lovely guesture bless you x

Glad you are doing well Hun take care x x
Thanks Theresa i really dont find baking bothers me, it actually helps with any cravings i do have being able to smell the lovely food i know that sounds a bit weird lol. Also get a nice satisfaction inside when people say how nice they are and are really appreciative of my work.

Well WI was this morning and I know I should be thrilled but after 2 weeks i lost 4lbs, really felt like i should have lost 6 but as ive always said i'm never satisfied with the numbers I see but it shant deter me. Had a chat with CWC about how my weight loss has slowed significantly since Jan even though ive been bang on track but i have noticed a lot of stomach problems with bloating and constipation and actually having pain from bloat too and we've come to the conclusion the ONLY change i've made is having a bar a day. I do remember when i first started I had stomach problems with the bars but have ignored it this time round because the Lemon ones are utterly delicious so we've agreed I will try a few weeks without the bars (EEEK) to see how I get on and ive decided to revert back to having treat night on weigh day because it worked for me before and i should hopefully feel less despondant.

So lets see what the next 8 days bring, to get my 100lbs by birthday I need 6lbs over the next 2 WI which is certainly achievable if my body plays ball. Inches are still moving down infact i'll do a breakdown of before and now:

Waist: before 55inches, Now 40 inches = -15inches that's over 1 foot!!!!
Hips: Before 60.5 inches Now 49inches = -11.5inches almost 1 foot
Chest: Before 55.5inches Now 44inches = -11.5 inches
Arm: Before 17.25inches Now 14 inches = -3.25 inches total off both arms -6.5inches
Thigh: Before 32.5inches Now 26.5 inches = -6inches total off both thighs -12 inches

SO TOTAL INCH LOSS SO FAR = 56.5 inches which is almost 5 whole FEET OF FAT!!!!!!!
And to help keep me on track here's pics of now


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