Gold Member
I don`t know what is wrong with me the last few days. My head feels funny, I have a scarf wrapped around my neck. Head feels too heavy for my neck. I do have a slight neck problem so I suppose it could be that radiating up to my head. I also can `feel` noise in my head, not in my ears. I will try and mention it at the hospital tomorrow, they may have a solution. I will mention of course if it is still there tomorrow.
I feel like going to bed to have a sleep but then I may have a problem tonight and need to lbe at hospital by 9 and if the weather is as it has been I will have to get all the ice ans frost off the car first and will have to stick to the main roads instead of the lanes.
Mu sugars are a little high so could be that. I am going to have to stop eating as much fruit if it carries on. If I have - say - peaches in the evening my sugars are up in the morning. Mullerlights are 7% sugar so they are not good really. Often low fat equals high sugar.
I reckon when I go to look after the kids and I feel like this I put it down to tiredness of school runs etc. Maybe it isn`t. Better sugar checks for me I reckon.
I think I will get my old diabetic book out and look for some clues.
Anoither long post. Sorry if I boring but it does helo just to type it out.![]()
Not boring at all - if it's on our minds I think we shd be able to post it - esp u - it's ur diary after all! Headaches are a nuisance - make us feel strange at times - hope it passes soon and perhaps u shd mention it - just to check. Also ur blood sugars do warrant a check too? Hard when fruit and mullerlights contribute too. Let us know jow u get on at ur appointment- I'll pop in to check on u - hope u feel better in the morning Doreen xx