Gold Member
Wow, it's all happening for you - so excited! What happens next after this appointment then once you have the drugs? Sorry if you don't know and I'm being all crazy, I'm a) all excited for you and b) interested about what happens when so I have an idea for when it's me and husband's turn.
Really glad you're not having to wait - its all stressful enough without long waiting times and you've waited so long already. Waiting just six months is killing me off, I swear and there will be more waiting after the next appointment I'm sure.
Also, kit kat fudge is the best thing ever. Srsly! Think I may have one on thurs after WI if I actually manage to lose some weight this week :/ xxx
Its all a bit confusing to be honest but from what I can tell its like this:
Appointment on Tuesday: discuss treatment plan and drugs needed, maybe collect drugs
wait for normal cycle then start injecting which makes you produce LOADS of eggs
go to clinic to have them removed and fertilised
Then back and have embryo put in
Wait 2 weeks till pregnancy test
I think all of that from 1st appointment (Tuesday) to pregnancy test is 9 weeks which is exciting and very very scary! I will let you know more on Tuesday xx