New Beginnings

Sounds like a plan .... or a 'sort of' plan ;) I think we just have to take one day at a time at the moment. I tell you one thing though - I'm not going to let this happen next year! I hate hate hate the way I'm feeling at the moment! x
JanD said:
Sounds like a plan .... or a 'sort of' plan ;) I think we just have to take one day at a time at the moment. I tell you one thing though - I'm not going to let this happen next year! I hate hate hate the way I'm feeling at the moment! x

Jan, forgive yourself this time round as you really have had a lot to deal with. You know that ordinarily, you are very much on form when it comes to maintaining.
Thanks Molly - strange though because usually when I've got a lot on and/or I'm a bit stressed weight drops off me ... bit of a b*gger it's not happening this time eh! ;) xx
Junk food today again.

B - 2 slices of white bread toasted with lurpak before I left for the course.

L - No lunch provided so I bought a tuna sandwich and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.

Snack when I got home - 5 ginger nuts.

D - Probably be fritatta with peppers, bacon etc, but maybe a chippie dinner as I need to go to Port Talbot this afternoon. Will update later.
Guys don't worry at all, there seems to be a common theme at the moment! My boyfriend is not doing well at all with the maintaining lark and he's had some gains since finishing LT 100%. It's Christmas.... it's inevitable. New year, new start, new eating plan. Xx
mmmmm ginger nuts :drool:
This time of year really isnt maintainence friendly is it! :(
It deffo isn't Tan you're right. This is my 3rd Christmas on maintenance though and it's DEFFO the hardest - my own fault of course - it's because I never lost what I gained on holiday so it's gains on top of gains and that's a very rocky road!!! :(
:sigh: :( x
Short texts, using my phone and it takes too long lol.
Dinner ended up being chinese. I had half a prawn curry and half a fried rice, with a few orawn crackers. The other half will be for kunch tomorrow :D
Guys don't worry at all, there seems to be a common theme at the moment! My boyfriend is not doing well at all with the maintaining lark and he's had some gains since finishing LT 100%. It's Christmas.... it's inevitable. New year, new start, new eating plan. Xx

Sounds lovely ... enjoy your 'kunch' left overs ;) :giggle: xx
Excellent idea - sure thay will ;) xx
Forgot to mention, I got all Phills Xmas pressies today, I am now officially finished for Xmas.........just the dreaded grocery shop now closer to the time.
Kunch! :giggle:
Food today..........:(

B - Bacon sandwich.
L - Leftover curry and rice.
Snacks - brought some doritos, which I am munching now and I had 5 celebrations earlier.
D - Brought Tuna Fritatta to work, but I fancy chippy chips and gravy lol.
Ooooo you can't beat a nice bacon sandwich :)

Good luck resisting the chippy chip urge!! ;)xx
I know a few people who've done really well on it :) x